On the digital interference with analog, just an added point: when I'm in analog mode and stop at a digital channel, the screen flickers as it tries to interpret the signal, presumably the analog content transmitted at that frequency. I can tell it's a digital because the screen flickers in a particular way, and I see letterbox bands.
I don't agree about the LOS, either. Most of the Portland DMA is not LOS. I'm 1 edge, 15 miles away and with indoor antennas get all full power digital stations plus an LP whose analog I can't receive. Digital cable PQ was not good for the locals, they had ghosts (way fewer than with analog, but really, ghosts on digital cable) and cable carried only 1/3 the local content. My neighbor has satellite, they lose service ~2 days/year. Last month when they 2 lost days from freezing rain coating the dish, all I lost OTA was the digital station that took a power hit. Cable loses total service ~1 day a year. To lose all OTA, I suppose I'd have to have a roof antenna, and even then, a paperclip would save the day.
I don't agree about the LOS, either. Most of the Portland DMA is not LOS. I'm 1 edge, 15 miles away and with indoor antennas get all full power digital stations plus an LP whose analog I can't receive. Digital cable PQ was not good for the locals, they had ghosts (way fewer than with analog, but really, ghosts on digital cable) and cable carried only 1/3 the local content. My neighbor has satellite, they lose service ~2 days/year. Last month when they 2 lost days from freezing rain coating the dish, all I lost OTA was the digital station that took a power hit. Cable loses total service ~1 day a year. To lose all OTA, I suppose I'd have to have a roof antenna, and even then, a paperclip would save the day.