

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 15, 2006
stevenl, do you have any idea how biased FOR BHN you appear? I know you work for them, but for the most part, your posts reflect an attitude of "they can do no wrong," or "it's somebody else's fault."

Honestly, I think this reflects the attitude of the entire company. They are deaf to the complaints, suggestions, or desires of customers.

And when the reason for a situation is sensible, they are awful in communicating that to their customer base. Everything is a promotion--"this is the best thing since sliced bread." Like Pivot. Or "you should be happy with what you've got--see how much we've done for you."

Just my opinion.
Ive talked bad about them a few times. The fact they have delayed the 1ghz upgrade, the fact they wasted to much money on "Pivot" and that ridiculous scheme. The fact they allow customers to get away with murder when it comes to problems THEY cause.

I listen to the suggestions and complaints on this website about BHN then I explain to the person making them why something is done that way. Thats it. Becuase I have certain knowledge about BHN and why things get done a certain way. I try to explain it to the best of my ability, and in plain english. I would love for BHN to implant the Node+1 system they have been telling us about for ever and use the 1ghz gear and introduce switched video, to give us near unlimited BW and channel capcity.. But I also understand the very real scenario of what holds things like this back, and why it takes so long to do.

BHN is a small fish is this game of giants. Hell The cable indsutry itself is a small fish compared to its new competition. ATT alone is bigger then the ENTIRE cable industry..

BHN in my unbiased opinion is the best value in Central Florida. I would not go anywhere because it has everything I use. On-Demand (My absolute Favorite and only availible on BHN in Orlando) DVR (I could get it on dish) and High Speed Internet (Fastest Internet In Orlando) So In the orlando Area based on the services that means the most to me BHN is clearly the leader. But its not so for everyone. Why? Because everyone has different things that they enjoy. Others could care less about on-demand but want more spanish tv, or asian or russian or whatever. Others are happy with slow 1.5mbit dsl, or dialup could care less about my 10mbit cable modem.

I understand BHN can not please everyone they can only work to please the majority, and the fact that they continue to grow and expand and people continue to add more services from BHN and our churn rate is below 2% (Which is unheard of in this industry) they seem to be doing something right... for the majority.

I often agree with the poster, but that would be in "A Perfect world" I try to explain why what the poster is saying cant or has happend.
Oh, and regarding your signature...you are already free...might express some gratitude for that. Lots of good people who loved their country, and were willing to serve it, died to guarantee continuation of that freedom. If you don't think you are free, move to Saudi Arabia.
Well to avoid having anything "Political" In my signature I chose a rather generic monikar to say when this nation will be out of the grip of one Bush and a Dick. Id love to chat with ya about it over in the Pit but I will not engage you on it here.
uhh...I would say a 1.5Mbps DSL connection is about the same speed as Road Runner most of the time. The 4 companies that operate in the Tampa Bay area now, 3 of them have an on-demand feature from PPV to on-demand channels(Brighthouse, Comcast, Verizon, and Litestream). AT&T is just starting to move into this area....it would be nice if TimeWarner had bought out the cable system here, I just can't see Advance/Newhouse selling what they have. We went from a test market with new features way before others to a cable system that adds TW content months after its launched...its like going back to the Paragon/Visioncable/TCI days. Little progress, crappy customer service that treats everyone with kids gloves(JD power awards are NOTHING), and techs that come out and ask for your help...

In my situation(s) I have had to go to upper management to try and get anything done, they promise a smart tech this time. Yet they find out they have no way to help because it is a hardware issue on their side with a node that serves the condo towers around this area and they have no plans to replace it until the condo project on the other side is finished(the condo tower has now been delayed).
Ive talked bad about them a few times. The fact they have delayed the 1ghz upgrade, the fact they wasted to much money on "Pivot" and that ridiculous scheme. The fact they allow customers to get away with murder when it comes to problems THEY cause.

I listen to the suggestions and complaints on this website about BHN then I explain to the person making them why something is done that way. Thats it. Becuase I have certain knowledge about BHN and why things get done a certain way. I try to explain it to the best of my ability, and in plain english. I would love for BHN to implant the Node+1 system they have been telling us about for ever and use the 1ghz gear and introduce switched video, to give us near unlimited BW and channel capcity.. But I also understand the very real scenario of what holds things like this back, and why it takes so long to do.

BHN is a small fish is this game of giants. Hell The cable indsutry itself is a small fish compared to its new competition. ATT alone is bigger then the ENTIRE cable industry..

BHN in my unbiased opinion is the best value in Central Florida. I would not go anywhere because it has everything I use. On-Demand (My absolute Favorite and only availible on BHN in Orlando) DVR (I could get it on dish) and High Speed Internet (Fastest Internet In Orlando) So In the orlando Area based on the services that means the most to me BHN is clearly the leader. But its not so for everyone. Why? Because everyone has different things that they enjoy. Others could care less about on-demand but want more spanish tv, or asian or russian or whatever. Others are happy with slow 1.5mbit dsl, or dialup could care less about my 10mbit cable modem.

I understand BHN can not please everyone they can only work to please the majority, and the fact that they continue to grow and expand and people continue to add more services from BHN and our churn rate is below 2% (Which is unheard of in this industry) they seem to be doing something right... for the majority.

I often agree with the poster, but that would be in "A Perfect world" I try to explain why what the poster is saying cant or has happend.

guess, you haven't heard about directv on demand?
uhh...I would say a 1.5Mbps DSL connection is about the same speed as Road Runner most of the time. The 4 companies that operate in the Tampa Bay area now, 3 of them have an on-demand feature from PPV to on-demand channels(Brighthouse, Comcast, Verizon, and Litestream). AT&T is just starting to move into this area....it would be nice if TimeWarner had bought out the cable system here, I just can't see Advance/Newhouse selling what they have. We went from a test market with new features way before others to a cable system that adds TW content months after its launched...its like going back to the Paragon/Visioncable/TCI days. Little progress, crappy customer service that treats everyone with kids gloves(JD power awards are NOTHING), and techs that come out and ask for your help...

