NPD Hardware Sales Data

Looks like HD DVD has 64% more standalones than Blu-ray.

Gaming Pushing Blu-ray/HD DVD Market, Research Finds - CE Pro Article

Sorry could not resist



What did you expect after that Warner news? In a week or two it will be back to normal. Pretty pictures for the Blu trolls to run with and paste everywhere but all it represents is a temporary over reaction for one week.

You forgot that that week Toshiba drastically cut prices too. Dropping the MSRP of the players did nto seem to help sales. The word is circulating fast, and the more it circulates the more people will believe BD won, even if the battle is still going on.
What did you expect after that Warner news? In a week or two it will be back to normal. Pretty pictures for the Blu trolls to run with and paste everywhere but all it represents is a temporary over reaction for one week.
Nice speculation with no facts to point in that direction.

So posting facts makes someone a troll now? lol
Bill Hunt posted no facts. The ONLY piece of hardware that could be logically left out of the numbers is the PS3 since no one knows the % used as a standalone. EVERY HD DVD for the 360 add on is purchased to play HD DVD's. Hence his pie charts are CRAP.
Bill Hunt posted no facts. .
Then show numbers that dispute his "crap" as untrue based on the criteria he gave.

He plainly states that the charts are based on stand alone set top players ONLY, and do not include the add on or the PS3.

Edit: I am not saying that including the add on, or the PS3 for that matter(since IMO it should be counted too) wouldnt change those numbers.
EVERY HD DVD for the 360 add on is purchased to play HD DVD's. Hence his pie charts are CRAP.


EVERY PS3 is purchased to play Blu-ray disks. The games and the movies are both on Blu-ray media. Hence the PS3 is a Blu-ray player. Why are the PS3's not counted as players?
Bill Hunt posted no facts. The ONLY piece of hardware that could be logically left out of the numbers is the PS3 since no one knows the % used as a standalone. EVERY HD DVD for the 360 add on is purchased to play HD DVD's. Hence his pie charts are CRAP.

At least you used to make sense (most of the time) when you posted, even if I didn't agree with it - this is just getting sad...

Fine, throw in the add-on, but then you have to throw in something for the PS3 - even if you think only 10% are being used for BD movies, that would probably still outweigh the add-on sales for the 360, so I don't think it's going to help you much...
Gee I would consider sales data facts, it may not be the whole picture, but it is data, and you can analyze data, it is showing a trend. The data simply identifies a trend in the standalone sales, which if I am not mistaken was what the red side said was important anyways.

And besides, gamers do not watch movies, how many add on buyers buy movies other then the 10 free ones or what ever they are giving away at the time, at $30 a pop, I doubt gamers are gonna be buying movies, when they can download a HD movie from x-box live for $5 or what ever it costs. Where are the studies and data that indicate an X-Box 360 user purchases the same amount of discs that a standalone user would. I want to see facts, statistics, data, surveys !!!! Sorry Vurbano I stole your line.
Gee I would consider sales data facts, it may not be the whole picture, but it is data, and you can analyze data, it is showing a trend. The data simply identifies a trend in the standalone sales, which if I am not mistaken was what the red side said was important anyways.

And besides, gamers do not watch movies, how many add on buyers buy movies other then the 10 free ones or what ever they are giving away at the time, at $30 a pop, I doubt gamers are gonna be buying movies, when they can download a HD movie from x-box live for $5 or what ever it costs. Where are the studies and data that indicate an X-Box 360 user purchases the same amount of discs that a standalone user would. I want to see facts, statistics, data, surveys !!!! Sorry Vurbano I stole your line.
You had a good point going until you get to the second paraghraph.

What other purpose would there be of buying it if you werent going to watch movies on it? $30 a movie is nothing when you consider what they pay for the price of the games for these systems, so that argument doesnt stand up.

Not a study, but using just myself (and I would bet others here that bought the add on would be similiar) I have continued to buy movies to watch on it other than what came with it.
Gee I would consider sales data facts, it may not be the whole picture, but it is data, and you can analyze data, it is showing a trend. The data simply identifies a trend in the standalone sales, which if I am not mistaken was what the red side said was important anyways.

And besides, gamers do not watch movies, how many add on buyers buy movies other then the 10 free ones or what ever they are giving away at the time, at $30 a pop, I doubt gamers are gonna be buying movies, when they can download a HD movie from x-box live for $5 or what ever it costs. Where are the studies and data that indicate an X-Box 360 user purchases the same amount of discs that a standalone user would. I want to see facts, statistics, data, surveys !!!! Sorry Vurbano I stole your line.

Yeah, I have real problems with paragraph 2 as well. :D I probably sink 40+ hours in video gaming a week (mostly with my kids) and I watch quite a few movies with my wife as well. And as a real gamer I also play table top RPGS such as D&D and even go to conventions like Gen Con : Home and DieCon -- A St. Louis, MO metro-area gaming convention.
Actual Numbers

The Digitals Bits just posted the actual standalone unit numbers, let's see how Baghdad Vurbano spins these:

January Week 2:

Blu-ray Disc - 21,770 units
HD-DVD - 1,758 units - LOL :p

Month of December:

Blu-ray Disc - 115,132 units
HD-DVD - 76,148 units
Wow! you are a real ner.....umm I mean gamer:p

No it's fine. I feel secure with my nerdality. I had a 2 hour discussion at work about the new Star Trek movie Trailer and how it looked like they were working on the Enterprise planet side. When every one knows that the shipyards are in space.
Your right, but how many Playstion 3 users are buying discs. Maybe they did not originally purchase it for that purpose, but after watching some movies they may be hooked, and unlike the x-box, you do not have to go out of your way to get the add-on, the disc player is built in. I would think that this would expose many more people to Blu-Ray then would otherwise be interested in it. If you look at what you get with the playstation compared to the x-box it is a much better deal, HI-DEF disc player, state of the art game play, Media center, built in WiFi and free online gaming. Once we get games, it will be a great deal. That brings up a good point, there is not much to do right now with a playstation but watch movies. So instead of spending $60 for a game people are buying 2 Blu-Ray movies LOL... Just speculation, I have no facts or studies indicating that is what is happening.
No it's fine. I feel secure with my nerdality. I had a 2 hour discussion at work about the new Star Trek movie Trailer and how it looked like they were working on the Enterprise planet side. When every one knows that the shipyards are in space.
Haha, I knew that too. I am a conservative trekkie:up
The Digitals Bits just posted the actual standalone unit numbers, let's see how Baghdad Vurbano spins these:

January Week 2:

Blu-ray Disc - 21,770 units
HD-DVD - 1,758 units - LOL :p

Month of December:

Blu-ray Disc - 115,132 units
HD-DVD - 76,148 units

The week after WB is not too much of a shock. Im still pleased with the December sales. Kinda shoots that whole price thing down :cool:

Hopefully we'll see this continue even witht he price drop, but I dont count on it.

PS3 owners damaging Attach rates?

The format war cost home entertainment in 2007

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