I can not believe you just said that. The Ordeal is over. Slamminc is correct. Get rid of all the hate and BS in the other threads. Start a new day, Scott.

Once again leave the moderation to the moderators.

The thread will remain open and all other relevant related threads have been merged into this thread. Again this thread now offers a historical time line of the ordeal and it will die off itself when people are tired of talking about it.
...I always remember this site leaving threads open until they died on their own. Only time something was closed was if it turned to vile, which hardly ever happens...

I agree completely. This philosophy seems to be what separates this site from other similar forums. This thread got off track several times, but I resisted unsubscribing from it so I could be kept abreast of the latest information regarding the dispute. Now that it's over, I will unsubscribe, but the members who remain subscribed would probably appreciate the ability to voice their opinions and speculations. As a result, the thread will fizzle out eventually. Hopefully, leaving it open will prevent, to an extent, similar threads from being spawned.
Nice to see a deal was struck. Still going to DirecTv after this hockey season ends. Only ~10% of CI games in HD is total Bullsh!t for the price I pay for that package.
Stop whinning !

I haven't seen this posted in any other thread, but I was on the Dish Network site this morning looking at the comparison guide, and when I look at it, a bunch of the FOX RSN's aren't listed, FX is not listed, nor is the National Geographic channel. And on the first page, there are a bunch of starred out channels.

DISH Network - Packages - Comparison - 1.800.823.4929

Am I looking too much into this, or is this a sign that a deal might not be reached?

What are you going to bitch about now ? All the Fox stuff is back - yesterday !
So, Now that the fox issue has been resolved these are the remaining questions in the air?

1. When will Full time HD RSN's come? For surely, looking at the majority of comments left by folks whom have jumped shipped have made one comment, Its absolulty nice to get their HD rsn in full time as they have realized there is much more than "game time only" out there.

2. When will a deal with disney be struck. If dish could strkie a deal with the big bad wolf (aka fox), They for sure can do the same with the big bad mouse!

3. This whole fox deal did much more harm than good for dish. It highlighted the fact that dish cant do things right when it comes to the programming department. In a perfect world, dish would have everything, but in reality they don't. On the flip side getting to that perfect world isnt hard, especially when you have the space now. Did dish learn their lesson and listen to customers? I'm suspecting that answer is no. If they did, we would have seen it during the relaunch of channels. With that said, I wonder what the churn numbers are going to be like for the next two quarters. Any takers?
So, Now that the fox issue has been resolved these are the remaining questions in the air?

1. When will Full time HD RSN's come? For surely, looking at the majority of comments left by folks whom have jumped shipped have made one comment, Its absolulty nice to get their HD rsn in full time as they have realized there is much more than "game time only" out there.

2. When will a deal with disney be struck. If dish could strkie a deal with the big bad wolf (aka fox), They for sure can do the same with the big bad mouse!

3. This whole fox deal did much more harm than good for dish. It highlighted the fact that dish cant do things right when it comes to the programming department. In a perfect world, dish would have everything, but in reality they don't. On the flip side getting to that perfect world isnt hard, especially when you have the space now. Did dish learn their lesson and listen to customers? I'm suspecting that answer is no. If they did, we would have seen it during the relaunch of channels. With that said, I wonder what the churn numbers are going to be like for the next two quarters. Any takers?

1. For some sports fans, the lack of full time HD RSNs is important, for many others it isn't all that big a deal, but would be nice. And frankly, reading in this and other forums, there weren't all that many that switched during this fiasco. But the ones that did, are very loud (maybe even obnoxious?)

2. Disney is a non-starter. The hub-bub over them dropped off very quick and was never very much to begin with. If anything it showed that Disney overall doesn't have the content that could force the issue.

3. Actually I think this showed Fox for what it is, extremely greedy. In a time of declining ratings for their shows, they wanted big increases. The only disappointment I have is that Dish didn't hold out longer. Neither you nor I will probably ever see the financial dealings over this, I will see my bill go up because of this for channels I care almost nothing about or can get OTA just fine.

