I used to work for Rocking R. Though we had equipment to put SD's on roofs, Word I got from the managers were that we don't do it. I never installed any super dishes. I was never told not to put a 1000 on a roof either. They only wanted us to put them on the overhangs at the eaves, not over living spaces. They have loads of damage claims, because their crew here doesn't know the usage of caulk or other sealant. I never had any damage claims.
I had to edit this after I read your rip off post....I have heard horror stories from former Rockin R techs I work with..The nonsensical no explanation chargebacks..The refusal to pay for legitimate work.. Why or how these people have not been sued yet is a miracle
I have no clue how they get away with this criminal activity..It is a violation of state and fedral labor law to withhold pay for work performed. It is also illegal to charge back a worker without explaining in writing to the person charged back.
Another contractor told me that there is a DNS contractor that sells cable fittings, etc to the techs and not only charges an arm and leg for the stuff but also double bills the tech. Instead of the tech paying for the EQ, the company would deduct the purchase amount from the techs pay..Then a few weeks later the deduction would show up again..For the same stuff....Amazing stuff goes on...It's a wonder anyone worth a darn is still in this business..It's a cut throat fly by night world..Owners of some of these install companies should be thrown in jail...Or taken out back and shown the woodshed...Personally I will try the courts first then if that doesn't work, there's always the woodshed.
Thing is with DNSC's pay rates so low here, no one who is a good tech that can complete 3-5 jobs a day would get crushed financially working for hourly pay..The DNSC office statrts all techs regardless of experience at $11.50 per hour..At least that's the last time I looked at their website...Top pay I think is $14.75/hr... I checked other cities on Dish's website for installer pay...Stockton, CA $13.50
Tigard, OR..$12.00, Hayward, CA( Near LA) $16.00,Grand Junction, CO. $11.25, Henrietta, NY...(western NY) $12.00....Thronwood,NY( NYC Suburb) $14.00....To be honest I would tell them add $5 per hr and I might consider it..
You can read more about my ordeal here:
Dishcomm feel free to share your thoughts on these people. You've seen the same things I have, no doubt.