* Note - Do Not Call For Mpeg4 UNTIL FEB 1ST*

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Dan Berndt said:
I just checked on ebay and there are a lot of "new-in-box" 942s on sale. It looks like the going price is around $450. Most of the sellers are "authorized resellers" and there are a lot of people bidding.

I read that Dish would not activate any new MPEG2 recievers after 2/1 but many of these bid end date are almost a week out. If this is the case, then the people selling these recievers must know that they won't be able to deliver the recievers in time to get activated. What are these people thinking?

It seems these so called authorized resellers are getting ready to RIP these people off.
And I put the complete blame on the liars and cheats at Dish Network.:mad:

At least if Dish Network kept the receivers active for the buyers, it would not be so bad.
I hope they (Dish) get their asses yanked into court.
Dan Berndt said:
I just checked on ebay and there are a lot of "new-in-box" 942s on sale. It looks like the going price is around $450. Most of the sellers are "authorized resellers" and there are a lot of people bidding.

I read that Dish would not activate any new MPEG2 recievers after 2/1 but many of these bid end date are almost a week out. If this is the case, then the people selling these recievers must know that they won't be able to deliver the recievers in time to get activated. What are these people thinking?

The 942's won't be good for Dish HD but won't they make an really nice SD DVR with a decent HD OTA tuner? I hope that will give our old 942 and 921's some value on EBay after all the changes are made.

Also, I just got my Dish billing for February and couldn't find any mention of the rate increase, the new HD channels, or the receivers and pending switch to MPEG4. Shouldn't they be yacking it up with all thier customers about all the changes? Very few of their customers know how they are going to be affected with these changes.
I believe this whole mess is possibly one of the biggest blunders Dish has made in quite a while. It was not well thought out and they severly understimated existing customer unrest.

I think they assumed customers would be SO thrilled over getting a few new HD channels that they'd put up with almost anything. I also think they never thought we'd find out about the "MPEG2 disguised as MPEG4" charade. I think they really believed we'd all be beating down their doors to get in line for all this.

I expect at this point they may be looking for a way to put the fire out without embarrasing themselves or admitting any mistakes (they never have and never will admit anything). I predict they will end up making some or all of the new HD accesable on existing receivers.
Dan: I believe Dish won't activate HD service on non-MPEG-4 receivers after 2/1/06. I think they'll still activate them for SD service.

We will know shortly.
snook2448 said:
normal promo rules say you can only do dish n up once a year but with the new rec coming out dish is going to allow you to upgrade to mpeg 4 even if its with in the past year
And where did you discover this tidbit?
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