And while you are now with someone else, don't feel smug. New deals will be made with them, your bills will go up and maybe because Dish took it to this level, yours won't go up as much as it might have.

But now, Bob, you can go to anticipating the National HD you left behind in your switch! :)
Any Sons of Anarchy fans out there, last week's episode replays Sunday night at 11:00PM. If you are set to record "NEW" only it will be skipped. Nice that I can go back to watching it on my 50" Sony as opposed to my laptop....Yeah!
1. For some sports fans, the lack of full time HD RSNs is important, for many others it isn't all that big a deal, but would be nice. And frankly, reading in this and other forums, there weren't all that many that switched during this fiasco. But the ones that did, are very loud (maybe even obnoxious?)

2. Disney is a non-starter. The hub-bub over them dropped off very quick and was never very much to begin with. If anything it showed that Disney overall doesn't have the content that could force the issue.

3. Actually I think this showed Fox for what it is, extremely greedy. In a time of declining ratings for their shows, they wanted big increases. The only disappointment I have is that Dish didn't hold out longer. Neither you nor I will probably ever see the financial dealings over this, I will see my bill go up because of this for channels I care almost nothing about or can get OTA just fine.

And while you are now with someone else, don't feel smug. New deals will be made with them, your bills will go up and maybe because Dish took it to this level, yours won't go up as much as it might have.

But now, Bob, you can go to anticipating the National HD you left behind in your switch! :)
You need to realize that people who post in these forums are usually more loyal to their provider than those that don't. I know many people personally that switched to FiOs, U-Verse, DirecTV, Comcast, Cox, or TW during this fiasco
Yep exactly, You have to look beyond these forums to see what the real public was wanting. It was clear by the facebook posts, tweets, and other posts at news sites that the majority is pissed that they cant get their local RSN in HD, among the fact they lost their channels. Given the fact that this isnt the first time. People are just tired of this crap and want their channels.
Yup we will see the same thing next week when DIRECTV drops G4... the forum will be filled with people upset that the channel is gone, while in reality MOST people never watch the channel and would never even realize that it is gone.
You need to realize that people who post in these forums are usually more loyal to their provider than those that don't. I know many people personally that switched to FiOs, U-Verse, DirecTV, Comcast, Cox, or TW during this fiasco

Sure, I know that. But being 'loyal' to a company over a business arrangement is a discussion for another thread. I'll just say that I hope that no business thinks I am ever 'loyal' to them. I want them to earn my business every day and the good ones do.

Based on reading here, the 'other site' and in a few other places, the number of switchers over this wasn't all that many. And I do know that in my fairly large circle of friends, that most didn't even know there was an issue and those that did, didn't switch. They were able to get some credits/ppvs thanks to me passing along the info garnered here. And observing the truck rolls in town, it didn't seem like there were any more D* trucks than E* trucks doing there thing.

That said, down here it has been interesting to watch.

For those of us with HD sets early on, we started with Dish 'cause they were literally the only game in town at the time.
Then later, D* lit up the locals in HD after lighting up a slew of HD nationals and many of us (including me) switched to D*
Now the balance is what it is and hasn't shifted much at all according to a couple of local, small SAT dealers who do both.

I switched back to E* over the awful HR20 and HR21 HDDVR, I couldn't stand the god-awful sluggishness. I lost locals in HD via SAT, but picked them up fine with OTA, so no loss. All the other HD was pretty much a wash at that time, except for sports that I didn't care about anyway. Since them, E* has added a slew of national HD that are interesting to me, expanded the HD Extra to something worth paying for, and just recently lit up my locals in HD. All this while, D* was adding some sports, a slew of PPV and other things that were of no interest to me, and bringing out the HR24 which looks to be a big step up in speed.
Yep exactly, You have to look beyond these forums to see what the real public was wanting. It was clear by the facebook posts, tweets, and other posts at news sites that the majority is pissed that they cant get their local RSN in HD, among the fact they lost their channels. Given the fact that this isnt the first time. People are just tired of this crap and want their channels.