In my situation(s) I have had to go to upper management to try and get anything done, they promise a smart tech this time. Yet they find out they have no way to help because it is a hardware issue on their side with a node that serves the condo towers around this area and they have no plans to replace it until the condo project on the other side is finished(the condo tower has now been delayed).

If my cable modem was only getting 1.5mbit id be screaming to high haven! 1.5 is crawling speed compared to what I get. When I am at friends house who have Embarq DSL I constantly yell at them to get BHN because of the crappy speeds. Try watching streaming video on a 1.5mbit line (not tlaking about youtube type stuff but quality video) see how many times it rebuffers.

and I apologize about the problems you have had, it happens things slip through the crack or we are not able to complete projects until other work is done. We have many times had to leave areas with bad cables in the ground because we A. Couldnt dig them up to repair and B. couldnt replace them till other work was done, rather it be a road being built or poles moved etc. Its never (in my area) been because BHN didnt want to pay for something. We turn in tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in Cable replacements, because of them being bad, they are not afraid to spend money to fix the problems.

As far as techs go.. I wish I had control over who to fire and who not to id of fired 50% of the service techs in the orlando area, because they are lazy idiots just coming to work for a pay check. But the other 50% really care about their job and their company. Unforutnety its hard to find anyone who is a good worker these days. Who really cares about what they do, so in order to handle the sheer number of calls and jobs to do BHN settles for sometimes subpar employees. its either they do that or you wait a week for aservice call like with comcast in this area or embarq.
Oh, we want to talk speeds, do we? speedtest.net 5 min ago...download from the Orlando server was 3146 kbps. Yesterday it was 969 kbps. The Roadrunner advertised speed is 7000 kbps.

I have had them out. They replaced cable modem. Said my equipment is working perfectly.
Use Atlanta, FDN networks BLOWS I live in Orlando and still cant max them out!!
In Atlanta off "One Ring Networks. I max it out to the full 10mbit. FDN I barely get 2-3mbit and I live in the same city as their data center! Their network and routing is horrid.

I get about a 40ms ping to Atlanta and a 115ms ping to Orlando (where I live) imagine that.
FDN communications is the company that provides the speedtest server for speedtest.net in Orlando. Their network is horrid which is why you get slow speeds there. goto speedtest.net and test it from Atlanta I get awesome speeds from Their network. Remember your speedtest is only gonna be as fast as the slowest route.
FDN Blows they also provide the speedtest in Miami and tampa I think* Anytime I see them as the "Source" I change it because their network sucks :)
Yes, I am in Brevard. Wait, I'll have to go look...OK, seems to be a Toshiba PCX2500.

Just out of curiosity, why do you ask?

Just noticed that it has a 100Mbps LAN side port. The one they took out had a 10 Mbps port. Doesn't matter since the provided speed is limited below 10 Mbps anyway.
Those are nice I prefer the Motorola surf board or the old green Toshiba's the 1100u's those bad boys would work with any kinda a signal no matter how bad :)
You need BHN High Speed Online to access it dont you ? :D Not to mention im not sure if it is availible yet is it?

ah, yeah its actually being released nationally...one area at a time. as for broadband, i read on the website that a broadband lite speed will work. but i'd bet a significant amount of money by the time, its totally nationally released, more and more......much in hd....will be released......more in the library than what bhn is offering.

btw, without spending time looking for the post....but weren't you saying this summer that bhn would have both nfl network and fsn florida, up and running by now?

i'm not trying to start an argument but i do often....very often........wonder about the legitimacy of your sources. if i'm out of line, i apologize right now.
No worries, Yes they were suppose to have it, That was the plan, BHN knew well before the season of the magic what was going to happen thats why they were planning for it. To add FSN however, FSN increased the rates, more then what BHN wanted to pay because of the added Magic games, this is why there is the stand still. Im not sure about NFL Net I think it is timewarner that is holding BHN up on this issue, I cant remember the link but there was an article about it last month I think in regards to a fight between timewarner and nflnet, which BHN can not in this instance go above timewarner or it would affect their partnership which BHN relys on to be competitive.

The plan was before October/November to have both channels launched, unfortuntely 1 fell out of BHN control and the other well, changed their mind and got greedier, which is one reason I am so madd at FSN, for their greed in increased the price nearly 15cents from what bhn was gonna pay, all for the magic, im sorry but I think feel that 30 games of Magic Basketball are worth about 200k dollars and I dont think BHN does either which is why the stalemate (200k is about the difference between what bhn was gonna pay and what they offer them after the magic being moved) this is aper month rate just fyi.

Feel free to question my sources I do, often times it is "hear say" and others its set in stone, feel free to check my history I have been rght more often then not.. However in a company the size of BHN and with having another company TWC to work with oftens even the best laid plan gets changed because of other issues.
Yes, I am in Brevard. Wait, I'll have to go look...OK, seems to be a Toshiba PCX2500.

Just out of curiosity, why do you ask?

Just noticed that it has a 100Mbps LAN side port. The one they took out had a 10 Mbps port. Doesn't matter since the provided speed is limited below 10 Mbps anyway.

Personally, I don't like those modems. The 1100, the one steven mentioned, was by far the best for handling speeds and traffic. I would still have mine after 8 years if it didn't go up in smoke! The SA modem is next. Might wanna see if you can trade it in for an SA modem.

Anyone else with DVR lag issues?

People are STUPID

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