No Disney or Fox anytime soon for HD-DVD?

Why not quote #1 vs. #1? Someday you may be able to say that Blue Ray movies are outselling HD DVD. But right now you can't.

Since I am the one that originally showed that website, if you click show all on the total sales chart, you will see that HD DVD has slowly declined since the release of blu ray while blu ray has shot up, I think we see where the arrows are pointing as of right now, down for HD DVD, up for Blu ray.
That's a great link. Should give us plenty of fodder for the future.... and it's current so certain posters will stop accusing us of using outdated articles (sorry, there were dozens of articles slamming BluRay 3 months ago, and no one is talking about them right now from a web article standpoint. I just hit Google and went through for the first few pages looking for articles to meet your request)

Bob I wasnt attacking you when I put that those were outdated, as Like I said I am still new to all of this and just reading up, I just find it funny that blu ray has had nothing but positive reviews and yet people slam it hard, just because its backed by Sony....I am not out there replying to everyone of your threads, or posts ( and again this isnt aimed at Bob, I like what he writes and have nothign against him) with Slams Like I see all the way across the Board. I am really tired of the war already, and just people would be happy with their toys, and let others enjoy theirs, I cant wait to hear what you think of your next HD DVD, but I dont want you taking cheap shots at blu ray just because. People need to grow up, and stop all this freaking elementary school fighting.
Since I am the one that originally showed that website, if you click show all on the total sales chart, you will see that HD DVD has slowly declined since the release of blu ray while blu ray has shot up, I think we see where the arrows are pointing as of right now, down for HD DVD, up for Blu ray.
It's showing a slight increase for HD DVD?
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It's showing a slight increase for HD DVD.

for the holiday rush, I guess we will have to see after the holidays whos piss travels further :) actually I am really interested to see what happens, as Blu ray has had a really big pickup for the holidays, and I think we are really going to see the race and see who will pull out (lets face it, one and only one format will win, probably ;) )

edit: overall, it does show a slight decrease for HD DVD since Blu Ray has come out....I factor out both the Blu ray and HD DVD sales for the last week, as its all holiday sales. but I guess to be fair we wil include them, and for the last week, there was a bump up for HD DVD, and a significant increase for Blu ray
for the holiday rush, I guess we will have to see after the holidays whos piss travels further :) actually I am really interested to see what happens, as Blu ray has had a really big pickup for the holidays, and I think we are really going to see the race and see who will pull out (lets face it, one and only one format will win, probably ;) )

edit: overall, it does show a slight decrease for HD DVD since Blu Ray has come out....I factor out both the Blu ray and HD DVD sales for the last week, as its all holiday sales. but I guess to be fair we wil include them, and for the last week, there was a bump up for HD DVD, and a significant increase for Blu ray

Your arguments are throughly unconvincing. We are looking at the same data but looking through your Blue-Colored glasses you can't see the truth. If anything the google searches indicate future buying trends. People doing research into the product of their choice. The fact that so many of those searches are for HD-DVD should scare the snot of you. But it doesn't cause you are quite oblivious.
I am really tired of the war already, and just people would be happy with their toys, and let others enjoy theirs, I cant wait to hear what you think of your next HD DVD, but I dont want you taking cheap shots at blu ray just because. People need to grow up, and stop all this freaking elementary school fighting.

You and Joe are the ones are the heart of the fighting. If you want it to stop then stop twisting facts for your needs and start looking at things more objectively. At this point everything from the two of you is pure fanboy fantasy.
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Since I am the one that originally showed that website, if you click show all on the total sales chart, you will see that HD DVD has slowly declined since the release of blu ray while blu ray has shot up, I think we see where the arrows are pointing as of right now, down for HD DVD, up for Blu ray.

Which of those charts is the total sales chart? None of those charts detail total sales. So I'm not sure what you are inferring from the chart when you can't even read it.
Posty-McPost, Why not address my request to compare same title releases on both formats? You are comparing apples to oranges. You see that Superman Returns on BD is doing better than on HD-DVD. Yet, it is compared with a title that has been out longer and has more sells. Why?

My few questions are - and they are very simple and very clear. Can HD-DVD not stand up to BluRay when the same title for both formats (same day release) is compared for sales on each format? If Superman Returns on BD is outselling Superman Returns on HD-DVD will Batman when Warner releases on BluRay again outsell the HD-DVD version? Why is World Trade Center on BD outselling its HD-DVD counterpart?

It is very easy to take King Kong on HD-DVD against National Lampoon Christmas on BD and say HD-DVD is doing more sales. It is not acurate nor does it represent the sales currently going on for BD in the Christmas market. However, you would like to have folks think that this is exactly what the market is doing.

My question is when you know the data is flawed why do you chose to label those of us who call you on it as the ones twisting the facts? Yes, I know, what you are refering to are not your facts but they are still flawed and therefore not very useful for meaningful discussion. But they will bring out the flame wars.

