Official - I have a Hopper 3 Thread!

Over all my install went great Saturday morning. I have had the Hopper 3 reboot once on its own when I was in Vod. I did have HDMI handshake issues with my Monoprice Redmere 18gbps HDMI 2.0 cable before the first software update. We had to use the cable it came with for the first little bit. Then since then 2 times audio has dropped. The adjusting screen manually was strange, normally digital does not have that issue.

Over all a great switch from Directv. Hardware is perfect. Also yes Directv has better HD picture quality, sorry Dish you need to bump that up.
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We want to hear how about your ordering experience!

Well my ordering experience was quite good I called the number given on the forums which connected directly with the department that handles upgrades. I waited on the phone for 9 minutes and someone came on the line. I asked to upgrade to the Hopper 3 and 4k Joey. I was told I qualified for a free upgrade and install and they told me it would be 50.00 for the 4k Joey, so I asked if they could wave the 50.00 fee for the 4k joey they put me on hold and then came back and said they could wave the fee and they told me they were going to give me 50% off my international package for 6 months. They scheduled me for Sunday afternoon.

We want to hear about your install how did it go?

Well my install went smooth till the end. After he was all done he came in to setup the hopper 3 and everything worked but the International channels it said there was no connection and he could not figure out why it was saying that so he had to go outside and check the wires and had to call his supervisor who did not know how to fix it either. He had to call another coworker who gave him a idea to get a OLD dual LNB and to use that and it worked. It seems Dish did not tell them how to set up the hopper 3 with International as he told me they did cover it in their training but were told that they will never encounter it and not to worry about it. Also I was luck to even get the OLD dual LNB as it was the last one they had in their warhorse and it was used as they don't make them new anymore. It took 4 and a half hours for the total install from start to finish.

We want to hear what the Techs did and upgraded at your house!

Well my installer was delayed by a hour but I did get updates that he would be delayed. It was his first Hopper 3 install and first Hopper 3 install with international He came with the Hopper 3 and 2 4k Joeys and started to open the Hopper 3 and then went outside to replace the LNB. First he added the wing dish and added the new LNB for all of our channels but international channels. For the international channels he took the old dish and ran a wire to the old LNB and also replaced the solo node and added the hybrid solo hub. He also setup the 4k Joeys. He ended up having to install a OLD dual LNB to make the international channels to work.

We want to hear your thoughts on the Hopper 3!

Well I like the Hopper 3 so far its nice and fast. I have not had any major issues so far.

We want to hear what you would change about the Hopper 3?

I would like dish to remove the start up page as I would rather it go straight to the channels.
Where is the home screens where it shows what you watch and also shows or recorded shows and shows that say your kid watches ? It was shown at CES? Is that part not out yet on the hopper 3?
The coax was good, rg6, but he had to change the whole dish.

I would check the cable to make sure it's rated 3ghz. there should be writing on the cable stated that it is. check cable going to receiver from wall plate, good time to check the wall plate and make sure it's blue barrel, also check the cable coming off hub.
I don't believe that my Hopper 3 did a nightly update last night. It was on this morning instead of a screensaver, and my OTA locals still show "no information available " on the guide.
My ordering experience went great thanks to Dirt team. I was number 29 on the list and received a pm Saturday morning and after a few PM's back and forth had the free upgrade setup for Sunday afternoon.
The install went good, just a lot of waiting around for software downloads.
The tech replaced the lnb and changed out my duo node to the newer hub. The only problem we had was the tech hooked up the wrong wire from the lnb so when we powered on the hopper is just sat on check switch screen and would not proceed. The installer was ready to start replacing cables, so I suggested he change which cable he had hooked up to the hub because you have to be on the first port of the lnb. Installer said that was false and it didn't matter so I refused to let him change and cables until he tried, he finally gave in and swapped them. The check switch then completed and everything else went flawless.
I am in love with the Hopper 3, finally a truly whole home system all joeys can see all recordings at the same time.
The only thing I would change is the banner at the bottom of the guide. It is annoying and I do not need it.
Also my installer mentioned that I was the first install out of his office in the Charlotte area and it was also his first hopper 3 install.
So happy Hopper 3 user!
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Why not run hdmi from H3 to receiver, then hdmi to TV, should pass DD without the need of optical. At least that is how I have mine set up (well an HWS) and I have DD.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk 2
My receiver has HDMI but won't pass 4K.
We want to hear how about your ordering experience!
Was on the list (page six I think) for having DIRT contact me. I checked in the morning on Saturday to see how much progress DIRT was making going through the list and again at noon (PST). I estimated that if I waited, it would be later that evening (Saturday) or probably the next day to be reached at my queue point. Understanding that it would be a while, I elected to use the chat feature at the Dish website to schedule an install.

Chat CSR said computers were running slow and by all appearances they were, but in about 15 minutes, all details hammered out and an install was scheduled. I had reached chat CSR at around 3 pm on Saturday, install was to be between noon and five pm on Sunday.

