No sound due to signal strength issue


Original poster
Dec 28, 2005
The last couple of days I have been having zero luck in receiving any type of reception on TT. I have signal in Satellite 1, NOTHING for Sat. 2, and my Ground strenth is the same as Sat. 1. The channels are listing, and I can see what Howard is talking about on the screen, but I can't hear a damn thing!

How much did I pay for this again?
doneill76 said:
The last couple of days I have been having zero luck in receiving any type of reception on TT. I have signal in Satellite 1, NOTHING for Sat. 2, and my Ground strenth is the same as Sat. 1. The channels are listing, and I can see what Howard is talking about on the screen, but I can't hear a damn thing!

How much did I pay for this again?

Without going thru most of the troubleshooting you might have already done - I am not sure if this a TT problem. If the SAT1 signal is high, and the ground signal is high. I think this would mean that the UNIT (sat tuner) is having some kinda issue.

I know that I had to readjust my antenna after we got the snow storn in the north east - but I doubt thats what your trouble is.

Time trax also has their website dedicated to support and you can open a ticket there and maybe get a solution???

Good Luck

Clicks and no VU meters

Timetrax for Sirius Sportster
