I wasn't happy with Dish after 12 years so I switched to Direct two months ago. When my special deal ends I will still be paying less with Direct TV's lower receiver fee's and with Dish I had to get their top package to get the channels I wanted but with Direct they are all offered in their middle package.

I said programming price and unless your in a "grandfathered" programming package with DirecTV you are paying more for programming with DirecTV.
I researched both Directv & Dish, and I found the opposite. I get more channel with Dish for less money per month. I guess it depends on what you got.
Dish will also give me a better channel per price than Direct, even though my current setup is less expensive with Direct for the channel I want.

The last part is true as well. It does depend on what you want. Even though I will get more HD channels with Dish, most of those I do not watch anyway. The few HD and even SD channels that Direct has or currently has that Dish does not, are ones I do watch (such a MLB)
I said programming price and unless your in a "grandfathered" programming package with DirecTV you are paying more for programming with DirecTV.

But you have to keep in mind that in order to get the same programming you get with Direct with a certain package, you must often go up one package level with Dish.

For example, in order for me to still get the same channel with Choice Extra, I must go up to the AT250, as the comparable AT200 does not have many of the same channels in Choice Extra (these are some popular channels that I watch)
This is one case where the Feds should step in. FSN is really a monopoly since the teams they cover are monopolies. There is no competition to FSN, no other network Dish could carry to provide coverage of teams that are given special protection by the government. FSN is using its monopoly powers to try to force Dish to carry other channels (FX/Nat Geo).

Disney is a different case. Disney has competition in the kids programming, it is up to Dish to make the business decision to carry Disney at at what price.

It is like what Microsoft did forcing IE on windows using its windows monopoly.
All Providers are better then Dish Network, Not just one!

The declining number of subscribers will prove that fact by the End of the 3rd and 4th quarter for sure.:up

Oh really. How many have you used? E* may lose more subs in the next few months and are they doing the right thing. I think they may have gone about it in a hard headed manner but this will happen more & more. Thing is E* seems to be the target for these. As some think that it is a better target to go after than D*. Has to do with being a pretty big boy but now the biggest. It has been happening w/cable co's as well but since they are not as big a target we don't hear about it as much. So Hemi does it give you great pleasure to come here and B about E* after it has been ages since you had them? :confused:

Do you want to make this bet? I am serious. If you win, I will pay one full year subscription to this site for you and if I win, you do the same for me. Agreed?
All I say is this Charlie is getting what he deserves. If you want to play you have to pay. Charlie would rather piss off the subscribers and loose them just to save a few nickles. Fox is just another nail in the coffin like Disney for Dish Network. I'm waiting to see how many subscribers he looses over these two issues.

Now I know why he had to screw up c band subscriptions and has to steal away the subscribers from there. He needs to replenish the numbers he looses. Soon enough he will have no more avenues to replenish his customer base. What is he going to do then? Without subscribers you go out of business. I hope his numbers drop so low that he closes his doors just like he has done to so many providers on c band. It would be poetic justice.

If Charlie shouldn't make a stand against higher fee increases then who?.

And if this is a bad time then when?.

Alot of subscribers are starting to realize one fact.If it wasn't for Charlie Ergen and Dish network they would surely be paying alot more for programming with some other provider no matter who they have.;)
All I say is this Charlie is getting what he deserves. If you want to play you have to pay. Charlie would rather piss off the subscribers and loose them just to save a few nickles. Fox is just another nail in the coffin like Disney for Dish Network. I'm waiting to see how many subscribers he looses over these two issues.

Now I know why he had to screw up c band subscriptions and has to steal away the subscribers from there. He needs to replenish the numbers he looses. Soon enough he will have no more avenues to replenish his customer base. What is he going to do then? Without subscribers you go out of business. I hope his numbers drop so low that he closes his doors just like he has done to so many providers on c band. It would be poetic justice.

Explained before NPS went to Charlie not the other way around. NPS was seeing a diminishing number of customers as C-band subs. So they went to Charlie and sold out to him so that would at least get something rather than seeing bankruptcy coming in their future. Let us face it C-band for home is getting smaller everyday and NPS foresaw this happening.
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Is it just me, or have the remaining RSN's stepped up the blackouts? FSN-NW, 426, two games that would have normally been available and both are now blacked out. 409, the only HD feed for Kentucky-Miss, now blacked out. This has rarely happened before. is this part of the "game" between fox and dish?
Wanna buy some land in Florida? Didn't think so. Never intended to bet with you. You just like to take things to next, silly level.
Silly level? A small wager that goes to support this site is not all that silly to me

Don't have much confidence in what you stated? That is OK. I have seen you make that comment at least two times, I just wanted to see if you are confident enough to back it up. I see you are not
Jhon69 said:
If Charlie shouldn't make a stand against higher fee increases then who?.

