I should be happy about Star Wars
but just like blue milk, I feel blue.
'Cause what if it's a mess? I can't help but obsess
about all of the horrible crap they could do!
They could give light sabers to Ewoks,
let Boba Fett have a talking dog friend. (Voiced by Eddie Murphy, Heh, heh, heh)
Product placement would be sad.
Plot twist: Luke is his own dad (I'll never join me!)
And everyone high fives in the end! (Yay!) - [Dont' do drugs]
They could shave all the Wookies
and dress them up in business suits.
Ackbar says. "It's a RAP!" and then he starts to rap.
Then Han says a catch phrase when he shoots! ("Oh, Did I do that?")
Oh, I've been burned so many times before:
Green Lantern, Prometheus, 2 girls 1 cup.
but Star Wars is the one I most adore!
Please, J.J., don't F--- this up!
I don't know what's real any more.
Star Wars has become my sad fixation.
Mom wanted me to be a surgeon.
I'm twenty-six and still a ---- comic collector.
But never mind. These movies could be awesome!
A million force ghosts going on a killing spree!
Giant space worms everywhere.
Chewie grew back all his hair.
I'll camp out for a whole year just to see:
Star Wars Episode Seven shot in I-Max and 3D
starring me as Luke Skywalker's favorite son
who gets the best stuff like light sabers made of gold!
and finally has sex!
"Robot Chicken" July 20, 2014.