You realize that CI is on most providers and CI on Direct shows many more games, many more duel feeds, and many many times more HD than on other providers, including Dish?

Yes. See my post above.

Last few years I've seen 95-99% of the Red Wings games in HD using Center Ice and Dish. So there was no reason for me to change to Direct.

I really don't want to go through changing providers, signing a agreement, etc.... just yet.

If I could do it all over again, i would have gone with DirecTv to start. Actually....I was set up to get DirecTv originally but something changed and I just got Dish.
I have been with Dish for 10 years and I never thought I would seriously look at DirecTV but I am now. My team has not been blacked out with the Fox/Dish dispute, but I LOVE college football, especially watching Pac10 games late on Saturday evenings on Fox Sports Net. We get only about 13 or 14 weekends of college football per year. You cannot get them back and Dish is robbing us of those precious few weekends. They talk about "protecting" the customer but they are protecting their margins. They don't have a lot of pricing power here because if they raise rates too high, people will defect to DirecTV, Fios, U-verse, or cable. There are choices. This is about them protecting their margins at the expense of the customer. So I am looking at Diret. Turns out I can get just about all the channels I care about at a lower tier and I can get all three rooms I wanted wired hooked up. Right now I have a single box in my living room that has a cable run through the wall to my home office so no independent tuning of the two sets. I also like the Whole Home DVR concept. So Dish may have stasrted to save money, but by pushing me to look at other options, I may have found service offerings that better suit my needs. Throw in that my company gets an extra $10 off per month with DrecTV (not enough to make switch on its own) and I may well be gone. Have to do a little more research but I am starting to lean.

All I can say is ditto....I already made the call and will have FSNHD and ESPNUHD come the weekend. Oh, and I will have more at 59.99/mo than I'm getting with $110/mo now with Dish. I can't thank Charlie enough for making this decision easy for me.
I have been contract free for years and prefer to buy my receivers so I can leave when or if I want. I support Dish in this but it sucks as Oklahoma and Oklahoma State are both on FSN this weekend and I was blacked out of most of the FSN games last weekend.

Lucky for me I have kids games to go to Saturday instead of watching OU and OSU, so the good old fashion radio will have to suffice.
I have been with Dish for 10 years and I never thought I would seriously look at DirecTV but I am now. My team has not been blacked out with the Fox/Dish dispute, but I LOVE college football, especially watching Pac10 games late on Saturday evenings on Fox Sports Net. We get only about 13 or 14 weekends of college football per year. You cannot get them back and Dish is robbing us of those precious few weekends. They talk about "protecting" the customer but they are protecting their margins. They don't have a lot of pricing power here because if they raise rates too high, people will defect to DirecTV, Fios, U-verse, or cable. There are choices. This is about them protecting their margins at the expense of the customer. So I am looking at Diret. Turns out I can get just about all the channels I care about at a lower tier and I can get all three rooms I wanted wired hooked up. Right now I have a single box in my living room that has a cable run through the wall to my home office so no independent tuning of the two sets. I also like the Whole Home DVR concept. So Dish may have stasrted to save money, but by pushing me to look at other options, I may have found service offerings that better suit my needs. Throw in that my company gets an extra $10 off per month with DrecTV (not enough to make switch on its own) and I may well be gone. Have to do a little more research but I am starting to lean.
Dish is not robbing us of those precious weekends. FOX is robbing us of those precious weekends. FOX pulled the channels, Dish did not cancel any channels. I don't know who is the most greedy but let's call a spade a spade. FOX is why we are not watching our missing channels. Dish may be culpable but in the end it was FOX's choice to pull the plug.
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I have been with Dish for 10 years and I never thought I would seriously look at DirecTV but I am now. My team has not been blacked out with the Fox/Dish dispute, but I LOVE college football, especially watching Pac10 games late on Saturday evenings on Fox Sports Net. We get only about 13 or 14 weekends of college football per year. You cannot get them back and Dish is robbing us of those precious few weekends. They talk about "protecting" the customer but they are protecting their margins. They don't have a lot of pricing power here because if they raise rates too high, people will defect to DirecTV, Fios, U-verse, or cable. There are choices. This is about them protecting their margins at the expense of the customer. So I am looking at Diret. Turns out I can get just about all the channels I care about at a lower tier and I can get all three rooms I wanted wired hooked up. Right now I have a single box in my living room that has a cable run through the wall to my home office so no independent tuning of the two sets. I also like the Whole Home DVR concept. So Dish may have stasrted to save money, but by pushing me to look at other options, I may have found service offerings that better suit my needs. Throw in that my company gets an extra $10 off per month with DrecTV (not enough to make switch on its own) and I may well be gone. Have to do a little more research but I am starting to lean.

Yea thats it, protecting the margins. Charlie protects his and Murdoch protects his. That logic is lost on most of the people complaining about dish.
Next I'll be seeing that Charlie is worth more than Rupert. :confused:
That was what I was seeing on the end of the commercials during Sons Of Anarchy this week. Are you seeing this at other times than the commercials?

That's just not right. DirecTV is not 'immune' from dropping channels or getting into situations like Fox/Dish current... If they're going to run that ad, they should also have the fine print on screen that reads, "Programming is subject to change without notice." if they want to be honest.
You see, Dish CEO Charlie Ergen believes in playing hardball at the negotiating table. It often appears that Dish doesn't mind denying its customers a favorite channel for awhile if it means a few more dollars in its coffers.

I dunno, but I'm with Charlie. Fox needs to get their mind right and recognize that their un-willingness to be fair in negotiations represents a disdain for dish subscribers that I know I won't soon forget.
Long ago I had the choice of Dish Network or DirecTV. At that time what made the decision for me was that I found I wasn't a fan of how Rupert Murdock does business, and I saw evidence that Charlie Ergen did look out for his customers, at least way more than DirecTV or cable companies.

I'm not happy that I'm not getting the service I've paid for, but I recognize that if Dish caves to Fox, that will start a cascade of programmers that feel they can set any terms they wish. Fox needs to recognize that they can't unilaterally determine what people will pay for the services.
While watching the NFL on local Fox I seen a dish network commercial with Charlie in it. Charlie is willing to buy commercial time on Fox but refuses to pay more than what he thinks is a fair deal for the FSN's FX and Nat Geo. Does this make sense to anyone/
Mike_H said:
I dunno, but I'm with Charlie. Fox needs to get their mind right and recognize that their un-willingness to be fair in negotiations represents a disdain for dish subscribers that I know I won't soon forget.
"...fair in negotiations..."

Isn't it a two-way street, just as it is two sides to every story?

"We're not asking anything from Dish that we're not already receiving from our other partners," said Mike Hopkins, the Fox senior executive leading the negotiations across the table from Shull.

So what is being asked for Fox to be "fair in negotiations" is to have Fox treat Dish Network more special than compared to all of their other distributors?

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