Official 622 L4.01 Discussion Thread

I didn't go through all the 43+ pages in this thread, but besides the obvious changes in 401 (HD icons, mapping, PIP changes, etc.), I am finding the following problems:

1. Many (not all) of the channels accessed through the program guide take 8-9 seconds to appear. The channel banner is long gone before the channel appears and there is usually a bright flash on the screen just before the channel appears. This compares to the normal 3 seconds it took to access channels before the 401 update.

2. In the system information in the menu (6-1-3), my status now says "see details." When I check details, I am told there is a LNB drift detected for the 129 dish. This drift varies from ~ -7.00 to ~ -7.95. I spoke to 2 Dish techs and both said they did not know exactly what the message meant, but said that it is not a problem requiring service unless the drift exceeds -8.00 or +8.00. Whatever it is appeared as a problem only after the update, so maybe the update included "LNB drift analysis" as well. I have 9 days of warranty left before expiration and will need to pay for a service call after that time, so I will be checking the status each day!

3. I still have the jerkiness in many of the SD channels from time to time which only seems to disappear with a 5 minute reboot. I had hoped this would have been addressed in the latest update, but maybe this is really a hardware problem...

Finally, I think it would have been cool if the HD icon appeared when a program on an HD channel really was in HD. Since many programs on the HD channels are not in HD, it would be nice to be able to determine this by scanning the program guide instead of accessing the channel and waiting 8-9 seconds to see if the program really was in HD. We all know which channels are HD channels, so what good does the icon now do except facilitate their new mapping in the program guides?

All in all, I am disappointed in the 401 update. I think they should have concentrated on the performance of the 622 ahead of the peripheral toys. My receiver functioned better before this update...
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menu, 6, 9, chan display.
THANKS! I would have never found that on my own.

FWIW earlier today, I had been to that page (menu, 6, 9) several times. But since we don't get any "local channels" OTA, the list on the left is empty. I 'assumed' the buttons to the right of the list (e.g. Chan display) were options for that empty list :rolleyes:

Talon Dancer
The thread open for Official Discussion of L4.01 software !

Your post ( and 100s same kind ) do not belong to the thread !

Can someone from Mods clean the mess ?!

Wow man...a little uptight? Someone pee in your Cheerios or something? His question was about the L4.01 sw update so its clearly on topic. Or maybe I missed a sentence or two that only your eyes can see.

Lighten up.
Wow man...a little uptight? Someone pee in your Cheerios or something? His question was about the L4.01 sw update so its clearly on topic. Or maybe I missed a sentence or two that only your eyes can see.

Lighten up.
...and this comment 'was' about L4.01? :rolleyes:

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's not go off on some anonymous group mentality internet bashing here okay? I've seen more than one post regarding Smith P and the whole "lighten up" message has been sent enough already. No need to gang up on the guy.

[ahem] ...Smith P, some sort of posting that includes the word "sorry" wouldn't hurt matters.

Yes the previous poster's message technically included the word L4.01, but what I believe Smith P was trying to get at (he must have been having a bad day so cut the guy a break) was that he was expecting more "technical" discussion about functionality, bugs etc. and not postings asking "who's received it" (tantamount to "what's your age.. dude").

Now, before you all go flaming me thing about it. There are those who want the firmware and feel left out wanting to know why they've not received it and hoping to learn that they are not alone. To help dispel their anxiety, they should ask themselves, "when has Dish Network ever missed upgrading my receiver?". I bet eventually, all have gotten updates right? So they need to relax a bit.

Smith P. There are better ways of communication that do not illicit knee-jerk reactions.

It's a big sandbox here with room for everybody.

Now, so I don't post something without any technical discussion of L4.01 I'd like to add my name to the list of those testers who will be sending a follow up message to Echostar's "bug collectors".

It seems that at some point after the update, my OTA channels became corrupt (as in black screen when tuned to and not detected/no signal when in the local channel menu). It took a power plug reboot (and a scan/save for good measure) to bring my OTAs back. Ended up missing a couple of timers because of this. It also happened on both of my 622's (the one that downloaded earlier for the test and the one my wife uses ...recording lost was my wife's).

I've never had problems with receiving updates so I've never seen fit to perform a reboot after a download. I've now added "reboot receiver" to my list of tasks after receiving updates.
Give peace a chance...

Add me to the list of users who have discovered wide variations in time jumps by using skip back (haven't noticed it on skip forward yet). Last night it took me back several minutes instead of seconds. The choppiness exhibited during FF and RW vary in severity. Report sent to "Bugs Beta".

Regarding the "tech" nature of this thread...

...he was expecting more "technical" discussion about functionality, bugs etc...

Correct. Although it's not succinctly stated in the opening post, I believe the purpose of this thread is strictly to report issues experienced by those who have the software. If I may be so bold as to suggest that E* engineers are actually following this thread, they could very well stop looking if the thread becomes cluttered with posts containing no real data.

I understand SmithP's frustration...but I also understand jshaw49's.
L4.01 has problems, hopefully Dish has stopped the roll out and are working on addressing them. I would gladly go back to 3.66 if I could. :(

Cooling Down Period, please...

Ok guys, can we all just loosen up a bit. A lot of times people do not read the FULL thread, particularly when it is as long as this one. I have done it myself. Whether posting "I still don't have L4.01" is an attempt to irritate others is impossible to tell.

When we are communicating through a threaded discussion it is often hard to distinguish between a comment and sarcasm. And sometimes what you think is sarcasm was never intended to be sarcasm.

We have one of the most amazing online communities here that I have ever witnessed in the fifteen years I have been using the web-based internet. Sure, we will sometimes get on each others nerves. But I think if we just take a step back, and stop trying to egg each other on, it will all be a lot more fun.

So, lets consider this an official cooling off period. NO ONE ever wants to give members of the forums a vacation (except for spammers and hackers, that is).

EDIT: Further reading shows me that this little conflict is going on in multiple threads. Which goes to show that I TOO did not read the entire thread (or look at multiple threads). But my message remains the same, lets keep it calm.
1. Many (not all) of the channels accessed through the program guide take 8-9 seconds to appear. The channel banner is long gone before the channel appears and there is usually a bright flash on the screen just before the channel appears. This compares to the normal 3 seconds it took to access channels before the 401 update.

All in all, I am disappointed in the 401 update. I think they should have concentrated on the performance of the 622 ahead of the peripheral toys. My receiver functioned better before this update...

I'm also seeing the delay on some channels since the update, FOOD-HD NG-HD are a couple of them.

My Setup:

D1000 w/DP Twin for 119/110
2nd 30" dish w/DP Dual for 129
DP34 Switch

Just experienced the "lost signal bug" for the first time. Front panel reset wouldn't fix, had to pull the power. I'm really beginning to hate this release. :mad:

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Is there any way to force the 622 to update?


If you mean to new software, no, unless your receiver has been scheduled to get it by Dish. If you are scheduled to get it then putting both tuners in standby will get the download to occur in a couple mins.

Late start recording Criminal Minds Wed. 4/11

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