The local channel scan (OTA) bug is still with us... I hope you guys can replicate this...
You can bet I ain't gonna try! Nope no OTA scanning here 'til this bug is confirmed to be fixed.
The local channel scan (OTA) bug is still with us... I hope you guys can replicate this...
You can bet I ain't gonna try! Nope no OTA scanning here 'til this bug is confirmed to be fixed.
I guess I was feeling a little brave tonight. I did a OTA scan about an hour ago just to see if it still worked. Worked fine, found the same channels as always and it didn't lock up after exit the local channels menu.
I did the rescan even after losing all my OTA signal Friday night. I have not been able the repeat the OTA loss though.
13. Was watching "Planet Earth" DVR'ed on DiscoveryHD Sunday night; noticed several times where there was some macroblocking and it seemed to skip ahead. I'm not sure if this was in the program or a receiver problem.
It is only in limited release. Only those who signed up to help test and a small batch of others have received the update at this time. Hopefully it will spool to everyone else soon. Unless there are major problems found, I would expect it next week.
I have the exact same problem and reported it on DBSTalk as well. For some reason it is something to do with Charlotte locals. It also broke anything I had recorded in the past before the update from the HD Locals.
You can bet I ain't gonna try! Nope no OTA scanning here 'til this bug is confirmed to be fixed.
Labeling the channel as HD is great but in my list of recorded events I would really rather know if the PROGRAM is HD. But I amy be asking too much.
After reading all these posts, I'm kinda glad I missed out on the update.
After reading all these posts, I'm kinda glad I missed out on the update.