They are afriad that people might become upset if it isnt launched within a crtain amount of time and so they also know peple are anciosly awaiting the channel and they are afaid someone mite try something extreme in order to get the chanel. since i know so much abot it i even have a security guard at my door right now in case someboyd tried to atack me to get inside info. im still going to send it to some peple on here and RAransay alreayd has it. if you are a fiend of mine yyou know who you are.
This BS is getting pretty deep. Do you know when to quit? Armored trucks, security guards. This is going from funny to downright ridiculus. I think we need to start searching local papers for a patient who has escaped the local funny farm and inform the authorities. Maybe there is a reward or something.
Have you forgotten that this is merely a tv channel that will merely be added for Dish subs? Were not talking about the identities of top seceret spies, who killed Kennedy, or where Jimmy Hoffa is really buried. What is going on here?