Good Afternoon,
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the "Center Ice" package through Direct. I'm new to Direct (had it two weeks) and of course had to have Center Ice and Sunday Ticket.
With the hockey season about to start I'm reading alot of posts on the NY Rangers website that Dish Network will be offering both Home and Away feeds of the same game, as well as HD broadcasts of games. Does Direct offer the same thing with their package and HD broadcasts?? Just getting a feeling I signed on with the wrong dish company for being such a huge hockey fan

. Any and all insight greatly appreciated!!
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the "Center Ice" package through Direct. I'm new to Direct (had it two weeks) and of course had to have Center Ice and Sunday Ticket.
With the hockey season about to start I'm reading alot of posts on the NY Rangers website that Dish Network will be offering both Home and Away feeds of the same game, as well as HD broadcasts of games. Does Direct offer the same thing with their package and HD broadcasts?? Just getting a feeling I signed on with the wrong dish company for being such a huge hockey fan
