Spatch said:
What issues? This is what I am tired of hearing. They are not asked to sit at the back of the bus, they are not forced to use seperate water fountains. They are granted the same rights as everyone in this country. It looks as though they want special rights.
Ahh, the perpetual cry of the majority. You DESERVE to have the rights you have, but if anyone else gets them, they are spcieal rights.
Spatch said:
They are straight station by nature because that is what sells.
SO making money is a good reason to have 600 stations that are almost exclusively straight, but it is not ok to make money having even one station that is mostly about gay people? You know, white people used to refuse to watch shows about black people too. I guess you objected to the few shows that actually ahd black people as a target audience?
Spatch said:
Your sexual orientation does not make you a minority. seperating yourself from straight people is what makes you a minority.
No, it is the double standards and hypocricy from people like you that seperates people from society and makes them second class citizens. Look how you use completely different logic for a station that is mostly about gay people than you do for stations that are entirely about straight people.
Spatch said:
Why isn't there a Congressional White Caucus. I think there should be. White staight males are a minority in this country.
Social minority status is not just about numbers. It is about power. Straight white males make up, what, about 35 percent of the US population? Guess what percentage of US Presidents have been straight white males? 100% Guess what percentage of the people in Congress are straight white males? More than 70%. More than 90% of CEOs are straight white males. Or, the poor straight white male. Somone better do something quick, or they might only have 500 time the power of a black lesbian.
Spatch said:
There is no reason for a Congressional Black Caucus in theses days. Maybe we should inforce laws that treat minoritys different. Then we wouldn't need to have such a group.
Do you know how many Senators there are in this country? 100. Do you know what percentage of the US is black? Around 15% Guess how many Senators are black. GO on. Guess. Wrong. lower. Guess again. Nope. I'll just tell you. One. Barrak Obama is the only black person in the Senate. That's right. Blacks are under-represented by some 1400%. Of the 1232 people who have served in the Senate, four, FOUR, have been African American. There is ONE more black Senator "these days" there there were in the least open minded days in our history.
Here is a look at the minorities in the 109th Congress.
Let me guess. Voting for a second black Senator would be granting them "special rights".
Spatch said:
Yes they can talk freely about it. So can gays. I know people I work with that don't want to here what I did with my family this past weekend. So I don't tell them. Same should go with a gay person. If someone isn't interested don't talk to them about it. Plus work isn't the place to talk about personal things it is a place to get your job done.
Can you keep a picture of your family on your desk without being harrassed about being straight? Can you mention your spoouces name without people criticizing you for your sexual orientation? I know I can. I have never once been bothered by people who did not approve of my family. Not once have I been accused of forcing my sexual orientation on another person. But ever gay person I know has that problem all the time. We are not talking about cornering people and making them listen to our life stories. We are talking about "Hey Bill, what's up?" "Not much. Saw War of the Worlds with my boyfriend last night". And if you claim you don't say things that relate to your sexual orientation all the time, you are lying.
Spatch said:
I have seen woman wearing t-shirts that say things like "slut" or "porn star" and have people making fun of them as they walk by. The same could happen if I guys wears a shirt that says "I love Cowboys". Get over it. If you choose to wear something like that you are doing it to get a reaction.
NOtice how you changed the situation? You don't compare a man and a woman wearing an "I love Cowboys" shirt. You compare a man waring an "I Love Cowboys" shirt to a woman wearing a "Porn Star" shirt. You actuall y equate being gay with being a slut, and think it is ok if other people use your thinking as an excuse to harrass people.
Spatch said:
I have heard the arguement that it isn't natural. If you belive in God and the teachings of religion it is considered a sin in most religions.
If you don't belive in God and believe in nature and evolution you would see that other animals are not homosexual. With the exception of some animals who may rape their own gender.
You should be happy that it is accepted as much as it is.
You say you are born this way Pedofiles say the same thing.
Those are not my beliefs but the views of millions of people.
I stress those are not my beliefs I am just repeating things I have heard.
So the existance of bigots is an excuse for discrimination? I've heard people, including a current member of the House of Representitives, say that woman should not work outside the home. I've heard people say that blacks should "go back to Africa". I've heard people say that Jews are secretely running the US and UN. Are these the people you want on your side?
Spatch said:
As far as I know none of those channels call themselves straight channels. Spike Tv is Tv for men, Gay or Straight . Hell, Spike Tv carries Star Trek TNG and I remember an episode in which they went to a planet of Homosexuals and spoke on issues of hate. Can't a gay person watch any of these channels.
And there is your double standard again. You say it is wrong to have a channel that mainly targets one group of people......when those people are homosexual. But you have no complaints about TV that mainly targets men. You have no complaints about TV that mainly targets women. I have no heard you complain about TV that mainly targets Christians, African Americans, children, teenagers, heterosexuals, or any other group.
If someone wants to start a TV station, can support it, and has viewers, why should you care? In fact, why DON'T you care about the 99.9+% of stations that do this?