OH NO VERIZON! New shared plans announced

Ok, I moved and merged several threads and renamed the thread so people know exactly what it is about.
I think I'll stick with my grandfathered unlimited data for now... Probably until my next upgrade...

read tuesday that verizon will let you keep your unlimited data plan but there is a catch. you will have to pay full price for your subsequent cell phones. if you want a subsidized phone, you lose the plan and have to switch to simply everything.
read tuesday that verizon will let you keep your unlimited data plan but there is a catch. you will have to pay full price for your subsequent cell phones. if you want a subsidized phone, you lose the plan and have to switch to simply everything.

Yep. Someone else mentioned it a while back. Still sucks to lose it if I have to pay that much money for that little data when I am the only one on my account that even has a smartphone.
As long as they allow people to keep their employee discounts the Share Everything plan will actually be cheaper for us for more features.
Neutron said:
As long as they allow people to keep their employee discounts the Share Everything plan will actually be cheaper for us for more features.

Why wouldn't they allow you to keep the employee discounts? I don't see that as being an issue.
Why wouldn't they allow you to keep the employee discounts? I don't see that as being an issue.

I've been reading some mixed answers on this on the Verizon community forum. The big question is how they will determine how the discount is applied. Currently it's applied on the main line and data plan but not on any additional lines.

I did call Verizon yesterday and asked them this and the lady told me they do not have any information on if they will continue employee discounts for the new plans.
People are probably just making up sh*t and employee discounts, or losing them, is one that people have started spreading. Here's a reply via Twitter to someone who asked:
VZW Support ?@VZWSupport | @DontStareSPEAK There will be taxes and surcharges added. You will also continue to receive your employee discount. ^CM
The big question is how they will determine how the discount is applied. Currently it's applied on the main line and data plan but not on any additional lines.
I can see the confusion since they apply it that way. I presume there will appear to be no "main line" with these new plans, but internally at VZW, for billing purposes or account identification, there will most certainly remain a "main line".
People are probably just making up sh*t and employee discounts, or losing them, is one that people have started spreading. Here's a reply via Twitter to someone who asked:

Well good. If that's the case then the Share Everything plan will actually save us about $10 a month or so while upping our minutes (which we hardly use) from 1400 to unlimited but the perk I'm looking forward to will be the mobile hotspot for no additional charge. This will allow us to take our iPad out with us more and not have to think about if where we are going has wifi.
Verizon Share Everything Data Plans: Applying Corporate Discounts, Tablets No Longer Subsidized or Discounted – Droid Life

read the screen straight from verizon...also notice the B2B part, it seems like they are doing away with discounts for B2B customers (corporations and such) and only doing discounts for SMB (small businesses) am I reading that right? seems like I am losing a discount if I go with the share everything plan.

i get a 15 percent discount off my cell phone plan because i am a veteran. haven't read yet if that goes away on the 28th!
well under the new plans ..phone calls and text mesages are considered "data" and not billed seperatley..that explains the high price for 1 gig...
i emailed verizon

interesting response

here is the first part of it

My name is <> and I definitely understand the sticker shock of our new Share Everything Plan. I was a bit taken aback as well. Change is never easy. I would be happy to assist you with reviewing the plan.
Ever consider the smart phone offers CDMA voice communications, Long distance service, and texting, and data. The tablet is just the data. 4 service feature device vs.one service feature device. Kind of simplistic but maybe it is just that simple. When I first saw the rates, I thought, Now that is a logical, simple price structure.

My point (which I did not do a good job of typing) was that currently it is $10 to add a phone to a family plan, and used to be $10+$30 for data or $40. Now you add $40 for the phone and you do not get any data. Even if you do not count the unlimited data, that $30 used to get you an extra 2GB of data. And the overage was $10/GB. Now you have to pay $40 + $20 more on the base plan to add a phone and 2 GB more of data, and your overage is $15/GB.

The voice business is going away. I personally have dropped down to the minimum plan because I do not use minutes with free night and weekends, but mainly because of free mobile to mobile. I barely call land lines any more, everyone I know has a cell and most have eliminated their home phones. This is the main reason they are doing this plan. They know that the voice and text businesses are going away. Last month I had about 800 minutes of talk time, but my used minutes was 32. Even with the minimum plan I still have huge rollover.