You support HD-DVD and I support BluRay. There is nothing wrong with that. But, folks here keep posting old news, flaw information charts, and keep hoping that maybe, just maybe the other camp will just go away. Well, it is not going to happen. And when good news keeps coming out of the BD camp no amount of going back to Labor Day (Bob, this one is for you) is going to change that the BluRay monster is now out-of-the bag and is charging into the stores for the consumer to see (and buy).

What is the news going to be when Disney's and Pixar's blockbusters start coming out on BluRay and not HD-DVD in early 2007? Are we going to read more Pre-Christmas season 2006 reviews about how the Samsung player is flawed and how the current Sony (before Labor Day 2006) BD titles are junk?
Posty-McPost, Why not address my request to compare same title releases on both formats? You are comparing apples to oranges. You see that Superman Returns on BD is doing better than on HD-DVD. Yet, it is compared with a title that has been out longer and has more sells. Why?

Amazon HD DVD Superman Returns is ranked 465
Amazon BRD Superman Returns is ranked 1,053 (also currently sold out)

So what's you point about "sellls"? Because to my eyes the HD-DVD copy has more "sells" even if BD has started to catch up.
My question is when you know the data is flawed why do you chose to label those of us who call you on it as the ones twisting the facts? Yes, I know, what you are refering to are not your facts but they are still flawed and therefore not very useful for meaningful discussion. But they will bring out the flame wars.

I don't know what this means and it's written very poorly. Please provide some facts and that support an argument and then we will talk. Remember Superman on HD-DVD is outselling Superman on BD. Just to be clear that's called a fact. And with that...I 'm done. There's an old saying about arguing on the internet. I'm going to follow it's advice and stop.
I don't know what this means and it's written very poorly. Please provide some facts and that support an argument and then we will talk. Remember Superman on HD-DVD is outselling Superman on BD. Just to be clear that's called a fact. And with that...I 'm done. There's an old saying about arguing on the internet. I'm going to follow it's advice and stop.

Just curious how one websites sales make it a fact that Superman on HD-DVD is out selling BD? It may be true but I would not take it as a fact with only numbers from one site.
Amazon HD DVD Superman Returns is ranked 465
Amazon BRD Superman Returns is ranked 1,053 (also currently sold out)

So what's you point about "sellls"? Because to my eyes the HD-DVD copy has more "sells" even if BD has started to catch up.

I was doing my post late at night -- no excuse -- I must of been looking at the wrong disc numbers -- my bad -- sorry about that goof. I want to appologize for the inaccurate information and I have changed the post to more reflect the idea I was trying to get accross. :o
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Total movie sales matter, and currentlly HD DVD is winning even though Blue Ray has the advantage of more players on there side.

You are absolutely right. HD-DVD has owned the BluRay camp since June. However, BluRay sales took off in November (20th Century started releasing) since the 50 gb discs started showing up. Also, PQ started equalling HD-DVD on many releases so the BluRay consumer feels confortable making the purchase now.

After the Christmas rush there will be considerably more BluRay titles released then HD-DVD thru the spring. More players, more movies, perhaps the lead will change hands thru winter?
I am still waiting for him to respond to John Kotches in the, 360 HD DVD not selling well thread, Every time someone posts an intelligent response to the bologna that JoeSp puts out, he simply ignores it and proceeds to spew more crap.

You consider this an intellegent what -- response? Just in case your math needs tweeking, the 360's HD-DVD addoption rate seems to be lower then the rate for other add-ons for a console -- 5-6%. If we are luxious with the delivered number of 10,000,000 and estimated sales of around 45,0000 HD-DVD units that is less than a 1% addoption rate. A 1% addoption rate would be 100,000 unit sales. Maybe if we use a more realistic number of 6,000,000 sold thru Chrismas 2006 here in the USA you would get closer to -- hum - - still less then 1%. Maybe my math is wrong?:)

1. Slower load times. (This goes for the PS3 too, ... a friend of mine was psyched for the PS3 but wound up selling it on EBay when he saw how long the games took to load)
2. Hardware more expensive.
3. Software more expensive
4. No Combination Disks so you can take the disc into the car for Junior to watch (Imagine how useful it would be if Ice Age 2 were available this way)
5. Supported by more computer manufacturers

Yeah, OK. They've got a gun to Spiderman's head and you won't see it in HD unless you get BluRay. Um, OK. I'll wait for it to hit HBO HD then.

i don't know what your friend was expecting, but load times are the almost EXACT same as the 360. Thats a load of BS, b/c thats one of the first tests I ran when i got my PS3!
So, what kind of car do you drive?

A Lincoln LS, 18" wheels, chrome grill, GPS, 800 watt Infinity Sounds Sys, beautiful clay bared and waxed black, magnaflow cat back exhaust, air intake sysyem, cold air tube, clear corners on the lights, angel eyes, and a few other mods. u need any other info, maybe all my gadgets, my average speed on I 85.

And to the person who said hybrid, i wont be caught inone until they start to look normal and give me my v8 or better power
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CES 2007. What do we expect from the BD Camp?

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