OFFICAL: I am STAYING with DISH Network thread

I am staying with Dish. I have been with them since July 2000 and self-installed my first receiver (it really was a lot of fun for me!). My wife and I had talked about bundling service with Verizon and getting DirecTV. She has a lot of saved recordings on the DVR (none of which couldn't be replaced with DVDs), and really is just change-averse. After digging deeply in to the numbers I found that, apart from the savings over the first two years, the bundled pricing with Verizon vs. the unbundled pricing I have now are about the same. We have two 622s that we are happy with, and really have not had to deal much with Customer Service. Dish also has the partner deal with Google TV, which looks very compelling to me. Count me as another staying with Dish.
- one more thing... no Fios coming to my neighborhood any time soon. Dish + GoogleTV will probably be enough for the forseeable future.
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I have been with Dish since is first available when I lived in the Sacramento area of California. I think it was 1996 or 1997. My memory fails me with that much lag time.
I have two 622's now and have not desire to go to DirectTV. It costs me more.
I have had nothing but good experiences with Dish Technical Support. I never call their general customer service line. What would make me real happy would be Dish adding the Mountain Network.
Nice to see some positive comments :) I'll have to stay put for a while anyway because I re-signed a 2 year contract to get Dish For Life. But honestly we've had few problems if any since being with Dish, which we're going on like 4 or 5 years now (can't remember). I wish their package prices were less, but that goes for everything now'days. I'm also anxious to check out GoogleTV, but we don't plan on shelling out $200 or more for another set top box just for the gee-wiz of having GoogleTV. Maybe if I dropped Dish all together it might be an option since we're already paying $9/month for Netflix plus we'll probably subscribe to Hulu Plus -- both of which we can access through our Sony BluRay player without needing Google TV.

At any rate, we're staying put as many others have said. No reason to switch since the alternatives in our area suck.

And for people saying Dish is dropping Fox and other regional sports channels... we're not much into sports, so that doesn't bother me. Plus Fox News is horrible so honestly I wouldn't mind it dropping off anyway. As long as our local Fox affiliate doesn't disappear, but even if it did we could get it OTA.

Staying with Dish. Bummer about SoA and possibly Rescue me if this thing goes that long ... I'll find an alternate way to watch them, albeit on a delay.

After the NFL season I'll drop the multi-sports (love The Redzone).

Actually, been doing a lot of catching up on my Netflix streaming through the Xbox ... Weeds, Californication, Dexter ... more than enough "series" out there from the premium channels that I have not watched due to not having any premium packages. I'll survive.
I'm staying. I just signed a new 2 year when they gave me my 2 211's in place of my 222. I like their hardware, and in my area, I can get the NFL redzone only with Dish.

Cablevision is my cable company, and I have been seeing commercials stating that they may be losing Fox on the 16th of this month.
Hmm, Cable here is awful, FIOS is unavailable, Direct wouldn't save me anything and has their own shady practices, and local Fox and FSN are not Fox O/O. I'm happy, why should I move? Charlie may be the devil but he's the devil I know.
I live in an area where we get two RSN's--FS Midwest and Comcast Chicago. I'm a St. Louis Cardinals fan, but they won't be back for 5 months. I watch the Bulls and the Blackhawks in the winter and get those on Comcast, so it doesn't affect me now. If it did, I'd definitely be upset, but I don't think I would leave for the reasons many have said--better equipment, ability to DVR more than 2 shows at a time, etc. Everybody knows that if sports is your main thing, you should be with D* anyway. I like NatGeo, but let's face it--they replay everything 400 times anyway so whatever I'm missing now will be available when we get it back. On FX, I'm a big fan of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I can sit in front of my computer for 23 minutes a week and watch it until the dispute is solved. Other than that, it doesn't affect me. As far as a local Fox dispute, I live closest to the Fox tower so I always DVR off of the antenna. Sure, you'll have to set an old VCR-style timer to hit your recordings because the guide info will be gone, but it seems like a small price to pay as opposed to a complete provider change.
I'm staying. Still have a little over a year left on my contract. I have looked over DirecTV, Time Warner, and AT&T Uverse, but it has not convinced me to switch over.

Can't get DirecTV due to line of sight issues. Besides, I love watching NFL Redzone on Dish, but I would have to pay over $300 for Sunday Ticket, to just get the Redzone channel. Big negative on my end.

I use to have Time Warner Cable before switching to Dish. There were two reasons why I switched over. Dish had more HD and Dish's DVR beats TWC's DVR hands down. Now, TWC offers about the same HD channels as Dish, but they still have that crappy DVR and Navigator software. TWC does not have NFL Network or NFL Redzone. Another big negative.

