No broadband with hopper

Did Windstream charge you beaz? I've had my 4300 for years, no way I'll catch a break saying it's under warranty.

Yeah, I've had my 4300 for quite some time as well, and I don't think they'll just give me the new one either. And I'm not going to pay $120 to TRY and fix something that Dish screwed up. Dish messed up the broadband, they can fix it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're working on doing that. Call me an optimist, but I'm hoping I'll be like one of those other posters that just turn on the TV one day and it'll be working. Good luck to everyone.
I was lucking my dad had one so i gave him my linskys router for his windstream and as ohf now it is still up and working..Really liked how I had it setup with the linksy router but i tried everything and couldnt get it to work but this seemed to fix it...It kinda sucks though I paid high dollar for my linskys dual band router which I have had it awhile they are probably a little cheaper now but at least I got everything working now
Yeah, I've had my 4300 for quite some time as well, and I don't think they'll just give me the new one either. And I'm not going to pay $120 to TRY and fix something that Dish screwed up. Dish messed up the broadband, they can fix it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're working on doing that. Call me an optimist, but I'm hoping I'll be like one of those other posters that just turn on the TV one day and it'll be working. Good luck to everyone.

I'll call Windstream tomorrow and work on getting the new modem, I'll let you know how that goes.
I'll call Windstream tomorrow and work on getting the new modem, I'll let you know how that goes.

Just spoke to them. No free modem but you can pay the 5 bucks a month for their service plan which gets you out of the $120. I'm going to wait for Dish to update the software, if that doesn't work I'll consider going to the new modem after I make dish compensate me the 120 bucks. Still in a holding pattern here then... yay.
Day 3 and still going strong with the 1704 fix. My suggestion,,,, pay the 5 or 10 a month for the first month and get the 1704 then cancel the protection plan. This way you have only 5 or 10 bucks in a$120.00 modem/router
Still no broadband, no surprise there. I know, I know - the techs are working on it. (And "the check is in the mail, " and "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you.")

I agree with WuDeVeR on the modem. I'm not paying for one when I don't need it. Everything else works just fine. Besides, what happens when you pay all that money for a modem and then they do another "update" and it's time to go out buy another modem. No, I'll wait until they fix this on their end. Just so long as it doesn't take too long

Right now the real irritating part is the dropping-channels-from-my-favorites thingy. It use to happen overnight, I figured it had something to do with the late-night updates. But now it happens several times a day. It just happened right now! I noticed my local channel 21 was missing (again), so I went in and edited it back in there. Then, while I was typing this out the screen blinked and went to the upper left with a black background and then went back. Out of curiosity I picked up the remote and checked the guide and channel 12 was gone. That's at least 5 times today.

C'mon Dish, get it together. I know "the tech's are working on it", but meanwhile, I'm paying for it.

Let me try something we haven't thought about trying yet..... "Please Dish, fix my hopper."
I agree with WuDeVeR on the modem. I'm not paying for one when I don't need it. Everything else works just fine. Besides, what happens when you pay all that money for a modem and then they do another "update" and it's time to go out buy another modem. No, I'll wait until they fix this on their end. Just so long as it doesn't take too long

The problem is that your Sagecomm 4300 is not a modem, it is a gateway with its own routing capability. It could well be a setting in that device. Why not give this a shot, then all the routing is done in your router and not via the Sagecom 4300?
It sounds to me like someone needs to put a sniffer on the network and see what is going on.

Take a hub (not a switch) and place it between the Hopper and the network. Then hook a laptop with Wireshark (a free sniffer program) to the same hub. So you don't have wade through a ton of network traffic, power off all unrelated network devices (Tablets, phones, TVs, PCs, etc..) that are connected to your network. Capture some network traffic when the Hopper is trying (and failing) to connect for VOD, etc... Then examine that capture. Look for failures blocked ports, failed dns queries, etc...
Thanks SuperGB for the suggestion. I did try and bridge the 4300, and once it rebooted I was unable to finish the next step -- prepare the Cisco -- because it dropped my signal, so I ended up just unplugging the 4300 and using my other one. (I have two of the 4300's) I'm just not tech-savvy enough, I guess.

And Cyclone, thanks also for the suggestion but that is just way too far out of my league. I might be able to do all that on a good day with a clear head, but those days are few and far between. Plus, there's the fact that I shouldn't have to do all this, especially when I'm paying for the protection plan. I thought that's what I was paying for(?).

I did do something I told myself I wouldn't do and bought a 1704. I know, I said I'd wait and let Dish fix it, but my faith in them is quickly fading. Also, gmtech12002 seems to be doing good with his so I figured I'd give it a try. I won't get it until next week, but I'll let you all know how it goes.

Now if I can just get it to quit dropping channels from my favorites line-up! It does it so often now that it's made the favorites completely useless.

Oh well, baby steps.
So far so good, and scooterdog, if you have the protection plan it should be free. Also do what I did and get your ISP to discount your bill due to the fact that the broadband you are paying them for cant be used because their modem failed. It lastly to skip out on the 120.00, just pay the protection plan fee for 1 month, get your new 1704 and then cancel the protection plan. That's exactly what I would do instead of paying the 120.00
Well, just my luck -- the 1704 doesn't work. I didn't get it from Windstream, they wanted $120, so I got a used one for $20. Should've known, if it sounds too good to be true.... Oh well, back to square one. Windstream did make me the offer of the protection plan route, but I'm afraid if I tried that they'd just bill me for the router after I dropped the protection.

