OFFICIAL External Storage Information

Be very careful with that. They said on Tech Chat that it can ONLY be switched to a different receiver THREE times. After the third time, it locks to whatever receiver it is on.

Well that sucks! So even if you have two 622's on your account you're stuck to using it on one after 2 switches? One of the main reasons for using this for me was to enable me to watch stuff in the bedroom that I recorded in the living room and vice versa. WTF!
Can anyone confirm that the USB drive is not accessible from TV2? And if not, any info on if it eventually will be?
The Multimedia menu has always been ghosted on TV2, so i never expected it to work. So, yes, I can verify that moving content to the external drive will render it unaccessible to TV2 unless you transfer it back to the internal HDD.

About that: I had recorded the Tech Chat (what better event to practice with?) and it was not protected when I did it. I moved it off to my LaCie 500 GB drive (took a couple of minutes; the 622 said it would take 3 minutes, but then it jumped to 30sec left after a minute or so) and I played around with it, skipping forward and doing slow-motion, etc.; all the trick play stuff works, just seems a little slower than using internal HDD. I transferred the Tech Chat back to the internal drive and it showed up as Protected! Anybody else seen this?

So, Dish, I send you a big Thank You! from the Foxbat household. :up:up:up
I recorded a few short clips just to play around with the options. Transfer both ways and play back from USB works without problems. One issue I found is with Protected recordings. When you transfer a Protected program to USB you no longer see the protected logo when it's on the USB. And it is no longer protected as you can delete it without the code. But if you transfer it back to the 622 the protected symbol comes back and it is sill Protected.
I would think that it does not need to be protected since the 622 can,t record to the ext drive directly yet , and if the ext drive get's close to being filled it won't let you overwrite, sort of like when you try to transfer too much to your pocket dish. "just a guess"
Be very careful with that. They said on Tech Chat that it can ONLY be switched to a different receiver THREE times. After the third time, it locks to whatever receiver it is on.
That's why I only dumped Oprah and some other unwanted shows out to archive.:) Offhand, I hope this is corrected in a future release because I would love to have one HDD full of the kids HD recordings (Cars, Monster House, Chicken Little, Corpse Bride, Toy Store, The Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.) that I can tote around to multiple 622s.
Has anyone tried connecting their drive to a 2nd 622 yet?

I copied one show over to drive, then moved it to the second 622 I have. The second 622 complained that it wasn't the receiver matched to the drive, and asked if I wanted it to take over the management of the drive. (It also warned that only one receiver can manage a drive.) After telling it to manage the drive, it was able to see the one show, and I was able to copy other shows onto the drive.

I didn't know about the 3 connections limit though, so if I move it back, it will probably be stuck.

I haven't tried copying the receiver 1 show to receiver 2. If that works, I could probably off-load all of the shows, format the drive fat32/ntfs, then let one of the receivers reformat the drive to get my 3 connection count back. This would at least be a good trick for moving shows between receivers, as long as the format back to fat32/ntfs is done periodically to clear the managing receiver count on the drive.
I would think that it does not need to be protected since the 622 can,t record to the ext drive directly yet , and if the ext drive get's close to being filled it won't let you overwrite, sort of like when you try to transfer too much to your pocket dish. "just a guess"

My issue is recordings accidentally getting deleted by the wife or kids (or me if I fat finger a couple commands). If they are watching off the external drive I no longer have that extra level of security.
I haven't tried copying the receiver 1 show to receiver 2. If that works, I could probably off-load all of the shows, format the drive fat32/ntfs, then let one of the receivers reformat the drive to get my 3 connection count back. This would at least be a good trick for moving shows between receivers, as long as the format back to fat32/ntfs is done periodically to clear the managing receiver count on the drive.

That's exactly what I was thinking.
Who will be the first to try it?
My issue is recordings accidentally getting deleted by the wife or kids (or me if I fat finger a couple commands). If they are watching off the external drive I no longer have that extra level of security.
oops I don't have that problem since my wife and kids have their own systems, but i have also noticed that I can delete locked events "before the update" without putting in my code if my system is not locked
Well that sucks! So even if you have two 622's on your account you're stuck to using it on one after 2 switches? One of the main reasons for using this for me was to enable me to watch stuff in the bedroom that I recorded in the living room and vice versa. WTF!

A future update is supposed to fix that. I would suppose they had trouble with it early on and rather than hold up the external support again, they chose to release it now.

I didn't watch the Tech Chat but I believe I read in a transcript they speciffically addressed that scenario.
Something to note, if you have a power failure, will the external drive power up when the power is returned, or will it need physical intervention like pressing a button to power it up?

Personally I would highly recommend purchasing an A/V UPS and power all your HD equipment from the UPS, especially anything with a hard drive. Fluctuating power, low power (brown out), and failing power will definitely contribute to shortening the life of your electronic equipment.

I have all my computers, my A/V equipment, and even my cordless phone on individual UPS's. I learned the hard way a long time ago!
Well that sucks! So even if you have two 622's on your account you're stuck to using it on one after 2 switches? One of the main reasons for using this for me was to enable me to watch stuff in the bedroom that I recorded in the living room and vice versa. WTF!

Better late than never...

We have beat that dead horse for a week now.

We were originally facing no swaps at all until the account security key fix but now we get 3 swaps before a lock down to one 622. It will be fixed and I'm sure there are those who are looking at how to get the most out of these swaps legally with two external drives. Read all the threads and keep up!
The swapping of drives is not has easy as I'd like, or thought. It requires a reboot from what I've found. I transferred a few programs to external drive #1. Then unplugged it and plugged in drive #2, which was previously formatted by the 622. It said "unrecognized device". I rebooted the 622 and then was able to manage it and move programs. Unplugged this drive and went back to drive #1 and got the same issue. Needed to reboot before it would recognized the drive. Luckily it did and my programs were still there.
The swapping of drives is not has easy as I'd like, or thought. It requires a reboot from what I've found. I transferred a few programs to external drive #1. Then unplugged it and plugged in drive #2, which was previously formatted by the 622. It said "unrecognized device". I rebooted the 622 and then was able to manage it and move programs. Unplugged this drive and went back to drive #1 and got the same issue. Needed to reboot before it would recognized the drive. Luckily it did and my programs were still there.

That means they can't mount external disk regular way. Hmmm.
Is there a way now to physically drop your recordings on to a media center pc via USB, and then network that througout your house?

NO, don't expect it to ever change either. These are direct digital presentations, not re-encoded lower quality Tivo files, so they are copy protected as required by the studios who provide the content. HBO is even more rigid about protection as is their right since they are the content owners.

I called Dish when I got to work; I was surprised to interact with a woman who actually spoke english, was friendly, and knew exactly what I wanted done.

She said she was surprised how many of their customers knew about the new changes so quickly. :D

Now, I need to get out of work quickly so I can go play! :)

Wild/Avs - Ch. 546 - Great PQ

new hd channels listed in guide!!!! (FALSE ALARM)