Then let them go elsewhere and pay more it won't bother us.;)

Was this the Fox vs Dish thread?.I could have sworn this was the DirecTV recruitment thread.:eek:;):D
Yep exactly, You have to look beyond these forums to see what the real public was wanting. It was clear by the facebook posts, tweets, and other posts at news sites that the majority is pissed that they cant get their local RSN in HD, among the fact they lost their channels. Given the fact that this isnt the first time. People are just tired of this crap and want their channels.

I do look beyond these forums. In the grand scheme of things, a tiny minority actually switched, but it was a loud and oft times, obnoxious, minority that did. Most were like me, bitched about it, got some credits/ppvs and watched what we wanted either on the SAT, OTA or internet.

I know the sports minded that watch the RSNs and other sports a lot think they are a huge majority, but I think they really aren't. Most are like my son. He watches sports on the classic sports channels. You know, broadcast, ESPN and a few other cable type channels. As much as he likes sports, he didn't even know the Fox RSNs were gone as he never watched them.
Of course a minority switched. Dish has about 14 million subs and I doubt more than 100k switched due to just this issue (represents 0.7%). But, it is more significant than it may appear on here. Even something close to 100k added to their net loss (which I predict they will have a net loss this quarter) is pretty significant
Yup we will see the same thing next week when DIRECTV drops G4... the forum will be filled with people upset that the channel is gone, while in reality MOST people never watch the channel and would never even realize that it is gone.
There is a very big difference between losing a low rated SD cable channel that many have never even heard of, than losing 2 more popular channels plus your own local RSNs (which is the only way for many to watch their local teams and also interfere with other sports packages)

This thread is over 2500 post long. I doubt the loss of G4 thread will even reach 1000 posts
Of course a minority switched. Dish has about 14 million subs and I doubt more than 100k switched due to just this issue (represents 0.7%). But, it is more significant than it may appear on here. Even something close to 100k added to their net loss (which I predict they will have a net loss this quarter) is pretty significant

Dish may have lost a small % of subs over this, but I wonder how many dropped all cable/DBS over it? How many decided to downgrade (I went from AEP to AT120) and cut out FOX channels? There is a small but growing trend of people dropping cable/DBS. Sort of like it was when VOIP/Cell started to take over the market. No one would drop their land line could you live without it?
So, Now that the fox issue has been resolved these are the remaining questions in the air?

1. When will Full time HD RSN's come? For surely, looking at the majority of comments left by folks whom have jumped shipped have made one comment, Its absolulty nice to get their HD rsn in full time as they have realized there is much more than "game time only" out there.

2. When will a deal with disney be struck. If dish could strkie a deal with the big bad wolf (aka fox), They for sure can do the same with the big bad mouse!

3. This whole fox deal did much more harm than good for dish. It highlighted the fact that dish cant do things right when it comes to the programming department. In a perfect world, dish would have everything, but in reality they don't. On the flip side getting to that perfect world isnt hard, especially when you have the space now. Did dish learn their lesson and listen to customers? I'm suspecting that answer is no. If they did, we would have seen it during the relaunch of channels. With that said, I wonder what the churn numbers are going to be like for the next two quarters. Any takers?

1. Only the big sport people really want full time HD RSN's. But when everything is MPEG 4 they may have the bndwidth to do it for both arcs. This will take time to replace all the MPEG 2 equipment.
2. Disney is complete a different thing as only part of the nets they have are commercial supported where as all of Fox's were all of that type.
I don't see that E* lost anything in this expect for a very short time. Some compromise was met to keep the TV stations from going dark. I have a feeling that E* really did better than Fox as the packages have not had to be changed at least for now. There is no proof that either E* or F* really lost much. E* did lose a few customers to D* due to sports. But that really isn't that surprising since D* has always been heavier sportswise than E*.
So now go watch your full time HD RSN's. You no longer really have a stake in this since you moved to D* several months ago.

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