I just did a chat with a CSR and she told me if you have HD Absolute you will get your RSN on 8/1 when the Turbo packages are available for new customers. I dont know if she knows or is full of BS.
I just did a chat with a CSR and she told me if you have HD Absolute you will get your RSN on 8/1 when the Turbo packages are available for new customers. I dont know if she knows or is full of BS.
Did you ever get your response back from the ceo email? I emailed the ceo myself the other day about when my rsn MSG would be available in HD and haven't got a response back. Buffalo Sabres games are available in hd on MSG-HD on TWC and D*, but not E*. If they don't make msg-hd available by mid september, I will be forced to switch to D*.
No change at all the new packages are for new subscribers only.
However the HD only package is also going away, you wont be able to order it on August 1st. (But if you have it your grandfathered)![]()
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john pasicznyk: no no, im interested in changing my programming to HD absolute package, but wondering if the regional sports networks will be added to that package in the future
john pasicznyk: i know that on aug 1, the TurboHD service will have RSNs included, but want to know if HD absolute is going to get the RSN added as well
(03) Susan J: Regional Spots Network will not be added to the absolute pack in future.
john pasicznyk: so i will not be able to get the big ten network at all if I change my programming to HD absolute
(03) Susan J: You will be able to view the Big Ten Network if you have the absolute pack.
(03) Susan J: Please have a glance at this link to know what are the HD channels available in HD.
(03) Susan J: DISH Network -- Dish HD
john pasicznyk: Big ten network is considered a regional sports network though. so you just said RSN would nto be added to aboslute HD, but then said I could watch big ten network
(03) Susan J: I am sorry for the misinformation.
(03) Susan J: HD Absolute pack includes the RSNs.
(03) Susan J: If the game is available in HD only you will be able to view it in HD.
(03) Susan J: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
john pasicznyk: Will that take effect August 1? Because on the link you provided, I do not see RSNs included
(03) Susan J: Yes, you are correct.
john pasicznyk: okay great. thank you very much this helps me very much
as you can see, it sounds like yes RSNs will be included with HD absolute come aug 1. which makes this very interesting for me.
I currently have AEP + HD essentials and locals and a 2nd DVR and pay 130 a month. HD absolute, plus HBO and Cinemax and locals, 2nd DVR would be around 75. Since I basically watch only HD channels, this makes so much sense for me its scary.
May as well switch now, since if RSNs arent included come august, ill just switch back to a lower package.
August 1 there will be no change in HD Absolute, except that it is no longer available for new subscription by anyone, and the new HD channels will be added.
Dish has sent out memos to retailers detailing what I have iterated.
HD Absolute is grandfathered unchanged and the new channels will be added to it as they become active.
Look at post #56 here:
Email from Dish on Turbo HD re: current customers - Page 3 - DBSTalk.Com
I don't know where the drivel about RSN's being added to HD Absolute came from (aside from the confused CSR) but it is unsubstantiated.
I too would be elated if it were true, but there is so little to base any hopes on and it contradicts all other substantiated evidence.
Dish CSRs have no clue, and will tell you anything to get you off the phone. You can change your programming online, without ever having to talk to them.
oh yea, I just switched to absolute and forgot all about comedy central![]()
Not true. I can't change my programming online. It tells me to call. I also know CSR's are full of it but they should not be telling customers things if they do not know them to be true. This whole thing has really ticked me off about the Turbo and DISH being totally a second rate company by the way they are handling it. I am getting closer to switching to D*.![]()