No Programming Offers on my Dish Account

My Offers have vanished again. I contacted Dish and asked them about it. They were unable to give me answers. Just asking members here is they run across the same issue. I am interested in the Free Month of AMC plus.. Thanks

Programming, Offers (Near the top) - Explore Offers - I have them.
I have several offers, this is the URL: MyDISH

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The trouble with this is that your URL will bring you to your own sign in and we can't see what you get.

When I sign in to mine this is what I see:

Screenshot 2024-03-23 at 10.35.04 AM.png
Here is what I get..makes no sense. Very strange..
Does it work on a computer? I have had some issues on different browsers where specific areas of the Dish webpage don't load. I had an issue with the offers at one point, as well as the packages specific channels are available in. For example, when you go to MyDISH you should see the packages the channel is available in at the bottom. Sometimes that data doesn't show up.
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I logged in on Chrome and Firefox. I still get the no offers available.
Mine have been gone for a month or 2. Do you regularly take advantage of the offers? Could this be a way to say we use them to much? That's one of the things that keep me from cancelling Dish. They have the best offers.. with Dish loosing customers I don't think I would do that… just my 2 cents.
Mine have been gone for a month or 2. Do you regularly take advantage of the offers? Could this be a way to say we use them to much? That's one of the things that keep me from cancelling Dish. They have the best offers.. with Dish loosing customers I don't think I would do that… just my 2 cents.
I very rarely take advantage of the offers because they are not things that I use all the time. I used to always do the multi-sport pack for 50% off, but since the RSN's were removed, that has basically turned into just the Redzone channel + Outside Television pack (for someone who has AT250), and I subscribe to NFL+, which gets me Redzone channel, there is no need for me to take advantage of the deals as often.

The one that I think is great is the Dish Movie Pack for $5.00 for 6 months. The others in my house like that, so I will do that one when it comes up.