Sucks for folks in river valleys that can't even pick up translators. I guess they just want to make rural people more and more behind the times.
What I don't understand is when they pull their channels that means they aren't getting paid anymore. So how in the heck does no money makes more sense than atleast the millions you were getting at the previous rate? Makes zero sense.I sometimes wish that Dish would just simply not offer local stations except to those few people who cannot get them using an antenna.
I'm honestly getting really sick and tired of all of these take down from all of these companies. As soon as one is sorted...BOOM, here's the next one.
I do get why they want more money, Hell..*I* want more money. And I get why Dish doesn't want to pay more.
But lil old Mrs Smith doesn't understand or even care why her local channel just up and disappeared, and why she can't watch her stories.
And the standard "We'll take $5 off of this bill if you call and complain about it" is sometimes like a slap in the face.
But....ah well.
Ordinarily part of the final settlement on the new contract is back pay for time in limbo. It's not fair but they do it.What I don't understand is when they pull their channels that means they aren't getting paid anymore. So how in the heck does no money makes more sense than atleast the millions you were getting at the previous rate? Makes zero sense.
I just got through chatting with them and thats when I was told that I needed that $60 adapter. Made no mention of sending me one for free.Call DISH and tell them you have an outside antenna that you can't use to get your ABC station because you need the adapter and would not need it if they had that channel on satellite. I bet they ship you one for free. Try it, you might like it.
My understanding is also...(and I may have to look into this some more) is that you can get these channels in HD over the air for free...because our tax dollars have already paid for this. So us paying them more is just icing onthe cake. Or something like that....What I don't understand is when they pull their channels that means they aren't getting paid anymore. So how in the heck does no money makes more sense than atleast the millions you were getting at the previous rate? Makes zero sense.
Mention this offer they had which was sent by e-mail as many people got the Dual Channel OTA adapter and a antenna for free...I just got through chatting with them and thats when I was told that I needed that $60 adapter. Made no mention of sending me one for free.Even told them that I wasn't sure that I could even pick up the station and didn't want to spend a fortune just to see.
Just had another conversation with them mentioning that and was told they have no FREE ota adapters at the moment. I mean after all these years,I can't get an adapter for FREE. Geez.
I guess the objective is the adapter and not the antenna. Maybe they need to be paying for locals already?From what I've gathered they will only ship the adapter with an indoor antenna. Your account has to qualify for it to be free. You also need to be close enough to get signal with an indoor antenna. If too far for indoor they will send a technician to connect outdoor antenna and the adapter. Again the account has to qualify a d I'm not sure what makes an account qualify be it's not just the fact that you're missing local channels and are close enough to get them through ota. I've see. Lots of customers not qualify for some reason. Maybe payment history I'm not sure. But if they won't do it for free threaten to cancel and they will start waiving fees lol.