NFL Sunday Ticket Poll

Do you subsribe to NFL Sunday Ticket?

  • Yes I subscribe to NFLST

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Yes I subscribe to NFLST with Super Fan

    Votes: 96 56.1%
  • I did but I don't plan to renew my subscription. (feel free to post your reasons)

    Votes: 41 24.0%
  • I have never been interested in the NFL Sunday Ticket

    Votes: 30 17.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well... we're a skewed sample, hard to toss around percentages using a small amount of people on a message board that represents a specific set of customers with no idea how representative we are of the DirecTV subscriber base, and without knowing if the results are accurate (we may not plan to, but end up resubbing for example).

Also, its a large number 4... McDs got rid of super sizing... (and I usually go to Jack).

Seriously though... the bill jumping $50/mo for a few months was pretty harsh and had a bigger impact than expected. This time next year we'll be unpacking in or preparing to move into our first house, so I'm going to tighen every belt I can find....

...while eating my burger.
You have till the start of the season, but they are billing you now monthly to make the overall bill easier to handle.
So, IF you cancel, make sure they credit you the proper amount so you can apply it to your normal monthly programming.


Okay, I need a clarification. This is the first I learned I would be billed monthly with the auto renewal. When will they start billing and for how many months?

I'd rather just pay the full price at the start of the season.
I had the ST at its inception and continued it until D* started charging separately for the HD games. The last year I had ST was the first year the games were in HD and they were part of the regular ST package. The 2nd year of HD games D* started charging $100 extra if you wanted HD.

I posted mainly on back then and there was a big up roar and anger over what was dubbed an HD tax on the HD games in the ST. So I dropped ST out of protest and I've never resubscribed since then.
I've had ST since 2000 and don't plan to drop it anytime soon. When I initially signed up I was living in Northern Virginia. The only way that I could regularly get Seahawks games was ST. Three years later we moved to San Antonio and now I can follow the Seahawks and Redskins in a market that typically doesn't broadcast their games. The cost of going to a Seahawks game when I lived in the Pacific Northwest or a Redskins game when I lived in Northern Virginia was close to my annual ST subscription and going to a Dallas game, now that I live in Texas, is way above the ST cost. I would like to see the package drop in price and particularly don't like to pay extra for HD since the games are all going that way but I'll probably stay with my renewal. I think the present DirecTV/NFL contract runs through 2009 so it'll be interesting to see what happens next year.
Don't mean to hijack this poll summary, but if you toss out the "don't care" responses, you are looking at about a 25% renewal attrition rate next season for NFLST. Reading the posts, you could cut that down to about 10% if you didn't charge extra for HD feeds for those folks with HD subs.

Most industries (especially these days) would kill to cut their attrition rate like this.


1. Include the HD feeds for those that are HD pkg subs.
2) Charge extra for the SF stats & stuff for those that do the fantasy thing.

This is a cash cow for you guys that is on the edge of no longer giving milk.

JMHO (and again, did not mean to hijack the poll)

Excellent idea, maybe some year they will think of implementing this.

Most of us have been talking along these lines for many years now, since the HD came on board.

Okay, I need a clarification. This is the first I learned I would be billed monthly with the auto renewal. When will they start billing and for how many months?

I'd rather just pay the full price at the start of the season.

Starting with your January bill.
I would imagine that you can call them and get out of the auto renew process, but you would loose the discounted price I'm sure ....
Which probably could be worked on at a latter date.
I prefer that as well, I like to pay one bill a year and cover everything.

This was my first year and I watched more games then ever. Was nice to watch the game I wanted to watch. Also great for a fantasy player.
I've had ST since 2000 and don't plan to drop it anytime soon. When I initially signed up I was living in Northern Virginia. The only way that I could regularly get Seahawks games was ST. Three years later we moved to San Antonio and now I can follow the Seahawks and Redskins in a market that typically doesn't broadcast their games. The cost of going to a Seahawks game when I lived in the Pacific Northwest or a Redskins game when I lived in Northern Virginia was close to my annual ST subscription and going to a Dallas game, now that I live in Texas, is way above the ST cost. I would like to see the package drop in price and particularly don't like to pay extra for HD since the games are all going that way but I'll probably stay with my renewal. I think the present DirecTV/NFL contract runs through 2009 so it'll be interesting to see what happens next year.

I think it runs thru 2011, but I could be mistaken.

I've really enjoyed ST & SF since they each started, but since I retired right b4 the start of the season this year, I REALLY enjoyed it this year. I also like the Extra Innings w/hd (SF?). Like some of the rest of you, I don't use any of the stats/fantasy stuff & rarely use the supercast feature. While a lower price would make it more attractive, I don't see that happening.
Starting with your January bill.
I would imagine that you can call them and get out of the auto renew process, but you would loose the discounted price I'm sure ....
Which probably could be worked on at a latter date.
I prefer that as well, I like to pay one bill a year and cover everything.


Got my January bill yesterday. No extra charges on it.
I have 2 times last season as a Promotion,and 3 years ago to check it out.
But my Team Eagles ,are my local in market team, So really no need for ST, Plus there are so many National broadcast games now, On,ESPN, NBC,NFL network. Just not worth it anymore for me.
Jimbo - Could be 2011 but that's also the end of the present NFL contract with Fox and others and there was a one or two year gap between the DirecTV ST contract and the regular broadcasters. One way or the other DirecTV and the NFL probably have already started negotiations as the present contract, barring some extension we don't know about, will end in the next couple of years. Last figure I saw was that DirecTV was paying the NFL $700 million a year for ST. Unless they're losing their backside on this deal there must be a whole lot of DirecTV subs signing up for ST.
Don't mean to hijack this poll summary, but if you toss out the "don't care" responses, you are looking at about a 25% renewal attrition rate next season for NFLST. Reading the posts, you could cut that down to about 10% if you didn't charge extra for HD feeds for those folks with HD subs.

Most industries (especially these days) would kill to cut their attrition rate like this.


1. Include the HD feeds for those that are HD pkg subs.
2) Charge extra for the SF stats & stuff for those that do the fantasy thing.

This is a cash cow for you guys that is on the edge of no longer giving milk.

JMHO (and again, did not mean to hijack the poll)

you should email your recommendations to Directv. your recommendations are right on what we want so lets hope they'll actually listen. by the way you didn't hijack the thread at all.
Sunday Ticket w/ Super Fan, plan to cancel next year. Just to much money
Jimbo - Could be 2011 but that's also the end of the present NFL contract with Fox and others and there was a one or two year gap between the DirecTV ST contract and the regular broadcasters. One way or the other DirecTV and the NFL probably have already started negotiations as the present contract, barring some extension we don't know about, will end in the next couple of years. Last figure I saw was that DirecTV was paying the NFL $700 million a year for ST. Unless they're losing their backside on this deal there must be a whole lot of DirecTV subs signing up for ST.

You may be right on the dates, I remember 2011, but it could have been for what you mentioned.
The figures you mentioned are the same ones I remember, about 700 M.
D* paying the NFL 700M, thats why the SF package price is still there.
I thought I had heard that the NFL makes the ST price for them and D* makes thier money off the SF.
This was a longtime ago when I heard this though, and my memory is lacking at the moment.
Wait, I am confused. Am I to understand that D* will go ahead and reup the ST subscription this early? I havent fully decided if I am going to keep it next year, I simply figured I had more time to do so
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