Not getting some TPs on T-5

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jul 31, 2005
Hey gang,

Havent posted for a week or so as was out of town. Would appreciate some help. I have a fixed 76cm dish pointing at T-5 with a Universal 2 LNB and an Pansat 5000 HC. I can get most of the TPs listed on Lyngsat at 50%-75% but there are 2-3 (and as luck would have it, the 2-3 that I want most) that show 0 quality as though I dont have the right settings. I quintuple checked the down freqs, polarity, and SRs and am pretty sure I got them right. The following TPs I do not get:

1. 11874 H 22000
2. 11789 V 25000
3. 11867 V 22000
4. 11836 V 20765

Even stranger, the channels that I am NOT getting on 11836 I am able to get on T-6 on 11834 which is not listed in the Lyngsat Charts???? Will someone pls explain?

Can anyone enlighten me as to whether they get these TPs and what may be the cause of my inability to get them.

The TPs you listed are indeed active now on IA5. Not sure, but if you are getting them on IA6 then you are probably "between birds". You might need to use "nudge" to get where you need to be.

I would defer to someone who knows more than me and can help.
Thanks Trace,

Gotta tell you it took me weeks to get T-5/IA5 and it is extremely sensitive to position. Just in the elasticity of the metal components on the dish, I can easily go from 70% qual to 0% in a nudge without loosening the bolts. After having tuned the hell out of the signal, I am a little hesitant to change alignment. However, I would still do it if my other TPs werent all coming in at good qual. These TPs are reading 0, not even 10-30... Is it possible to change alignment and strengthen some TP quals while weakening others? Because I am fairly certain that some of the others are tuned to +/- 1% on alignment.

Any other potential culprits. Anyone?
something isnt right...How can you get IA5 stuff on IA6? I understand if they're next to each other, but there is G3 in the middle

Isn't 11836 the one with some of the church stuff on it? That one is my strongest TP at 70-72.

Is the skew right? You might want to try and nudge the dish. I would make a mark on the pole & the dish so you have a reference point and slowly move the dish 1/8" at a time and WAIT to see if signal chnages.

Really would appreciate your help on this as I am perplexed. Please take a few moments and read the init post on this thread and help me with the following:

As you may remember, I have been searching for T-5 for weeks and asking advice on this forum. The reason I had such a hard time is that literally a mm nudge will completely lose the signal. with correct elev and azimuth coordinates, it was still searching for a needle in a haystack. I am now getting 70-75% qual on many of the TPs listed on T-5 with the correct stations and after hours of tuning Az, Elev, and Skew. To give you an idea of sensitivity, if I take my skew from -30 degs on the LNB to 0 deg, my qual goes from the 70s to nearly 0.

Q1: Is it possible that some active TPs give me zero qual while others give me 70s. I would understand it if I was getting low qual on the TPs I am not getting but zero...

Q2: Recall that I am getting all the channels of the one of the missing TPs (11836) as a pre-programmed TP on T-6 (11834 with Polarity and SR being the same). However, 11834 is not listed to my knowledge on Lyngsat as an official TP for T-6. My guess is that I am not actually picking up T-6 (further evidenced by my inability to get any of the other TPs of T-6). It just has me wondering something similar is happening to the other 3 TPs I am not picking up on T-5. Why would a shift from 11836 to 11834 suddenly allow me to pick up the TP when it is listed on 11836? This answer to this may be a clue in finding the other missing TPs.

Let me start with these 2 Qs and move onto a few more.

Again, Really would appreciate some attention on this.. Thanks
Sharks said:
To give you an idea of sensitivity, if I take my skew from -30 degs on the LNB to 0 deg, my qual goes from the 70s to nearly 0.
correct. With a fixed dish, skew is very important. I forgot your locatino, but you must be on the coasts for a skew of -30

Q1: Is it possible that some active TPs give me zero qual while others give me 70s. I would understand it if I was getting low qual on the TPs I am not getting but zero...
yes. Very possible. Some TP's are weaker than others.

Q2: Recall that I am getting all the channels of the one of the missing TPs (11836) as a pre-programmed TP on T-6 (11834 with Polarity and SR being the same). However, 11834 is not listed to my knowledge on Lyngsat as an official TP for T-6. My guess is that I am not actually picking up T-6 (further evidenced by my inability to get any of the other TPs of T-6). It just has me wondering something similar is happening to the other 3 TPs I am not picking up on T-5. Why would a shift from 11836 to 11834 suddenly allow me to pick up the TP when it is listed on 11836? This answer to this may be a clue in finding the other missing TPs.
each LNB is different and may be off by 1 or 2 in the frequency range.
So what your saying is when you go into the setup and select IA6 (even though the dish is on IA5) you can get that in?

Since you are on IA5, I would do this
-go into the TP list and erase all TP's except for one
-do a blind scan and see if the frequency pops in during the scan

Only other thing is maybe the elevation is off by a little. I know IA5 is tricky. I've seen one TP get 70 and others get 0 and one nudge in a direction brings the 0 up to a reasonable level.

I'm just throwing out some options here.
Thanks Ice,

I feel better now that I know it is normal for a TP downlink freq to be off by a few MHz on LNBs. This may be the best explanation of why I am not getting the other 3 TPs. Rather than trial and error changing the freqs, would like to try the blind scan as if I understand you correctly that will step through freqs in that bird's range and pick up the TPs that are transmitting.

I have not seen an option for that type of scan on the Pansat 5000HC. I would assume that if you can do it for the 2500 (which I think is one of the rcvrs you own), would imagine is doable by the 5000 since the 5000 is basically a 2500 with a DVR. The interface has changed somewhat however.

Q: I dont know how to blindscan, any special technique that is not obvious through the menu. I have ootions called "Network Scan" and "Advanced Scan" but havent messed with those. Wonder if those allow me to perform a blind scan?

If I can figure out the blindscan, will publish the results tonight when I attempt.

1500 & 3500. The 2500 is a souped up 1500 :)

When I go into install (menu-install..(password) I get this screen

smart scan is the same as blind scan


  • IM000280.JPG
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different scan options
-satellite scan scans a particualr satellite (both Scrambled and free show up)
-TP scan scans a specific transponder on a satellite
-network scan I have never used but it has something to do with scanning like symbol rates
-advanced scan allows you to enter PIDS on a scan
-smart scan is the same as blind scan
-edit TP/satellite...self explanatoyry. Allows you to manually add or edit TP's
great. Will do it tonight and post results.

Just to make sure I got you straight, youre saying I have to delete all but one TP (that i am getting qual on) to do the blind (smart) scan? I assume I will have to give a range of frequencies and possibly an increment for it to step through...?

I would delete all but one

no parameters scan, pick satellite, make sure poarity is set to all and scan :)
Ice, got some interesting results. Not sure if you will see this reply so will try to msg you directly.

Thanks for the suggestion. It worked!
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