NFL Red Zone Channel

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Just got redzone free by saying cancel service at the prompt and speaking with retentions. First time attempt and success. :)

Same here. 11yr auto-pay subscriber, bill is around $200 a month. I said cancel at the prompt, got to retention, didn't even mention the word cancel again, just mentioned how other providers are offering RZ as a separate entity and would love it if DTV could do the same for me. Got it for free in 5 minutes. Love it!
Had been rejected last week but called to cancel Starz/Showtime, not only did they offer a discount on the movie channel she looked at the account and could add RZ. Sweet, wife got to keep movies and I get football channel I like more than watching any one team. Win WIN!
I called yesterday and just asked for it straight out and was denied. I called today, said cancel, asked the CSR to verify when my current contract was up (Jan 2011). I told them I was thinking about canceling after my contract was up because ST was too expensive and I really just wanted the Red Zone channel. At first he tried to see what kind of discount he could offer on the ST but because I already have multiple discounts on my account he went ahead and gave me Red Zone for free. I was told that because I was a long standing customer that I was eligible. I've been with DirecTV for 9 years.
Is the NFL Network on the standard package or only if you have the ST ?

IF so, the NFL Network was just advertising thier Red Zone Channel as being available to anyone with the NFL Network.

Now I know there's differences, but the video they were showing looked about the same.

Can't you all turn on the NFL N and watch the RZC if they can't get it directly from D* ?
Dont need ST to get NFLN.

I dont think you heard that right about NFLN RZ being available to anyone with NFLN.

NFLN on directv doesnt show RZ.
Stupid question... I called in to get showtime, and asked about redzone, the guy gave it to me as a standalone... but what channel # is redzone? :)
I just had the NFL N on an hour ago and they gave a whole commercial about it.

Ok, here's an update :

After hearing the commercial again, it tells you to go to:

From there it tells you about it and says you have to subscribe to it and gives you a list of places you can get it ....

So, No it's not on the NFL Network, but you would think that the network would have something like that going on during the games seeing they don't actually SHOW any Sunday games.

I would imagine they have "Live" look ins on the games.
Ok, here's an update :

After hearing the commercial again, it tells you to go to:

From there it tells you about it and says you have to subscribe to it and gives you a list of places you can get it ....

So, No it's not on the NFL Network, but you would think that the network would have something like that going on during the games seeing they don't actually SHOW any Sunday games.

I would imagine they have "Live" look ins on the games.

If you talking about the "NFL Redzone" comparsions between the Different versions-the one on Direct and the one on other systems, they are similar but a bit different. When I had Dish for a bit and had Redzone I think they jumped more indepth from game to game, other parts of the game were shown not just the "Redzone" moments
Ok, here's an update :

After hearing the commercial again, it tells you to go to:

From there it tells you about it and says you have to subscribe to it and gives you a list of places you can get it ....

So, No it's not on the NFL Network, but you would think that the network would have something like that going on during the games seeing they don't actually SHOW any Sunday games.

I would imagine they have "Live" look ins on the games.

NFLN & NFLN redzone are 2 different channels.

On sunday NFLN just shows game stats from 1:00-4:00 then 4:00 to 7:00 they do a studio show that is highlites only.

NFLN redzone (which directv doesnt carry) from 1:00-7:15ish shows all the live look ins on games just like directv redzone does.
confused about the Red zone channetl

HI I'm a newbie here and would appreciate an answer to a red zone channel question. I have been with Directv since 1998. I get the NFL Sunday Ticket but usually only watch the Red Zone channel. I would love to get the Red Zone channel only and not NFL Sunday Ticket. I have seen the posts about telling Directv I may cancel and they usually will give the RedZone channel for free. MY big question is... is there only ONE Red Zone channel??? Does Dish Network have a different feed for their Red zone channel? A different host too? Also, I noticed that sometimes when there are only like 2 or 3 late games on Sunday, the REd Zone channel goes OFF after halftime. Can someone please clarify this for me ?? Thank you in advance for your help everyone !
Dish, fios etc have the NFLN RZ which is a different channel than directv RZ.

But they mostly show the same stuff live look ins at all the games.

NFLN RZ host is scott hanson, directv RZ host is andrew siliano (not sure of spelling lol).

Yes if there are only like 3 late games BOTH RZs will shut down early before 7:15.
thank you DC Cowboy I appreciate it Now, I have to see if I can cancel the NFL sunday ticket and just get the RedZone channel. I already started paying for the NFL Sunday ticket ( first installment). Think I can get my money back?
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