Nutty Weather?

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I hear ya Sergi. Forecast here in Va is for snow so looks like the honeymoon might be over here as well. Was nice while it lasted though, hey! ;-)
I hear ya Sergi. Forecast here in Va is for snow so looks like the honeymoon might be over here as well. Was nice while it lasted though, hey! ;-)

Now to make things worse I'm having issue with timeouts with my wireless internet and there's been discussions with the company that by adding a metal roof to the house it may be causing a problem so tomorrow I'm need to climb the tower and move the wireless antenna higher on the tower and hopefully it will fix the problem. Not sure myself if this is the problem but it's the best solution to try as the problem took me down again for 2 hours tonight before the internet came back. Needless to say should have done this yesterday when it was warmer.
Iceberg said:
53 yesterday in Minneapolis and low tonight of 4...ugh!
no wonder I can barely walk...damn arthur-itis

Thats my problem. Several knee surgeries in college from playing basketball. We are just jumping up and down every 3 days. We will be back to 60 for the weekend, then back down in the 20-30s then back to 60 by middle of next week. It needs to get close to our normal winter temps and stay there till mid to late march.

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Zero, Zero

Looking at the Today show this morning and the weather map of the US, North Dakota and Minn-A-Snow-Ta both had big goose eggs for temps. Just about right for Iceberg to go adjust a dish.:D

actually it was -11 this morning
we will hit 2 but windchill will make it -8 or -9 out

Have no reason to aim a dish today...
Saw a McD commercial for a breakfast sandwich special. Buy the first one, at regular price, and get the second for yesterdays temp. They're going to loose big time. Buy one, and get the second, and a nickel. 5 below for a hi yesterday, I do believe.
Saw a McD commercial for a breakfast sandwich special. Buy the first one, at regular price, and get the second for yesterdays temp. They're going to loose big time. Buy one, and get the second, and a nickel. 5 below for a hi yesterday, I do believe.

yep they do that every January. Buy one EggMcMuffin or Big Mac at regular price and the 2nd is the price of yesterday's noon temp. If its below 0 it will be free
They dont lose anything as the alacarte price for a big mac is like $3.50...they hope you add fries and a pop (at alacarte prices) to make up for it

Now if they did the Sausage Egg Muffin sandwich well then they'd lose their butt. I'd be there everyday (love the sausage egg version) :)
59 here today, very nice for jan19. Makes me wonder what's coming down the road for later this month! I have a picture I'll post later, that I took today.
Springtime in Dixie! almost (NOT)

We've had some above average temperatures so far, even though we've had a few nights , recently into the 20's. Like last night-24 degrees. But even with the weirdness , some flowers are starting to pop up, some plum trees put out some leaves, and grass is starting to 'green up' in spots. Today I found these blooming already, strange for January.


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"Springtime in Dixie! almost"
Oh, you lucky guys that live in the South and have all the heat. Flowers two months before my snow melts, bummer.:(
And all that extra "dish work on time" you have.:(
Hot here today, up to 28 from 9 last night.
Shoot, we were 19 barely reaching 30 yesterday around midgnight and now it is 71 today, although we have 25mph winds gusting to 40mph. Driving me nutty as the thread title says..
"Springtime in Dixie! almost"
Oh, you lucky guys that live in the South and have all the heat. Flowers two months before my snow melts, bummer.:(
And all that extra "dish work on time" you have.:(
Hot here today, up to 28 from 9 last night.

I took these photos about two weeks ago but my patio/garden/yard still looks exactly like this, no change at all.
It's 72f right now and about 200% humidity. In other words, it's bloody miserable! I want me some winter!
I want 45f with under 50% humidity and sunny days so I can open the house up and get outside and do things!
I'm running the freakin air conditioner around the clock. It's spring time here, the weatherman flat out said it the other day, winter skipped us completely and spring is upon us.
I just wish it would cool down a little so I can get out and do some planting and such. It's too hot and humid to go outside now.. :(
We had ice the other day, it stuck around on the ground till today. Afternoon was about 32 degrees and heavy fog in the area but tonight will go up in temperature to 50 and then thunderstorms in early morning maybe a isolated tornado. Low to mid 40's all next week above normal for this time of the year.
I woke up to an ice storm Saturday morning and abut an inch of snow Sunday morning. This morning it was just above freezing and foggy all day. Suppose to hit 60 tomorrow and 55 Wednesday.

Sunday evening the sun had a massive coronal ejection that is suppose to hit here tomorrow thru Wednesday. Wonder how much that will screw with the already screwey weather?? Here's a link to that story.

Planes Expected To Reroute Following Massive Solar Eruption | Fox News
No winter here either...79 today 82 tomorrow....normal high's about 65 this time of year.
I'll take it! I'll take it!! Just leave that darn hum-ah-didty down there. Went up to 41 here today and rained in morning. 160 schools closed. Bad side roads, ice. Driveway almost clear of snow, nice. Rain stopped and several deck boards went dry. Sunday they had 8 inches of snow on them until I plowed. Temp dropped and snow came back at 4:30 pm. Now, all covered with an inch of snow. Nutty weather. Back to 39 Thursday.
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