Looks like HD DVD has 64% more standalones than Blu-ray.
Gaming Pushing Blu-ray/HD DVD Market, Research Finds - CE Pro Article
Sorry could not resist

Looks like HD DVD has 64% more standalones than Blu-ray.
Gaming Pushing Blu-ray/HD DVD Market, Research Finds - CE Pro Article
What did you expect after that Warner news? In a week or two it will be back to normal. Pretty pictures for the Blu trolls to run with and paste everywhere but all it represents is a temporary over reaction for one week.
Nice speculation with no facts to point in that direction.What did you expect after that Warner news? In a week or two it will be back to normal. Pretty pictures for the Blu trolls to run with and paste everywhere but all it represents is a temporary over reaction for one week.
Then show numbers that dispute his "crap" as untrue based on the criteria he gave.Bill Hunt posted no facts. .
EVERY HD DVD for the 360 add on is purchased to play HD DVD's. Hence his pie charts are CRAP.
temporary over reaction for one week.
Hmmm, good pointConversly....
EVERY PS3 is purchased to play Blu-ray disks. The games and the movies are both on Blu-ray media. Hence the PS3 is a Blu-ray player.
Looks like HD DVD has 64% more standalones than Blu-ray.
Bill Hunt posted no facts. The ONLY piece of hardware that could be logically left out of the numbers is the PS3 since no one knows the % used as a standalone. EVERY HD DVD for the 360 add on is purchased to play HD DVD's. Hence his pie charts are CRAP.
Is that important?That number is through Q3 07 and doesn't include Q4 07
You had a good point going until you get to the second paraghraph.Gee I would consider sales data facts, it may not be the whole picture, but it is data, and you can analyze data, it is showing a trend. The data simply identifies a trend in the standalone sales, which if I am not mistaken was what the red side said was important anyways.
And besides, gamers do not watch movies, how many add on buyers buy movies other then the 10 free ones or what ever they are giving away at the time, at $30 a pop, I doubt gamers are gonna be buying movies, when they can download a HD movie from x-box live for $5 or what ever it costs. Where are the studies and data that indicate an X-Box 360 user purchases the same amount of discs that a standalone user would. I want to see facts, statistics, data, surveys !!!! Sorry Vurbano I stole your line.
Gee I would consider sales data facts, it may not be the whole picture, but it is data, and you can analyze data, it is showing a trend. The data simply identifies a trend in the standalone sales, which if I am not mistaken was what the red side said was important anyways.
And besides, gamers do not watch movies, how many add on buyers buy movies other then the 10 free ones or what ever they are giving away at the time, at $30 a pop, I doubt gamers are gonna be buying movies, when they can download a HD movie from x-box live for $5 or what ever it costs. Where are the studies and data that indicate an X-Box 360 user purchases the same amount of discs that a standalone user would. I want to see facts, statistics, data, surveys !!!! Sorry Vurbano I stole your line.
Wow! you are a real ner.....umm I mean gamerYeah, I have real problems with paragraph 2 as well.I probably sink 40+ hours in video gaming a week (mostly with my kids) and I watch quite a few movies with my wife as well. And as a real gamer I also play table top RPGS such as D&D and even go to conventions like Gen Con : Home and DieCon -- A St. Louis, MO metro-area gaming convention.
Wow! you are a real ner.....umm I mean gamer![]()
Haha, I knew that too. I am a conservative trekkie:upNo it's fine. I feel secure with my nerdality. I had a 2 hour discussion at work about the new Star Trek movie Trailer and how it looked like they were working on the Enterprise planet side. When every one knows that the shipyards are in space.
The Digitals Bits just posted the actual standalone unit numbers, let's see how Baghdad Vurbano spins these:
January Week 2:
Blu-ray Disc - 21,770 units
HD-DVD - 1,758 units - LOL
Month of December:
Blu-ray Disc - 115,132 units
HD-DVD - 76,148 units