So yesterday I learned about Dish turning on the external storage feature only here at
Satellite guys went to Dishes site maybe expecting something like a web page tutorial
Listing compatible drives? Some kind of guide but found nothing not even a mention....
Considering this a company with the latest
Software included an annoying notice to push guide for next favorite list that removes the clock? (I find that really annoying) when I asked they claim they get to many support calls that customers cannot find the lists they make? So if they consider there customers so stupid why wouldn't they have some type of tutorial up for at least two of the most popular drives????
I did the next best thing looked in this group and seen people reporting no problems
with the Seagate HD's so I bought a Seagate Freeagent Pro 500GB model
To hope someone can learn from my mistakes
First install external HD to a PC so you can edit HD controls!
Here lists my problems
didn't hook it up to my pc first
Seagate pre installs it's utility programs to the HD and gives no other back up so when I hooked the drive to my 622 and activated and it formatted my drive say good bye to the freeagent tools
once the above happened I noticed the bright amber light thrown by this drive and knew this would never work and needed the utility tool to turn off light and change the sleep mode from default of 15 minutes to a greater time
after spending forever on Seagate's website trying to find the download link for the software I ended up calling support which took nearly an hour ( 40 minutes talking to a overseas tech would just couldn't grasp what I needed after being transferred to an English speaking tech it only took a few minutes
to spare any of you that did the same as I did here is the link to download install programs