OK, guys this is my first post, but I'm not new to reading here.
I'm one of the customers who activated service with a 942 about 17 days ago. However, I called D* before signing up and asked if the 942 was MPEG-4 capable. After talking with several people and being on hold, I was told "Yes" but that I would need an adapter to work with it. So, I signed up. Needless to say having just paid $250 I was a little upset with the news during 1/9 CC. So, I emailed Charlie Ergen directly. I sent it to 3 different email address last night;
ceo@echostar.com and
charlie.ergen@echostar.com. Looks like he responded from the
He responded below. I came away with a positive feeling that they will take some things into consideration. He also stated that 622 won't be out until March and even stated that they will actively be in contact with me in March.
Hope this helps.
Anyway here's what he replied with.
From: Ergen, Charlie [mailto:Charlie.Ergen@echostar.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Tony Burt
Subject: RE: 1/9 Charlie Chat, HD = Upset customer
Dear Tony,
The model 622 will be out in March. I suggest we reconnect at that point and decide how to make sure you are treated fairly....i understand you are in a unique position. I have copied my assistant , Mariedes to make sure we communicate with you in March. Feel free to contact her. For now, you have the right equipment but i agree if you want the new HD channels we will have to replace your current receiver with a fair deal
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Burt
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:30 AM
To: CEO of Dish Network; CEO; Ergen, Charlie
Subject: 1/9 Charlie Chat, HD = Upset customer
Dear Mr. Ergen,
I want to first thank you for holding the Charlie Chats to inform customers of recent events and upcoming changes. However, announcements during the most recent chat have left me thinking twice about your service. Please allow me to explain my situation.
I have been doing extensive research on MPEG 4 and Dish Network in order to make an educated decision about signing up for your service. On 12/23 I called Dish Network and asked them about the new 942 receiver and its MPEG-4 capabilities. After being on hold with one of the technicians for quite some time, I was told that the 942 was MPEG-4 compatible but that an adapter would be required to help the receiver decode the signal. After much debate and research, I decided to spend the $250 to get the 942.
On 12/24, I signed up for service. I was talked into an upgrade fee to get the Dish 1000, but more on that later. My service was installed on 12/30, just barely over 2 weeks ago. My install took 5 hours to complete as I was the first Dish 1000/ DVR942 setup they had ever done and they didn't really know what they were doing. I have installed many, many dishes over the years for my friends and family and knew more than these guys did.
Anyway, things have been well with my setup that is until now. I am very disheartened to learn that I just paid $250 for the 942 and now I'm going to have to pay another $99 to upgrade to the ViP 622. It also said that a New Subscriber would be able to get the $299 price with $200 rebate whereas 16 days ago, I paid $250 for a receiver that I was told would NOT be made obsolete by MPEG-4. Going back to the "upgrade" fee that I paid for the Dish 1000, your Charlie Chat stated that I get free installation and upgrade to the newest dish. I have already paid for the new dish and everyone knows that all you need to do is send me the receiver for the install. In my situation, no install is needed what-so-ever.
Mr. Ergen, I do feel that your offer is pretty decent for those who have had their equipment for a while (such as 921 owners), but I feel that there needs to be a provision for those who have signed up within the last 30 days or so. I have spoken with Tech Support and Customer Service and they state they cannot help me. I do not feel that it is fair for me to have to pay the $99 for installation that I don't need, especially since I just paid $250 a HD DVR when in April you will be offering that for new subs for $99 AR. Even if I'm mistaken on that fact and the upgrade fee from standard to HD DVR will be $299 that still is only $49 above what I paid 16 days ago, not $99.
I urge you to waive the $99 fee for brand new subs or at the very least lower it to $49. In my situation, I was given false information from your employees prior to my signing the agreement. If this fee cannot be waived, then I request a service credit in the amount of $99. Lastly, if nothing can be resolved I will seek to have my account terminated and the equipment removed. I will take whatever steps necessary to avoid a penalty for early cancellation. I sincerely hope that something can be worked out and I can once again recommend Dish Network to my friends and family. I would very much like to remain a loyal Dish Network customer.
I look forward for a response. Thank you in advanced for your time.