Just watched the blue-ray this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it...and that is after seeing in 2.5 times in the theater (don't ask, had to leave one showing mid-viewing which is why I went for the 3rd).
In the theater, I saw it twice in 3D and the last time in 2D. The 2D showing was on a gigantic screen, but seemed bland after the 3D experience so integral to the Avatar movie experience. However, being so long since my theater viewings, I had forgotten most of the 3D details and the BD version was fantastic.
I have a new Sony 60" 240hz screen and this was a perfect movie to break in the new home theater. The first 15 minutes I felt my screen was too small for this movie.

But, once I got enveloped back into the movie I forgot I wasn't in a theater, absorbed the comforts of home, and enjoyed the story yet again.
No, the plot isn't complex nor does it take several viewings to figure out all the nuances, but its a great story and the visuals are breathtaking. It doesn't matter to me if the frame of the story is an old formula. It works! The new aspects are of an entire new world you get to experience and a new technology (the avatar driver) that we've never seen before. So, even if the broad storyline is predictable, there are so many new sci-fi elements going on to enjoy. And the length was perfect...if anything, I could have taken more. It is a nice change when a film takes the time to develop characters and relationships instead of throwing action scene after action scene at you while ignoring other essential parts of a good story. It is really groundbreaking and a classic we'll be watching for years.
So yeah, I hated it. :clap I hope they don't kill it in sequels.
Now, while I don't like the double dip going on with two releases, I was happy that a version came out as quick as it did and we didn't have to wait an extra couple months for a full featured version to be developed. This version is great...it is the accolade winning theater version. When the "extras" version comes out, this one will go on ebay and I'll get the new one.