I was initially told I would pay a $95 tech visit fee, but I pressed for a free install due as I have been a Dish customer for 20-ish years, pay by autopay, customer in good standing. The CSR took about 2-3 minutes, but got approval to install for free (H3, 3 Joey 2.0)

We want to hear about your install how did it go?
Got an email around 10:15 am saying installer would be out between 11:45 and 1 pm. Got another email at about 12:20 changing the estimated arrival time to between 2:15 and 3:30. Then got a phone call at about 12:40 saying installer would be out in 30 -40 minutes and he arrived about 30 minutes after that.

Install went good, installer asked about locations, did a quick look-see in the house and told me he would change the LNB, then run a new cable (room I wanted 4k in did not have a cable), then install H3, then joeys. I requested he run the cable in the crawl space, said he would if he could, otherwise it would go through exterior wall. He did run it through crawl space, so I was grateful for that.

We want to hear what the Techs did and upgraded at your house!
Installer changed LNB, ran cable to a new location and set up all boxes and programmed tvs and soundbars (like others, the H3 seemed to stall at the 180 of 192 check, but after 2 tries, finished). In one of the rooms with a joey, I also had my cable internet going to that location, so he set up a splitter that would carry both signals that was then separated with another splitter in the room. I went from two H1s and 2 joeys to an H3 with 3 joeys.

We want to hear your thoughts on the Hopper 3!
It is definitely faster than the H1, the new UI is good, will take some getting used to, but I can see it getting comfortable pretty quickly. After changing from the 52 remote to the 40 remote, the color button options showed up on screen. It appeared to me the picture quality and color was better than what I got from the H1, I'm curious if anyone else thought so too.

I started to use EHD to transfer content back and the USB 3.0 is faster than my H1 transfer speed, it was approximately 50% faster, so while an improvement, not as fast as I would have thought. I did use a powered EHD that is USB 3.0.

We want to hear what you would change about the Hopper 3?
Like others have said, presently, I prefer to have programming upon start and not the menu screen, perhaps Dish will allow for a setting to change that.

I asked about pairing the 40 remote and installer said it would not work. I initially used the 52 remote and the first thing I missed having was the color buttons, the second was the little ridges on buttons that help find your place on the remote without looking at it. After using the tv for about an hour, I started to consider all the timers that would need to be created. Although the installer had said it would work, I wanted to check to see if the 40 remote would pair as I would much prefer restoring timers than recreating them. The tech did let me keep old remotes.

I pressed sys info on front of box, Sat on remote and it paired. I went through settings menu to remote and then selected the restore option. It took 3 times to get it to restore (first time H3 put up an error code that said could not restore), second time, it acted like it restored (to include an H3 reboot), but did not restore. Third time it restored/rebooted and had my previous timers/settings transferred.

Because the remote was paired to a tv from a different room, when it restored, it changed the setting on the remote to the old tv. When I worked through the settings to change it to the new tv and soundbar, on both changes, after I had hit the finish button, it put up a message (I don't have the exact words) saying the changes were being made and to wait. After a minute, I just hit cancel (the message didn't leave) and for both times it happened for both devices. It did update the remote, just didn't clear the message without hitting cancel.

With all that, so far it looks like this was a great upgrade and while I expect a couple snags/bugs, none of the bugs I've seen so far would be considered showstoppers for me and I'm glad to have made the change.
When I called dish the crs was very excited about doing his first H3 order. The system would only let the H3 be installed with the wireless joeys. So he put me on hold. When he came back, he said they changed it to H3 with 3 4K Joeys at no charge. He said I would need a new LNB at no charge. We set it up for Sunday at 8am. We he went to hit enter, there was another problem and more hold time. After about 30 minutes we were good to go.

Sunday at 730am the installer called and said the order did not look right. The order was for
Remove h2000, H w/sling and 2 Joey 1.0
Add H / sling and 3 4K joeys
Told him I wanted a H 3 system, he said don't worry about it he has 10 on the truck w/ the new LNBs. He said we would call dish and fix it at the house.

We called dish, they said he could not install the H3 due to the fact we had a EA dish. The installer told them it was a WA dish. The system would only let me get the H3 if I removed the locals channels, so I did.

The install took about 2 hours.
30 mins on the phone with dish. About 30 minutes to swap the boxes, LNBs and switches. 45 minutes for software updates and another 15 minutes trying to get the locals add back to my account. They finally added the local channels.

Now I have the H3 and 3 4K Joeys and it works great.
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Copying my post from the other thread here with some additional comments:

So I called into Dish to try and setup my Hopper 3 install. To my surprise, I was told that there was an appointment available this afternoon! Of course, I accepted.

Installer called and said he would be able to come early at 11am. I can't say enough good things about this installer as he was great! He said it was his very first Hopper 3 install and I was the only one in the area with it that he knew of. He did a great job putting up a new dish and using the old dish for the 118 satellite for internationals. Pretty quick and painless.

As far as the Hopper 3. It's great! Very fast and responsive compared to our old 722 and 612s. Love the 16 tuners and the ability to organize recordings into folders. I know that may not be new to old hopper users but this is my first experience with one. Will probably take a while for everyone in the house to get used to it but I'm sure they will love it. Didn't get the touchscreen remote but to be honest I think I like the remote with hard buttons better anyway. The installer said he would swap it out for me when they came out if I just called him. He seemed pretty pumped to install the Hopper 3 for the first time.

