OFFICIAL External Storage Information

hey, tried searching for the answer on this for the past hour...

i've successfuly moved all the recordings i cared to move from one of my 622s to my Seagate. now i want to move some from my other 622, onto the same HD.

am i able to do this? i recall reading on here somewhere that i can do this 3 times (for now, until E* enables the ability to move HDs among any VIPs on an account)?

i pretty much plan to move stuff off the other 622 only once, and put the HD back on the first 622.

Does that count as 3 times? is it a bad idea to have used up my 3 times so quickly if this does count as 3 times? guess i could be SOL if my first 622 dies before E* enables the whole account feature?

am i even going to be able to do this?
Lesson to other readers:

If you have a 622 that you only want to use once on an Ext Drive, connect the Ext Drive to that one first.

That will save you one "move".

Caution: technical content follows.
I wanted to avoid posting this here instead of the thread for the technical investigation, but, it seems appropriate; I will try not to be too tech on this.

If you've got an *nix based O/S computer, I'm wondering if this can be avoided by (in order):
  1. On first 622, hook up "new" drive and let it format it.
  2. Remove from 622, attach to computer and create an image backup of the first partition (the smaller of the two partition created on the drive, about 1GB in size - the second is for content).
  3. Remove from computer and hook up drive to second 622 and do what you need to do.
  4. Remove from second 622 and hook up drive to first 622 (3rd time now). From what we know currently, now that drive would be "locked" to the first 622.
  5. Remove from first 622 and attach drive back to the computer and restore the image backup from step 2.
What would happen? I don't have a second 622, nor have access to one, so, I can't test this myself (I wouldn't mind if I did, storage is dirt cheap and I've got a few HDD's laying around; just need to pick up an enclosure).

Has anyone tried this?

Again, I apologize for this post, but, it does seem to be the best thread for this as of this moment.
Don't know if this bug has been reported, but last night I recorded my local news on ABC, one from the OTA feed and one from the Dish feed. I wanted to see the size of the file. Tried sending them both to external. The one transferred but the other did not. However if I tried to play it from the main drive it said it was transferring, this went on for an hour. So finally I deleted the one that was on the external and then it allowed me to transfer the second. However I could't put them both on the external. Even though different channels I assume it has something to do with the same program guide information.

By the way, the OTA 35 minute file is 4800 and the Dish feed of the same channel same time was 2395. 50% Smaller then the OTA.

I hooked up my WD 80GB Passport to my 622 last night (after moving the existing files off it). The 622 recognized it and gave me the "format" prompt. A few minutes after initiating the format, the 622 returned a "Format Failed" error. I'm guessing it's because WD uses software to emulate firmware, but am interested in any ideas you all might have.

I successfully changed the the file system from FAT32 to NTFS when I first got the drive by backing up WD's system software and restoring it after the format.

The next thing I'm going to try is to format it to ext3 and see if it works, but I have serious doubts.

Oh, and don't laugh at my "little" drive, I'm just trying to get a feel for what this USB access thing is all about. :)
Oh, and don't laugh at my "little" drive, I'm just trying to get a feel for what this USB access thing is all about. :)
Wouldn't dream of laughing! :)

I have successfully set up a Toshiba 60GB laptop drive in an external enclosure. I couldn't get it to work until using external power. It is working now, but has occasionally locked up on large file transfers (2+ Hrs). I am now moving my programming over in smaller bits and it seems to be going smoother. If this last transfer goes well (30min remaining) I will start testing playback. At 5400 rpm, there is some doubt about playback performance.

And as I was typing, I got the lockup again.:mad: Transfers of a couple minutes are fine; 37 minutes is not. Wonder what the max is for this drive...

Either way it is academic as my 500GB drive is on the truck for delivery today! WooHoo!


EDIT: FWIW, the problem seems to be in the 622 - at least partially. When I get the error, the activity light on my drive is solid red. Resetting the drive does not clear the error, though. I have to reset the 622 in order to detect the drive again. So, it's possible the drive is causing the problem (overheating, overflow, etc), but the 622 does not recover gracefully.
I have successfully set up a Toshiba 60GB laptop drive in an external enclosure. I couldn't get it to work until using external power. It is working now, but has occasionally locked up on large file transfers (2+ Hrs). I am now moving my programming over in smaller bits and it seems to be going smoother. If this last transfer goes well (30min remaining) I will start testing playback. At 5400 rpm, there is some doubt about playback performance.

And as I was typing, I got the lockup again.:mad: Transfers of a couple minutes are fine; 37 minutes is not. Wonder what the max is for this drive...