Nah, I'll just go back to my original plan of giving Dish until the end of the month to get it fixed. Like I stated earlier, I'm paying for their protection plan so let them handle it. After they spend enough hours sending techs out here to try and get it running then maybe that'll be what it takes to get somebody there to finally crack down on this problem. I've wasted way too much of my time with this issue.

There is one tiny bit of good news -- the favorites seem to finally be holding up. I haven't had a channel drop for a few days. I am still having the problem with the sound dropping, but not as frequent. Since I've been paying closer attention to it, I've noticed it's done it on both DVR playback and live TV. It did it Sunday during both playoff games on different channels, so it not a channel-issue. And it was a different channel again on the DVR playback. (Discovery channel - Gold Rush.)

Now I need to go see about getting my $20 back....

What a friggin' headache this all is.
I ordered my 1704 today as I had no luck with bridging the 4300. Windstream gave me no grief in the price of the 1704 when I got the maintenance plan which I plan on canceling next month. They are shipping over night which means I'll be getting it Thursday. I'll let you all know how it goes.


Well, just my luck -- the 1704 doesn't work. I didn't get it from Windstream, they wanted $120, so I got a used one for $20. Should've known, if it sounds too good to be true.... Oh well, back to square one. Windstream did make me the offer of the protection plan route, but I'm afraid if I tried that they'd just bill me for the router after I dropped the protection.

Nah, I'll just go back to my original plan of giving Dish until the end of the month to get it fixed. Like I stated earlier, I'm paying for their protection plan so let them handle it. After they spend enough hours sending techs out here to try and get it running then maybe that'll be what it takes to get somebody there to finally crack down on this problem. I've wasted way too much of my time with this issue.

There is one tiny bit of good news -- the favorites seem to finally be holding up. I haven't had a channel drop for a few days. I am still having the problem with the sound dropping, but not as frequent. Since I've been paying closer attention to it, I've noticed it's done it on both DVR playback and live TV. It did it Sunday during both playoff games on different channels, so it not a channel-issue. And it was a different channel again on the DVR playback. (Discovery channel - Gold Rush.)

Now I need to go see about getting my $20 back....

What a friggin' headache this all is.
Just a quick report on the 1704... it's the solution. Corrected my problem and has been holding strong for 2 days. I'm able to access the sling remotely, hopper works as advertised now.
I'm glad to hear that the 1704 worked for you. Now we just have to wait and see if they (windstream) will let you out of the payments when you cancel their protection plan next month. I sure hope so, since it's looking like that's gonna be the only way we're going to get broadband on our hopper. Yes, I've given up hope when it comes to Dish fixing the problem. I've got a sinking suspicion they're not even working on it anymore.

One question -- are you hard-wiring to the 1704, or using some kind of sling or adapter?

Follow-up on losing the favorites -- the hopper doesn't do it anymore, but now the joey is dropping the locals. :mad:
It's not a problem from Dish. Assuming everyone from the router manufacturer to the modem manufacturer to the ISP follows the standard UPnP, your Hopper or 922 or 722 would work fine. I've seen this problem 27 times with Windstream equip. Once it was a bad linksys router. Only once has it been fixed by changing the receiver. Every other time, I could not fix "DHCP Good, Server fail, Internet fail" because the problem isn't in the Dish equip.
It's not a problem from Dish. Assuming everyone from the router manufacturer to the modem manufacturer to the ISP follows the standard UPnP, your Hopper or 922 or 722 would work fine. I've seen this problem 27 times with Windstream equip. Once it was a bad linksys router. Only once has it been fixed by changing the receiver. Every other time, I could not fix "DHCP Good, Server fail, Internet fail" because the problem isn't in the Dish equip.

Then where is the problem? My router worked fine until Dish updated the software. I have tried 3 different routers and still no fix.
I am wireless connected for Sling with no problems. So I guess it must be my fault? No Dish knows they have a problem. They have admitted it but don't have a fix yet.
I think they realized that people were reporting that they had a problem since the update, but after reading more of these posts from people with the problem it appears that all the people with the problem have the same router or ISP etc. It could have been something that changed in the SW that caused problems with the router communicating with the Hopper properly but it appears to only have affected Windstream and that specific router.
I am hard wired to my router, not using the 1704 for wireless, in fact I've disabled that feature. I have it functioning as the modem only, to my router, router to hopper. On the fee thing, I'll let you know when I call back next month, I'm honestly not expecting it to be a problem. I was completely honest with them when ordering the 1704 as to why I was doing it, the tech understood and told me to call back if I'd like to cancel later... translate that however you like, I know how I'm translating it. On the sling, it's the sling adapter that connects via usb to the hopper.

I'm glad to hear that the 1704 worked for you. Now we just have to wait and see if they (windstream) will let you out of the payments when you cancel their protection plan next month. I sure hope so, since it's looking like that's gonna be the only way we're going to get broadband on our hopper. Yes, I've given up hope when it comes to Dish fixing the problem. I've got a sinking suspicion they're not even working on it anymore.

One question -- are you hard-wiring to the 1704, or using some kind of sling or adapter?

Follow-up on losing the favorites -- the hopper doesn't do it anymore, but now the joey is dropping the locals. :mad:
lucky86 said:
I think they realized that people were reporting that they had a problem since the update, but after reading more of these posts from people with the problem it appears that all the people with the problem have the same router or ISP etc. It could have been something that changed in the SW that caused problems with the router communicating with the Hopper properly but it appears to only have affected Windstream and that specific router.

I use a small fiber to the home company and have the same issue.

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