AT&T Uverse is brand new in my area and it is nice that they offer $300 if you bundle all of there services (TV, Internet, and Phone). I have heard reviews from my area that the PQ is not as good on Uverse compared to satellite and TWC. AT&T internet speeds are higher than TWC's Roadrunner. That is a plus, but the PQ could be an issue. Also AT&T has dropped Hallmark, and might drop Food Network, Cooking Channel, HGTV and DIY by the end of this month. Big negative from my wife's part due to Hallmark, Food Network, and Cooking Channel and big negative on my part for HGTV and DIY.

Dish's Google TV has my interest as well and I just activated a EHD with Dish about a month ago.
I'm keeping dish because;
1. I work for Dish
2. I only pay $16 a month for every channel.
3. I have Uverse also and the HD does not compete with dish at all!!!
I'm keeping dish because;
1. I work for Dish
2. I only pay $16 a month for every channel.
3. I have Uverse also and the HD does not compete with dish at all!!!

umm, last I heard, Dish only gives their employees the lowest package for free and requires them to pay for anything above that. So even if you had five Club Dish deals to get everything they offer still doesn't add up. $99.99-$39.99-$25.00=$35.00.
Now if Dish finally wised up and starting giving their employees better perks like the top receivers and programming, then kudos to Dish! Would go a long way in helping the empoyees understand how the equipment and programming works.
staying... I don't watch FX or geo, I do care alot about those missing HD channels though and I'm still pretty damn pissed I'm stuck watching CFB games in SD on ESPNU but the equipment is nicer than anything else in this area such as Comcast and Direct.
I posted this on their getwhatipaidfor website. Let's see if it shows up.

Dear Fox,
I am tired of your constant spamming of your website I am a Dish Network Customer. As a Dish customer, I lost FSN, FX and National Geographic Channels on October 1. Now, you and Dish Network are telling different stories as to what the proposed rate increases by you are, but that is not what I am writing about. If you would have been an adult about this, you would have never pulled your channels from Dish Network while you were negotiating. (There is no disputing that it was you that pulled these channels, yet I also continuously see postings on facebook and twitter stating that Dish pulled these channels.) I also believe that it is childish to use your website to spread your propaganda. I posted support for Dish Network and it never showed up on there. Every comment is pro-Fox. Instead of negotiating in good faith and behind closed doors, you are using a smear campaign to negotiate. You should have left the channels alone while you were negotiating. But since you didn't, you are coming off as a bully who is only trying to use force to get your way. As a result, I will be dropping the Sports Pack from my Dish Network package which I have had ever since I have been a Dish Network customer. I will also post this as many places on the internet that I can. It's time for the consumer to stand up to you and just say No. I will stand in full support of Dish Network as long as they choose to fight this. (And remember – Dish Network did not put up their websites until the channels were dropped and you forced their hand. They requested an extension.)
I am staying with Dish for:

1. I am under no contract. I refuse to go with DIRECTV just because of the 2 year contract.
2. I do not miss the RSNs, I have been too busy to watch sports this year
3. Local cable has 5 non locals in HD. I do not watch non HD now. Not worth my time any more.

Quite frankly if the cable company was competitive at all I would consider them over Dish. But, for now they have neglected doing upgrades in my town.
I posted this on their getwhatipaidfor website. Let's see if it shows up.

Dear Fox,
I am tired of your constant spamming of your website I am a Dish Network Customer. As a Dish customer, I lost FSN, FX and National Geographic Channels on October 1. Now, you and Dish Network are telling different stories as to what the proposed rate increases by you are, but that is not what I am writing about. If you would have been an adult about this, you would have never pulled your channels from Dish Network while you were negotiating. (There is no disputing that it was you that pulled these channels, yet I also continuously see postings on facebook and twitter stating that Dish pulled these channels.) I also believe that it is childish to use your website to spread your propaganda. I posted support for Dish Network and it never showed up on there. Every comment is pro-Fox. Instead of negotiating in good faith and behind closed doors, you are using a smear campaign to negotiate. You should have left the channels alone while you were negotiating. But since you didn't, you are coming off as a bully who is only trying to use force to get your way. As a result, I will be dropping the Sports Pack from my Dish Network package which I have had ever since I have been a Dish Network customer. I will also post this as many places on the internet that I can. It's time for the consumer to stand up to you and just say No. I will stand in full support of Dish Network as long as they choose to fight this. (And remember – Dish Network did not put up their websites until the channels were dropped and you forced their hand. They requested an extension.)

That was beautiful

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