And if this is a bad time then when?.

Alot of subscribers are starting to realize one fact.If it wasn't for Charlie Ergen and Dish network they would surely be paying alot more for programming with some other provider no matter who they have.
Really? Can you show me where Charlie Ergen and Dish Network won these disputes? Otherwise, this is simply bravado and opinion.
Explained before NPS went to Charlie not the other way around. NPS was seeing a diminishing number of customers as C-band subs. So they went to Charlie and sold out to him

Do you have inside information or documentation for this? I heard Charlie went to NPS looking for a way to market the distant networks for Dish not the other way around. He was only interested in getting around the FCC ruling. He supported 2 transponders for NPS to give him access to east & west coast network feeds. NPS also used those transponders to feed c band services to us. Charlie couldn't wait till he could drop using NPS and sell the distant's himself again. Well that happened and NPS could not afford to support those transponders on their own. Charlie offered NPS $50.00 per subscriber to convert to DN. NPS then went on a all out lie and deceit campaign this year to get that lousy $50.00 per head and killed the numbers so much that Motorola decided to get out of it since there was no profit any more,

Charlie has been screwing C band for years. He bought out Superstar /Netlink/Turnervision years back to hasten the demise of C band. If Charlie had his act together he wouldn't have to sink to such levels to kill off competition. C band had it own place and was fairly stable. Not all can have a bud. We are a tight nit group and could have had quite a future if Charlie didn't stick his noise where it didn't belong. So now Charlie is taking a pounding and rightfully so.

If Charlies ways are so great how come he can't take on DirecTV and Comcast and pull the same crap. Guess Charlie ain't got enough green mail to buy them out.
I am one of the Dish subscribers that has a Dish America HD package (Gold) and I lost 2 channels from this round, Nat Geo and a RSN (Fox Midwest).
I also lost 3 last time, ESPNEWS HD, ABC Family HD and Disney HD.
I do not get the SD feeds of the last 3 I mentioned as I have a so called HD only package so I do not get the channels at all.
Of the channels being substituted this round my package already includes HDNet, HD Theater,NBA, and NHL in HD and I see HD Theater is on where Nat Geo would be.
I am not allowed to receive the other substituted RSN's that Dish put on to compensate for the channel losses due to the dispute as I do not have the Multi-sport pac and because I have a so called HD only package.This is what the csr's tell me.

I assume the subbed channels are only the SD feed, is this correct? That would be better than nothing, although SD is not all that great.
I have talked to a number of Dish CSR's and all I get is they (Dish) are working on a solution to the situation but I get nothing else out of it, so you that are getting the other channels to fill in for now enjoy them even if they are only SD as that's more than I am getting. This is just my opinion. I know each person has their own preferences and I respect that.
I didn't mean to ramble on but it looks like I did.

National Geographic and FX TV shows that I love and watch all the time.
Gosh, never would have thought this would happen to my favorite channels.
:shakes my head:


01) Breakout
02) Explorer
03) Fight Science
04) Known Universe
05) Lockdown
06) Naked Science


01) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
02) Justified
03) Louie
04) Sons of Anarchy
05) Terriers
06) The League

lol @ their website and their EPG guide still showing FX and NatGeo.
Bunch of clowns at Dishnetwork :rant:
Guess you could say the same for me. Wouldn't even notice that FX was removed except for seeing this thread.

ESPN lost all value to me when ESPN Classic became a higher-tiered channel.

Sony Movie Channel will be here on DISH.

But yeah, enjoy U-verse, me personally I hated every moment that I had it. Especially the piss-poor HD PQ.

As for those happy with D*, I wouldn't want to be without G4 HD, AMC HD, DIY HD, BBCA HD, Nat Geo Wild HD, and History International HD.

HD piocture quality on Uverse is equal to antenna at my home. Not sure how you could do better, as long as your locals aren't over compressed.:D

100.2 Sudden Death

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