Anyway, off to learn and enjoy my Hopper 3!

Additional Thoughts: Found out that the On-Screen directions for what button to press to get more options or info changes depending on what remote you use. For example, if I use the included 52.0(? non voice) remote the top right of the screen will say "Press Options for additional options" whereas if I use my Harmony remote which is still programmed as a 722 is connected to it then it will say "Press *Red* for additional options." While this may be an old feature or something silly, I found it to be pretty neat and a great attention to detail item by Dish.

I found the same thing. depending on what remote is used, screen prompts change. Pretty cool.
My ordering experience went great thanks to Dirt team. I was number 29 on the list and received a pm Saturday morning and after a few PM's back and forth had the free upgrade setup for Sunday afternoon.
The install went good, just a lot of waiting around for software downloads.
The tech replaced the lnb and changed out my duo node to the newer hub. The only problem we had was the tech hooked up the wrong wire from the lnb so when we powered on the hopper is just sat on check switch screen and would not proceed. The installer was ready to start replacing cables, so I suggested he change which cable he had hooked up to the hub because you have to be on the first port of the lnb. Installer said that was false and it didn't matter so I refused to let him change and cables until he tried, he finally gave in and swapped them. The check switch then completed and everything else went flawless.
I am in love with the Hopper 3, finally a truly whole home system all joeys can see all recordings at the same time.
The only thing I would change is the banner at the bottom of the guide. It is annoying and I do not need it.
Also my installer mentioned that I was the first install out of his office in the Charlotte area and it was also his first hopper 3 install.
So happy Hopper 3 user!
How many installers made this same mistake? Posting here (thanks again folks) saved us from trying a second Hopper during instalation. Interesting how little training techs get for an all new product.

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
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How many installers made this same mistake? Posting here (thanks again folks) saved us from trying a second Hopper during instalation. Interesting how little training techs get for an all new product.
They do get training, how well they listen or pay attention to this training is a different story. :)
How many installers made this same mistake? Posting here (thanks again folks) saved us from trying a second Hopper during instalation. Interesting how little training techs get for an all new product.

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk

It would be nice if they would take it upon themselves to do some research too. You would think if the new product is coming out you would be excited to learn about it and know everything you can before it's released. The wiring diagrams were available on the Dish Portal. It has been known for a while now that the H3 needs to be connected to the first port on the LNB.
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We want to hear how about your ordering experience!

Well my ordering experience was quite good I called the number given on the forums which connected directly with the department that handles upgrades. I waited on the phone for 9 minutes and someone came on the line. I asked to upgrade to the Hopper 3 and 4k Joey. I was told I qualified for a free upgrade and install and they told me it would be 50.00 for the 4k Joey, so I asked if they could wave the 50.00 fee for the 4k joey they put me on hold and then came back and said they could wave the fee and they told me they were going to give me 50% off my international package for 6 months. They scheduled me for Sunday afternoon.

We want to hear about your install how did it go?

Well my install went smooth till the end. After he was all done he came in to setup the hopper 3 and everything worked but the International channels it said there was no connection and he could not figure out why it was saying that so he had to go outside and check the wires and had to call his supervisor who did not know how to fix it either. He had to call another coworker who gave him a idea to get a OLD dual LNB and to use that and it worked. It seems Dish did not tell them how to set up the hopper 3 with International as he told me they did cover it in their training but were told that they will never encounter it and not to worry about it. Also I was luck to even get the OLD dual LNB as it was the last one they had in their warhorse and it was used as they don't make them new anymore. It took 4 and a half hours for the total install from start to finish.

We want to hear what the Techs did and upgraded at your house!

Well my installer was delayed by a hour but I did get updates that he would be delayed. It was his first Hopper 3 install and first Hopper 3 install with international He came with the Hopper 3 and 2 4k Joeys and started to open the Hopper 3 and then went outside to replace the LNB. First he added the wing dish and added the new LNB for all of our channels but international channels. For the international channels he took the old dish and ran a wire to the old LNB and also replaced the solo node and added the hybrid solo hub. He also setup the 4k Joeys. He ended up having to install a OLD dual LNB to make the international channels to work.

We want to hear your thoughts on the Hopper 3!

Well I like the Hopper 3 so far its nice and fast. I have not had any major issues so far.

We want to hear what you would change about the Hopper 3?

I would like dish to remove the start up page as I would rather it go straight to the channels.

My H3 was installed 1/31/2016 about 11:00 AM PST. Before the install, I backed up all my settings to the remote. The install went very smooth. It was the installers first H3 but he didn't have any issues. He also had to replace my Super Joey with a Joey 2. and of course the new LNB and related hardware. I was surprised when the installer started packing up my old WS, I asked him not to pack the remote, so I could restore all my settings. He had no idea what I was talking about, but did oblige me.

After everything was setup and working, I restored all my settings with out any issues. After the restore I checked my timers and nothing was there. About 15 mins. later everything showed up. I love the H3. It's fast, most things are working. EHD transfers are much faster.

All things considered this install was mcuh quicker than my original Hopper. I'm very happy.
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