Notice Anything Different?

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The ads in the message have always been there for registered members.

If you don't want to see them become a pub member.

Membership has its privilidges. :)

No idea what was up a few hours ago I was in the hospital getting two fingers sowed back on.

I got in a fight with a hedge trimmer... The trimmer won. :)

Actually it could have been worse... a few stiches and I am as good as new. :)
Anyway the skin upgrade and tabs look good. The new PDA style is missing the dropdown to return to the normal skin though.

As for the Google ads... There's a way to hide them if you have Firefox. I don't hide them since I use Adsense on a couple of my own sites.

Except that now "Ads by Google" remain inside the posts even after I login! Sucks big time!
The ads in the message have always been there for registered members.

If you don't want to see them become a pub member.

Membership has its privilidges. :)

No idea what was up a few hours ago I was in the hospital getting two fingers sowed back on.

I got in a fight with a hedge trimmer... The trimmer won. :)

Actually it could have been worse... a few stiches and I am as good as new. :)

Sounded like the woman I saw in the after hours clinic today. She had cut her hand up pretty badly with hedge trimmers too, they shipped her off to the hospital since she had cut an artery. We were there getting X-Rays, as the neck and back pain seems to be getting worse from the accident a few days ago.
As for the Google ads... There's a way to hide them if you have Firefox. I don't hide them since I use Adsense on a couple of my own sites.

Thanks for the idea, found a way in Opera to block them, but it leaves a blank space where the ad was. Didn't mind the ads when they were between the posts (even clicked on some) but can't stand them inside the posts, so they are gone.
For registered members, the new look gets rid of our blue left side navigation bar and instead brings us tabs near the top of the page. This give you more room for messages!
Remember when you made the switch a few months back that added that sidebar and many of us complained about it ?? It was not complaining just because it was a change, it was a poor layout, in many people's opinions.... Glad you finally came around :D

As for the other changes, I presume I won't see them in "Classic" mode ??

One other thing, can this "Those listed below are our PROUD SatelliteGuys GOLD Sponsors!" be changed into an image ?? :) That's all I see.... no sponsors listed.... :)
Only change you'll see in "Classic" is the ads inside the posts, they'll appear to the right of the box. The old way of between the posts were better.

Remember when you made the switch a few months back that added that sidebar and many of us complained about it ?? It was not complaining just because it was a change, it was a poor layout, in many people's opinions.... Glad you finally came around :D

As for the other changes, I presume I won't see them in "Classic" mode ??

One other thing, can this "Those listed below are our PROUD SatelliteGuys GOLD Sponsors!" be changed into an image ?? :) That's all I see.... no sponsors listed.... :)
In the past we have given out some email accounts to some supporters. But we discontinued that program about 2 years ago due to some issues that came up.

Those folks who still have email addresses can access the webmail feature to access their SatelliteGuys.US email address.

Hope this helps. :)
The new home page is missing the nav bar across the top. Didn't realize it until I was ready to go to New Posts.

Also tried the new PDA mode. Looks good (very good), but I don't see how to get to the First Unread message in a thread.
Nothing has changed on the homepage.

PDA mode is still being worked on. I was planning on doing more today however after almost chopping off two fingers on my right hand yesterday I haven't felt like too much like typing. :)
It's no longer there when I go to (title retrieval disabled for this post).
I now see it's been replaced by "Click Here To Enter The SatelliteGuys Forums" which is barely noticeable because of the ads packed tightly around it.

And don't you have 6 other fingers and a couple of thumbs? :p I'm amazed you're on the keyboard at all. :bow Mend quickly!
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