* Note - Do Not Call For Mpeg4 UNTIL FEB 1ST*

Please reply by conversation.
Sean Mota said:
How much money it will cost to lease a 942? is it $5/mth or is $10/mth?

If it is $5 x 12 months = $60 worth of leasing
if it is $10x 12 months = $120 worth of leasing.

What was the original price of the 942 $500? well you do the math. I still think the 942s owner are not getting a good deal if in fact we need to return the equipment and pay $299 or $99 (april 1) for the swap. It looks like we just wasted or gave away money to E*. Maybe E* should have calculated this money and gave us programming credit if they want the 942 boxes back.

Scott is not a matter of whether the boxes will be worthless next year. I think it is a matter of principle. I know nothing is guarantee when you buy these equipment but it seems awful tough to swallow this pill.
leaseing is just not an option for me, i refuse to lease

in the situation im in I expect a 615us credit for my less than 30 day old 942(buyers remorse) i then plan to buy the 622 from claude
Im fine with no guarantee but to take a 6000, 811, 921, 942 and just borrow a replacement from charlie
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Scott Greczkowski said:
I actually like Charlies plan. When the MPEG2 HD stream are shut off next year your 942 is going to be worthless anyways. Its not like you will be able to sell it on EBAY.

Of course, part of Chalie's plan is cutting off the MPEG2 streams and making that 30-day-old 942 worthless.

I'd imagine that there would have to be a no-cost plan to replace that 942 if they render it useless for HD. I'm not even sure how he could avoid legal issues if tried to replace an owned unit with a leased unit at that time. Maybe that's why this upgrade plan is structured to make customer demand the reason to upgrade - instead of the point in time in the future where E* will be motivated to upgrade subs out of necessity.

Hey, but if customer demand is responsible for the upgrade, no-harm / no-foul ... create demand, offer a fair way to upgrade and everyone (that participates) is happy or at least willing.
stone phillips420 said:
come on goalie back me up surrender owned equipment for leased equipment what?

Oh im with you... Im in the same boat.. As far as i see it a fair swapout for 942 owners would be free.. sence everyone else is getting it at a steal.. If they would have announced for all 942 and 921 OWNERS and not leasing the swapout would have been free.. and only 99 if you need an install I would have been happy with that. as long as we OWNED the equipment. I bought that reciver with the expectations that It would be able to recive ALL DISH HD PROGRAMMING for longer than a year.. :)
anti-semetism has no place here

stone phillips420 said:
seems Charlie, is still celebrating Hanukkah

please remove this racist post, or is "stone" not saying he's being cheated by a Jewish man?
iKramerica said:
please remove this racist post, or is "stone" not saying he's being cheated by a Jewish man?
I dont feel it should be removed no disrespect was intended towards you, any member or guest
the only one who it was meant for is Charlie
it was not my intention to show anyone on this board disrespect
im sorry you and others may feel this way
if you took offense to that, why not us hd owners being raped by charlie?
iKramerica said:
please remove this racist post, or is "stone" not saying he's being cheated by a Jewish man?

I don't take it that way. I was actually wondering what was meant by it myself, but I don't view it as being anti-semetic.
Besides, Jewish people come from all races.
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If the professional install is needed, even for a simple swap (got the dish already etc), does that make economicc sense to Dish ? The dish installer will be driving more time from place to place than doing the swap, doesnt make sense to me. what about you installers am i missing something ?
So when is a good time to call? In your opinion, when will the CSRs know what the hell is going on with the upgrades and new HD Packages?

I think is going to be a very frustrating upgrade for those wanting to do it now.
I think we will all have to pay the "upgrade" fee of $99 and it will include whatever is needed, it makes sense if that was in the calculation for the deal. Some of us will pay for the install of others, but it is a VERY fair price for all.

I have questions also about where my HD LIL's will be, do I have the correct satellites now and will it be correct in the future. I have a pair of 500's and 110, 119, 61.5. I guess we will have to wait for that answer.
So im still a little confused by a couple of things.
RDinkel maintains i can return any receiver, which seems too good to be true.
But if he is correct, why will the 942 i own become useless, it will still be a dual receiver for SD channels, which is better than the single receiver 501 i have, not as good as 622, but still a usable receiver. Unless I misunderstood and every channel will be mpeg 4 in which case this upgrade would be needed for eberybody. What am i missing ?
I Just Got a Dish 942 on Dec 27th, I am a new Customer, i paid 250 to get this box, am i looking at paying another 99 to get th upgraded box??
You can say the opening line is insensitive. I don't agree with it. It shows the OP to be ignorant and has a preconceived notion of what a Jewish person is. This is known as stereotyping and is the root of some of the worst atrocities mankind has seen.

I have a feeling we (I) shouldn't have gone here.
Can someone please verify that a receiver return is required for an upgrade from an OWNED 921 or 942 to a 622? I thought that was what they said last night, but now I'm thinking they only meant that it was required for a SWAP of leased receivers. Scott, can you help us here? Maybe this thread is much ado about nothing.

This is where I get confused. I have yet to find the information on owners and how it will be handled as opposed to lease receivers. I do not think that was covered last night (unless I am mistaken).
CSR told me to call back in mid February. It would have been nice if they could have had the equipment ready by now. Charlie chat said you if you order your receiver now, you could be watching the new channels tomorrow. His heads in the clouds.
Do the CSR's know anything about these rcvrs for NEW customers?

My committment is up and I can get a new sub in my wife's name.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I actually like Charlies plan. When the MPEG2 HD stream are shut off next year your 942 is going to be worthless anyways. Its not like you will be able to sell it on EBAY.

Plus since the unit belongs to them if new an upgraded receiver comes out you would probably be able to upgrade as well.

And as long as your a Dish Network customer you can keep the box.

Really its not a bad deal.

I see a bunch of posts with people saying in the next few months the older HD receivers won't work or will be worthless.

I'm confused about this...I thought Charlie said last night that they are NOT taking anything away (as for programming for the older HD receivers), and that the older HD receivers will always be able to recieve what they are able to now.

And that the ONLY reason to get a new Mpeg4 receiver is to pick up the new channels going forward...Am I wrong?

And if I am, why did Charlie say the old ones would work for the channels they get now? Is there going to be another Charlie Chat in the fall announcing the total changeover? There was nothing said about a total changover to Mpeg4 last night.
Please reply by conversation.

Vip222 vs Vip221

More Issues (811 guide data, looks like a kiddie hack)
