about losing Voom :down :down :down :down I don't even know what to say or what to smash.
I totally disagree with anybody who said Voom's problem was it had no content.
VOOM WAS FINALLY TV WORTH WATCHING. TV wasn't called "the boob tube" for nothing. I learned so much about great art on Gallery HD. I loved Equator, and the documentaries and foreign films on Cinema10, and the new direction they were going with Film Fest avant garde films, and I really appreciated having a service without TV commercials for cars, medicines, fast food, etc. I also love Discovery HD, but I am not about to get another service for ONE channel.
Do I want to subscribe to another service, mostly SD, with TV commercials up the wazoo? No way, not even if they paid me.
I will go back to renting an occasional film at 480p :down and reading more. Maybe this is for the best anyhow.
I definitely "lost a friend on life support" here. :river
I am so bummed, and after visiting this great SatelliteGuys forum every day for almost a whole year (since February 04), this is my FINAL POST in this forum.....
Scott, and Sean, and Ilya, you guys are a CLASS ACT!

Best of luck to everyone!

Sadly, we won't BeVuMin anymore.