This is nothing more than a back end rate increase. A major one at that. They are simply "selling you" a cheaper unlimited plan when they know no one is using their existing minutes. If perhaps you are the one person that is on their phone all day calling land lines this plan may be a steal. For most people it will end up raising the rate.

Yes for now you can keep your old plan... But, how much time will go by before they say an upgrade of a handset means getting one of these plans that "save you money calling landlines all day"?
My point (which I did not do a good job of typing) was that currently it is $10 to add a phone to a family plan, and used to be $10+$30 for data or $40. Now you add $40 for the phone and you do not get any data. Even if you do not count the unlimited data, that $30 used to get you an extra 2GB of data. And the overage was $10/GB. Now you have to pay $40 + $20 more on the base plan to add a phone and 2 GB more of data.

The voice business is going away. I personally have dropped down to the minimum plan because I do not use minutes with free night and weekends, but mainly because of free mobile to mobile. I barely call land lines any more, everyone I know has a cell and most have eliminated their home phones. This is the main reason they are doing this plan. They know that the voice and text businesses are going away. Last month I had about 800 minutes of talk time, but my used minutes was 32. Even with the minimum plan I still have huge rollover.

This is nothing more than a back and rate increase. A major one at that. They are simply "selling you" a cheaper unlimited plan when they know no one is using their existing minutes. If perhaps you are the one person that is on their phone all day calling land lines this plan may be a steal. For most people it will end up raising the rate.

Yes for now you can keep your old plan... But, how much time will go by before they say an upgrade of a handset means getting one of these plans that "save you money calling landlines all day"?

you forget though that the initial line used to be much higher then the $40 now
2 lines for $80 is less then the old price even with 1 @ $10
currently the smallest famliy plan is $70 for the first line

but yeah, the data is way over priced
you forget though that the initial line used to be much higher then the $40 now
2 lines for $80 is less then the old price even with 1 @ $10
currently the smallest famliy plan is $70 for the first line

but yeah, the data is way over priced
its not just data data..Its Voip data too
Now you add $40 for the phone and you do not get any data.

Any Smart phone added to the Share Everything Plan gets a share of the data, text, and voice minutes. That's the whole idea. Only a simple phone that does only voice ( do they exist anymore?)would be added and not get data because those are physically incapable of using it.

As I see it, there are cases where single device owners using low data rates will get hosed on this plan if they make those people pay the full price to buy a phone. But you always have the option of buying your phone from somewhere else. There are plenty of options.

Finally, if you don't approve you can always go to AT&T, Sprint, or many other smaller carriers.
Data overage is $15 per 1 GB. Need more than 10 GB of data? Add 2 GB for $10 by logging in to My Verizon at verizonwireless.com

Do I read this correctly that if I have the 10Gb plan and see I will need more in a month if I get charged an overage it will be $15 a Gig. But if I log into my account and add to my 10Gb that month before going over I get charged $10 for another 2 Gb. (total 12 Gb.) Seems like a good option.

I agree that data is over priced on all carriers. Comcast now says I will get flagged at 750Gb which I pay $99 for, plus it averages twice the speed of LTE. Some day when all these upgrades are paid for we will see rates go down. Its like everything else, more, faster, cheaper. Compare what we have today per $ with 10 years ago.
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Maybe I am not alone in thinking that the changes are just a way to charge more: Verizon Wireless' botched Shared Everything launch could sink carrier

Verizon Wireless botched the launch of its Share Everything voice, texting and data plans by making too many drastic and costly changes at once, analysts said Wednesday.

"Big steps like [Share Everything], particularly when they come with sharp [price] increases, tend to scare the hell out of existing customers, and Verizon might actually lose a bunch as a result," said Rob Enderle, an analyst at Enderle Group.

I do not use VZ, so they do not directly affect me. But, other carriers tend to copy each other... I could see AT&T "enhancing" the plan even more and making it more expensive...

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