I really don't care what dish does at this point
They can turn me off, I really don't care. I wanted that in the notes to let them know not to try it again, if so, don't bother calling just turn me off, anyway it does not really matter, because now on my time I am going to turn them off and switch to directtv. I have been a customer for 6 years at $150.00 a month. I should be the kind of customer dish wants, I will upgrade to any new programming, hardware etc. so when they introduce new options I would be the first to call. I will not allow any company to treat me as if I was a criminal. I pay for the service and I am the one in control not them. So if I threw them a red flag so be it. I know I am only one in 12,000,000, but it is my money and my business and I have a right to give it to whomever I want. I will take my $150.00 a month I spend on Dish, $100 a month I spend on high speed internet and cable and give it to someone else. Companies do not have a right to treat good customers as idiots and criminals, and the more I think about it the angrier I get. So they can take their service and do whatever they want to, I could care a rats blank.