NOAAport help

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Qualiy of NOAAPORT signal

Hi Tim

I am very poorly informed on this NOAAPORT image production. I dont know what really changes (improves) Quality on the Twinhan signal demodulation. i dont know anything about demodulating any of the Phase Shift signals. I sure dont know how to demodulate the DVB-S. It is my responsibility to learn about demodulating DBV-s, but I am too lazy. Besides, it is probable that NOAAPORT signals will be significantly different in a few months.
I would like to know what Signal to Noise ratio is expected to provide adequate signal level to produce an output from a DVB-S input signal.
I will stay reading this Forum. You guys seem to have the type information I like.

I plan to mount the 9+ foot dish so it looks at NOAAPORT. I'll use the 7+ foot dish for GOES-11, GOES-13 and maybe GOES-12.
I'll make both dishes so they can be remotely controlled in Az and El. I'll also be able to adjust the polarity from inside the "office" on both dishes.

Jerry KD6JDJ
Jerry don't feel bad, the demodulation of these signals is very difficult.
It is nothing like it used to be.
I would say talk to Patrick about the demodulation, since he wrote the software.
He would know.
The quality increase seems (from my point of view) to be a result of the satellites output power increasing slightly, why I don't know.
I come to this conclusion that the fact that bolth of our earth stations are seeing this.
I don't know how to demodulate them ither, that's why I look for software available to demodulate them.

"I would like to know what Signal to Noise ratio is expected to provide adequate signal level to produce an output from a DVB-S input signal."
From a recent issue with very wet snow building up on the antenna here it seems to be 6 dB above the noise and no lock can be obtained.
My signal here is around 11 to 12 dB above the noise.
That was before the signal quality increase.
Sounds like you will have a pertty nice setup there.
I got to go outside if I need to change something, Oh well need the workout.:p

You got me wondering how much did it increase, well......
Now it is running a solid 12 to 13 dB above noise and I have included a picture
I should mention that between each little line is 2dB and between each solid line is 10dB



  • 20Mhz sweep Increase.JPG
    20Mhz sweep Increase.JPG
    193.6 KB · Views: 237
I just ran across that the other day in the Noaaport Yahoo group.

Not working on this project full time I have finally got good signal and margin on both a 10ft and 12ft Sami dish.

I see that you are an amateur radio operator as well.
The other day I on a lark, I lowered my tower and found that the very top of the mast was causing some signal disruption for my Noaaport downlink. Since I nested the tower the signal has been great. I just throw that out there for anyone that happens to be a ham and might setup a Noaaport receive system in the future!
Yep I am a HAM,

"The other day I on a lark, I lowered my tower and found that the very top of the mast was causing some signal disruption for my Noaaport downlink. Since I nested the tower the signal has been great. "

Hmm, I am intrigued of why your tower was causing a disruption.:confused:
Unless it is in the dish's path.
Please explain more......

I have a 100' Rohn 25 in my back 40 and that has not been a issue or a thought. I do know that depending on the 2M beam direction that MAY affect EMWIN due to the strong RF energy present on TX, but not usually.
The beam and mast extending above the tower are directly in LOS to SES-1.

The only thing I changed was nesting the tower and that made a big improvement especially when the weather gets messy and of course that is when I want the Noaaport system running at 100% :)
I understand now.
Ya, having anything in the L.O.S. of the satellite could cause issues.
I am one who perfers on a clear shot. Though I understand that for some that is not possible.
When you refer to nesting, I assume it has something to do with securing/grounding the tower.
It seems like when the weather gets messy that is when a problem creeps up.

GOES 12 GVAR user said:
I understand now.
Ya, having anything in the L.O.S. of the satellite could cause issues.
I am one who perfers on a clear shot. Though I understand that for some that is not possible.
When you refer to nesting, I assume it has something to do with securing/grounding the tower.
It seems like when the weather gets messy that is when a problem creeps up.


Nesting - cranking down the tower down to 12 feet or so.
PCI TV card

If the question is --

Can I use my PCI DVB card to receive weather data? If so, how? --

Patrik Tast has written some software that can be used to receive weather data from the NOAAPORT satellite. His software can be accessed here

POES-Weather Ltd

Ahh A crankup tower, Wasn't familiar with that term.

"Can I use my PCI DVB card to receive weather data? If so, how"
Hi TechGuru
Considering your avatar your familiar with C band.
So I will go straight to the point.
To answer your question, Yes
Here's how
Minimum dish size of 8'
Get your dish on SES1 @ 101 W
Tune your DBS receiver to 3956 Mhz
Sym. Rate 6349
Vertical polarization
Pids, 101 , 102 , 103 , 104

Beware that the data rate of this transmission can climb to 10 Mbps so this downlink can fill you hard drive quickly.
Satellite imgs, text bulletins/info and Binary data.
This is known as NOAAPORT

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I need to correct this from above
Tune your DBS receiver to 3956 Mhz

Should read
Tune your DVB receiver to 3956 Mhz

Channel 2 (GOES) of NOAAPORT sends GOES imgs.
Pid 102
The software as JerryTuesday has mentioned takes the binary data and turns it into JPG image.
Here is a link to the satellite imgs available

Click on ether tic/ or tig/ to see satellite data

After you get the dish set up and receiving data you use the software to connect to the DVB card and ingest the data stream.
Another software source is Wxmessage
found here:

Unlike Patrick's software (free) mentioned above, WXmessage will require a license (pay for) after 30 days.
I recommend to try the free one first.

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?Live GOES images?

The question is --

How can one get live GOES images?

I am, at this minute, disassembling my NOAAPORT (C-band) system so I can use my 2.36 meter dish to receive 1.691 GHz signals from GOES-East and from GOES-West. I have been able to get poor signal from GOES-11 using a 4 foot dish. Patrik and his associates have been able to decode the text information using the RF I received. My current intent is to try providing Patrik with a better Signal/Noise signal so he can decode the GOES Image data.

By my standards, demodulating and decoding the signals from GOES is a VERY difficult task. I do know that Ed Murashie has produced GOES images using eBay level gear.

Hey Jerry,
If your talking about GVAR (1685.7) You have to have a absolute Minimum of 8' With a good preamp ,I recommend 10' or you won't be able to get enough signal to be usable.
Though that 4' dish will work fine for EMWIN, LRIT
I will be watching your web site to see when you get your upgrades complete.
For TechGuru
If that is what you were referring to live GOES imgs..... Go with NOAAPORT.
The satellite data provided there is very near real time and the resolution is very good compared to GVAR.
And much cheaper

Otherwise read my previous post on these systems.


Hi Tim

What information is sent in the GVAR channel?
When I had my receiver connected to the 4 foot (offset) dish, I recorded this spectrum from GOES-11.



    30.5 KB · Views: 247
It is the processed imager and sounder data coming off of the GOES spacecraft. All digital 1685.7 at 2.11 Mbps BPSK.
There are no txt products on this transmission that I am aware of.
Mabie the Header.
Your picture shows 1691 Mhz , that is LRIT.
At 1690.725 should be EMWIN that has txt products and imgs.
EMWIN would be that signal just to the left of 1690 Mhz.
It is currently on GOES West FSK FrequencyShiftKey at 9600 baud it will change at the end of the year to OQPSK @ 19.2 baud that is what I run here.
On it's current form you can use a simple txt interface program to see the bulletins coming through like hyperterminal.
After the change that will not be possible.

Here is a link to the current setup on GOES West.

I will send a pictures of the GOES East spectrum on the 12' dish

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