EDIT: FWIW, the problem seems to be in the 622 - at least partially. When I get the error, the activity light on my drive is solid red. Resetting the drive does not clear the error, though. I have to reset the 622 in order to detect the drive again. So, it's possible the drive is causing the problem (overheating, overflow, etc), but the 622 does not recover gracefully.

You're most likely having problems with the USB itself. I have a WD500 in a cheap enclosure that was having lockup problems (and yes your right, the 622 doesn't recover gracefully). I've moved it to a different one and so far, so good.

A different USB cable might help. I also agree that power could be an issue. I've seen HDD's that would not spin up in cheap enclosures with 12v, 1.5A power supplies (it's better of have 2A or 1.5A @ 12v + 1.5A @ 5v). I've seen many occurances were a 2.5" external would not work off USB power.
Caution: technical content follows.
I wanted to avoid posting this here instead of the thread for the technical investigation, but, it seems appropriate; I will try not to be too tech on this.

If you've got an *nix based O/S computer, I'm wondering if this can be avoided by (in order):
  1. On first 622, hook up "new" drive and let it format it.
  2. Remove from 622, attach to computer and create an image backup of the first partition (the smaller of the two partition created on the drive, about 1GB in size - the second is for content).
  3. Remove from computer and hook up drive to second 622 and do what you need to do.
  4. Remove from second 622 and hook up drive to first 622 (3rd time now). From what we know currently, now that drive would be "locked" to the first 622.
  5. Remove from first 622 and attach drive back to the computer and restore the image backup from step 2.
What would happen? I don't have a second 622, nor have access to one, so, I can't test this myself (I wouldn't mind if I did, storage is dirt cheap and I've got a few HDD's laying around; just need to pick up an enclosure).

Has anyone tried this?

Again, I apologize for this post, but, it does seem to be the best thread for this as of this moment.

Will this work if the geometry isn't block for block identical.

When you say image; I'm thinking dd here.

You're most likely having problems with the USB itself. I have a WD500 in a cheap enclosure that was having lockup problems (and yes your right, the 622 doesn't recover gracefully). I've moved it to a different one and so far, so good.

A different USB cable might help. I also agree that power could be an issue. I've seen HDD's that would not spin up in cheap enclosures with 12v, 1.5A power supplies (it's better of have 2A or 1.5A @ 12v + 1.5A @ 5v). I've seen many occurances were a 2.5" external would not work off USB power.
Interesting points. The enclosure I have (MassCool) seems about middle of the road on quality. It also uses one of those Y cables for power and data. For experimentation I am using an extension cable to supply additional voltage off the front USB port and data off the rear USB port with the supplied Y cable. No doubt, a true external voltage source would be better.

Are there any quality enclosures you would recommend that use a true external power source? My preference is for a mini-B connector since I have an abundance of those cables, but that is a minor point!
So when are they going to enable this feature for my expensive DVR 942?
Sorry, but I doubt they ever will. It seems that the 942 was doomed by the arrival of newer technologies like MPEG4. Eventually the same will be true for the current crop of ViP receivers. However, we are early enough in the innovation cycle to get some life out of these units.
Since the 942 cannot decode MPEG-4, and VOOM HD has moved to MPEG-4, and all HD is expected to move to MPEG-4 soon, I can see why they wouldn't waste programming effort on a receiver with such a short expected life. Even SD will probably move to MPEG-4 over the next 2 or 3 years. Most of it, anyway.

Sorry, but your expensive 942 is expensive no more. Might want to upgrade or eBay it.
Yea, I'm not thrilled with the y cable thing for power. It's possible that internally both usb ports are connected to the same power supply. So a y gets you nothing (or little) extra.

Are there any quality enclosures you would recommend that use a true external power source? My preference is for a mini-B connector since I have an abundance of those cables, but that is a minor point!

You're talking about a 2.5" enclosure?

Most do not come with a separate power supply. But some support one.

Ultra 2.5" Aluminum USB 2.0 External Hard Drive Enclosure with Black or Blue Cover ULT31738 at

They run off 5v and you can use something like the brick for a USB hub (watch the polarity).

A powered USB hub is another possibility. I briefly tried connecting my 622 and HDD through a hub and it seems to work (but I didn't test it extensively). I think I would try this first (it's easier).

1 to 1.5 amps should be plenty for a 2.5" drive.
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99 % chances it will not, different max LBA will force 622/722 reformat it.

Yes, I mean "dd" or "partimage" or similiar imaging tool. If it's the same drive the LBA will be the same, which, is exactly what I originally meant. As for a different drive... it would be interesting (and rather arcane) if the receiver actually used the max LBA as a criteria for reformatting.

Wild/Avs - Ch. 546 - Great PQ

new hd channels listed in guide!!!! (FALSE ALARM)

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