
If they do any channel moving they would move as few of channels (only one if possible) to prevent people from calling in and to prevent confusion for the customers.
Yeah, I know. I'm just amusing myself (without the mess). Anyway...I just realized that Soapnet can't go on channel 113. That channel is ripe for Fine Living.

SoapNet would have to go on channel 125. This leaves room for Oxygen 126 and Ovation. 127 :D

See ya
Those are easy! No moving around required.
The NFL Network can go right next to NBA TV 403.

CSTV would go in any open spot in the 410-444 block. :)

Though a little secret 411 was at one time reserved for YES (next to the other NY channels). After everything blew up with the Yankees, FSW2 was plunked there.

See ya
Tony those are all great ideas!

So good that I know Dish will not do them, because they are too logical ideas.

All legal stuff out of the way I bet me you and a few others could run Dish better then what they are doing now. Man that would be a cool job, I would just hate all the behind the scenes political BS.
Stargazer said:
If they do any channel moving they would move as few of channels (only one if possible) to prevent people from calling in and to prevent confusion for the customers.

Years ago, DirecTV changed channel numbers on ALL their channels, they sent you a little sticker with the new numbers and so forth, and made sure that people knew what they did. It's really not quite as big of a deal as it sounds as long as it is handled correctly.

Scott Greczkowski said:
Tony those are all great ideas!

So good that I know Dish will not do them, because they are too logical ideas.

All legal stuff out of the way I bet me you and a few others could run Dish better then what they are doing now. Man that would be a cool job, I would just hate all the behind the scenes political BS.

Me Me Me I want to play too. I don't want to change my name to Schwimmer though!

Just think of all the channels we could add. AT 250 here we come.
Dish Network has NEVER changed ALL of their channel numbers but has changed maybe several all at once when adding channels particularly USA when it moved from 102 to 105 and then some other channels in that area. I very seriously doubt we will see a channel number change on ALL the channels because of one or two channel additions. Its been so long it seems since we had a lot of channel additions like they used to have. I hope in the future we do see another 5 or 10 channels added at once. Perhaps they are waiting to add more channels so they can create an even higher basic package or some AT180 plus package or AT200 package to get even more money out of subscribers or something.
How about an AT120+ or AT140 package that would fit between AT120 and 180 that would have the non Encore/TMC and sports channels from 180 like the extra Discovery, History International, Biography FMC channels and it could go for $37.99 w/o locals or $42.99 w/locals to go directly against D* TC+ pack? People who wanted the Encore/TMC and Sports channels like Golf, FSW, Outdoor channels etc could still get AT180. Other then new equipment and a D*Tivo, the TC+ package is a big D* attraction too me because I can get the channels that my family watches frequently from 180 for $7/mo less. Granted, I do watch an occasional movie on the Encore's and the TMC's but never watch anything on Golf, FSW or the Outdoor channel, I have decided that it is not worth it to me and my family to pay $7/mo more for those channels.
$37.99 is about the price the AT150 package started out as. This package has gone up a LOT in the past couple three years.
AT150 started at $39.99 ($44.98 with local ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox. PBS $1 more).
It is now $44.99 ($49.99 with locals incuding all or most locas in the area)
When AT150 came out it did not have the following channels:
VH1 Classic
Great American Country
Oddysey (Now Hallmark)
National Geographic Channel
Fox Sports World (English)
Boomerang (the channel itself launched after AT150's introduction)
CNBC World
Gol TV
Nick GAS

Channels that were not on AT100 at the time (nor AT150)
Much Music (Fuse)
Lifetime Movie Network
Noggin / The N
(won't count Discovery Health because it really replaced Discovery People it just took it a few months)

Channels that were not part of AT50 (nor AT150) Short list:
TV Games
15+ public interest channels
---Shall I add up the shopping channels added....No. :)

Just putting things in perspective. Yes most of these additions came quickly after the formation of AT150. However, people seem to forget just how much has been added.

BTW, the above is from memory. I've been keeping track of channel additions and changes in general since 8/1/00. So you can check out all the additions from then for yourselves. AT150 was made available in May 2000. Changes from 8/1/00-12/31/01 Changes from 2002 Changes from 2003 Changes from 2004

See ya
OK, I didnt know if the package started at $37.99 or $39.99. I had thought it started at $39.99 but read where it may have started at $37.99. $5 is not too bad considering the channel additions and is better than $7 over 2 or 3 years if it were have been $37.99.

Anyways people have to think about inflation though so if inflation was 2% per year for 2 or 3 years that would almost be the $5 price increase. If for 2 years then
$1 is not bad for all those channel additions.
A funny story...

When my wife and I decided to go with Dish and drop Primestar, I guess going on five years ago, the installer was so high on Charlie Ergen. He kept saying how Charlie had not instituted a price increase since they had been in business, and that it was highly unlikely that there would be a price increase because they were holding themselves out as the "anti-cable". Had Dish approximately one year, and guess what? You guessed it, they raised the rates. I think the PPV went up $1 and my package (AT50 at the time) went up I think $2. I remember being upset mostly at the PPV increase because that was one of the selling points for me - Dish's PPV movies were $1 less than Primestar's.

Highly unlikely that there would be a price increase? Are you kidding me? If someone told me that it would be hard to believe anything they would say.

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