# of HD-DVD discs "in the wild"


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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
Does anybody know how many were sold?

It is my understanding that more LDs were sold than HD DVDs. True?

Were more SACDs sold than HD DVDs?

I'm curious, because there's an ongoing discussion regarding the likelihood of the new OPPO BD/SACD player supporting HD DVD also. It might also support DVD-A. I doubt that they could get a license anymore, so it's moot. But if the licenses are still being issued, and there are enough out there, maybe OPPO will do it, as more or less the last unit to support HD DVD.
Actually, it's of interest to me as well as I am also a "subscriber" to that dead technology known as SACD (recently acquired as well) and I have some interest dating back to LD days tho' I never owned that format. Others beside navychop might also be looking for a "one size does all" player to cover a number of formats. As for me, my input-rich receiver allows me to connect many different players at once so I have done exactly that. But other installations including something I might do in the future could have a need for that Oppo or equivalent that could play a number of A/V formats. To be sure I won't be dumping my SACDs or HD DVDs...!

(You gotta allow us old fuddy-duddys our "what ifs"...!)
Well, laserdisc certainly had higher production numbers than HD-DVD. The format lived for 20 years as a viable niche and released well over 6000 titles. LD owners, although never significantly high, tended to collect large numbers of titles.

HD-DVD on the other hand was a format that never was allowed to develop and which had a smaller number of titles.
I have some SACDs and DVD-As, and look forward to Blu-ray audio discs. But I well know that some music I like might never get released on Blu-ray audio. Such as the Moody Blues.

I don't have any HD-DVDs. But I see an increased demand for the OPPO if it supported the format. And the more of these OPPO BD players they can expect to sell, the cheaper the price. Maybe. At the very least, the more sold, the greater and longer the support for the product. No doubt firmware updates will be needed for years to come.

It's a long shot, support for HD DVD. But it might happen, if licenses are still available. Since the association disbanded, that might mean no more licenses. Or it's free to make a player now?

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