
I agree wholeheartedly. If Fox pulls the plug some of us will feel the loss but in the end it will be Fox that will be the biggest loser. November is sweeps month and the ratings for Fox could tank. You lose ratings and you lose advertising $$$$. Stay tuned on 11/1. Meanwhile I guess I'll just watch Ghost Adventures and Ghost Lab.

Maybe after Fox sees their ratings tanking they will be willing just to talk price increases.Not where they want their programming put.Think Dish Network already told them where to put it!.:rolleyes::p
That is a very good point. The O&O's that drop would feel some hurt then. That, will actually give Fox a reason to work on it. I think all along, they have been stalling. They want one contract to include their cable on OTA offerings.
FOX knows exactly what they are doing and they pay tens of thousands of dollars to experts that forecast the ramifications of their actions. FOX knows how the several scenarios will play out come Nov. 1st. Unfortunately we don't know. It's all based on potential monitary loss vs long term gain. Way above my pay grade.
I agree with others on this thread. At this time, IMO, everything that can be said about Fox vs Dish has been said, repeatedly...time to sit back and wait until November 1st arrives, till then enjoy your popcorn...and let's watch some TV!
I agree with others on this thread. At this time, IMO, everything that can be said about Fox vs Dish has been said, repeatedly...time to sit back and wait until November 1st arrives, till then enjoy your popcorn...and let's watch some TV!
Yep, agree, its both companys fault. E* is know for poor contract disputes, and for the nothing savings that they offer over every provider.
Cablevision, well, They are complete morons for not serving their customers Fox programming when they are based right out of NY City.

Sorry , but I don't know many people that would pick a provider that doesn't have any Fox networks.

IMO Dish and Cablevision will be hurting way more then Fox.
And the reasons why is simple,
  1. Comcast,
  2. Fios,
  3. Directv,
  4. Blue Ridge,
  5. RCN,
  6. Service Electric,
  7. Time Warner,
All carry Fox Networks Currently in the NY,NJ,PA DMAs
So a Simple Switch would solve Veiwers needs.
Many will take atvantage of this and not even think twice.
Yep, agree, its both companys fault. E* is know for poor contract disputes, and for the nothing savings that they offer over every provider.
Cablevision, well, They are complete morons for not serving their customers Fox programming when they are based right out of NY City.

Sorry , but I don't know many people that would pick a provider that doesn't have any Fox networks.

IMO Dish and Cablevision will be hurting way more then Fox.
And the reasons why is simple,
  1. Comcast,
  2. Fios,
  3. Directv,
  4. Blue Ridge,
  5. RCN,
  6. Service Electric,
  7. Time Warner,
All carry Fox Networks Currently in the NY,NJ,PA DMAs
So a Simple Switch would solve Veiwers needs.
Many will take atvantage of this and not even think twice.

This is what Fox is counting on. They have thier contracts staggered out so that they get to pressure one provider at a time. If they all hit simultaniously, Fox would have to cave in. So, people will switch, and if CVC and Dish both give in, those that switched will eventually feel the price increase because the provider they switched to will end up being hit up by Fox eventually.

Yes many would not pick a provider that did not include Fox or the big 4 OTA networks. But, if given the choice of $5/month/network or $20 how many would find an antenna vs paying that much if given the option. CVC and Dish should just sell the locals a la carte and see what happens...
I agree with others on this thread. At this time, IMO, everything that can be said about Fox vs Dish has been said, repeatedly...time to sit back and wait until November 1st arrives, till then enjoy your popcorn...and let's watch some TV!

I'll take butter on my popcorn please.....
23 days and counting ... can you say: The Fleecing of Corporate America against Corporate America? I've been thinking about D* but don't want them installing more cable and satellites in/on my house. Seriously thinking about switching to my local cable company (US Cable) ... UGH. But I already have Internet through them and digital phone, maybe they'll give me a deal for TV too. Tivo, here we come! :)
I believe this may have been answered in another thread, but I just wanted to ask whether or not we will be losing the regular local FOX channel? I don't want to miss FOX football on Sunday.

Does anyone know for sure?

If you and millions of others can't get NFL Football on Sunday, it will be the beginning of the end for DISH as a major player. FOX might be just as much to blame ad DISH(or maybe more) but DISH has more to lose. DirecTV is sitting back licking it's chops.
Fox is already telling cablevision customers to switch providers or purchase an antenna, so they have no intention of backing down and I support them 100%. I dont want ESPN to have a monopoly on sporting events.
If you and millions of others can't get NFL Football on Sunday, it will be the beginning of the end for DISH as a major player. FOX might be just as much to blame ad DISH(or maybe more) but DISH has more to lose. DirecTV is sitting back licking it's chops.

CBS carries my team each week, so I don't even bother with Fox...for pretty much anything anymore
If you and millions of others can't get NFL Football on Sunday, it will be the beginning of the end for DISH as a major player. FOX might be just as much to blame ad DISH(or maybe more) but DISH has more to lose. DirecTV is sitting back licking it's chops.

Wouldn't that be in 2 wks? Calendar goes 10/24 : 10/31 then the following week 11/07.
This problem started with my 625 reciever last week and has happened for a few days since, with some days no problem. I press the remote, like always and the tv turns on, but nothing happens with the reciever. No lights at all. I try different things to get it running again - the green light will come on for a few minutes, then shut off, then maybe retry again. I hold the power button to reset it, but the same thing happens.

Next I will unplug it, let it set and try again. All this time, the receiver green light will come on for a while, then turn off. I will try this method over and over again, finally the green and amber light will come on and the signal will start appearing on the tv screen, either directly to the channel program or start downloading the satelite signals, then the picture resumes. Whatever I am doing to get the reciever downloading again, isn't consistant as I keep doing the same thing over and over, then suddenly it works.

It is working fine now after using that method earlier this morning, (took about 15 minutes) but once I turn it off for a few hours, I will no doubt have the problem again.

I am thinking the reciever needs to be replaced unless anyone has had a simialar problem and knows the fix - thinking of getting the insurance, then calling DISH service. :confused:


I never had the 625, but I'm on my third 722 for having the same problem. The first replacement they did through UPS for nothing more than taking my time to bring the old box back to the local UPS store, after I got the new one. The second time they convinced me to buy the insurance, because they said that was the second time they were replacing the same box at no cost (which I then explained it wasn't my fault that their equipment was junk). I would act fast, because with winter coming and not knowing what your neighborhood is like, UPS tends to leave the new box right on your door step if you aren't home. One time, another item was left out in the rain under a dripping roof line.
I never looked it up, but that was the only reason I could see they were still on -- that while they had the Fox name, they were independly owned, or owned by another firm.
Fox is already telling cablevision customers to switch providers or purchase an antenna, so they have no intention of backing down and I support them 100%. I dont want ESPN to have a monopoly on sporting events.

Can you get FSW -- Fox sports West or Prime Ticket with an antenna?
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