nfl network?

TNGTony said:
Dish has NEVER had the opportunity to even bid on the NFL Sunday Ticket. Before Dish went into existence DirecTV bought exclusive rights for NFL ST. Each time the contract came to term DirecTV was given the opportunity to buy a new exclusive contract. (The right of first refusal). If DirecTV pays what the NFL asks, they keep exclusivity. Up until now Dish has NEVER had the opportunity to even bid on NFL ST. Dish even took the NFL to court about this but the courts said tough noogies, the exclusive agreement is valid.

I'm not saying Dish would pay BILLIONS to get this loss-leader package, but to say that some one was beaten at the bargaining table for an item the never had the opportunity to purchase is disingenuous.

See ya

tony ,

do yourself a favor and go to : ,and go to nov 9 2004, then top story. please read the whole article. QUOTE" all broadcasters, cable providers and satellite companies were asked to the table, in the end ,only directv and comcast did"
i have another source but i cant find the article.
That is a subscription-only source. Ain't-a-gonna-do it.

However, I can point you to these articles... also extended its deal with the league through 2010 for the Sunday Ticket package. The satellite distributor will pay $3.5-billion for the five-year extension.

ttp:// Inc. said Monday it extended and expanded its right with the National Football League to carry "NFL Sunday Ticket," in a five-year, $3.5 billion deal.
DirecTV Sunday Ticket viewers will be pleased to know the satellite company renewed their NFL broadcast contract as well. The rest, like those of us living in areas where local teams are blacked out (*cough* RAIDERS! *cough* ), well at least we can play the games out on ESPN or Madden, and catch the highlights on SportsCenter.
NFL, DIRECTV extend and expand agreement *
(Nov. 8, 2004) -- DIRECTV, Inc., the nation's leading digital television service provider, and the National Football League announced a five-year $3.5 billion agreement to extend and expand DIRECTV's exclusive rights to carry NFL SUNDAY TICKET, the leading sports subscription television package in the United States. DIRECTV will continue to have exclusive multichannel television rights to air NFL SUNDAY TICKET games through the 2010 season.
Despite speculation that NFL's Sunday Ticket satellite package might be expanded to Dish Network and digital cable, DirecTV signed a huge agreement with the League that grants them exclusive rights to NFL ST through at least the 2010 season.

You see sateck01, I do research before I post most of the time. The NFL leaked out months in advance that the Sunday Ticket may be up for grabs in order to get DirecTV ot pau 3.5 BILLION dollars to continue exclucivity and to force the NFL Network on the line-up. Dish Network N E V E R had the chance to bid. The NFL played their cards right to bilk DirecTV and DirecTV was willing to pay almost anything to keep Dish off the conference table. Unfortunately some uninformed or those who didn't follow the proceding closely may have interpreted this as the NFL offering up the package to anyone. They didn't! The offered up for renewals as usual and most distributors just coughed up what it took to keep their respective packages off the open market.

See ya
Hopefully Dish (or in my case StarChoice) adds this in the next month or so before training camp.

I know ExpressVu has it uplinked but not available yet
believe me just because directv re-uped, does not mean dish wasnt invited. hell comcast WAS there ...bidding against directv!

iceberg, how do i import an article or a web address??
TNGTony said:
That is a subscription-only source. Ain't-a-gonna-do it.

However, I can point you to these articles... also extended its deal with the league through 2010 for the Sunday Ticket package. The satellite distributor will pay $3.5-billion for the five-year extension.

ttp:// Inc. said Monday it extended and expanded its right with the National Football League to carry "NFL Sunday Ticket," in a five-year, $3.5 billion deal.
DirecTV Sunday Ticket viewers will be pleased to know the satellite company renewed their NFL broadcast contract as well. The rest, like those of us living in areas where local teams are blacked out (*cough* RAIDERS! *cough* ), well at least we can play the games out on ESPN or Madden, and catch the highlights on SportsCenter.
NFL, DIRECTV extend and expand agreement *
(Nov. 8, 2004) -- DIRECTV, Inc., the nation's leading digital television service provider, and the National Football League announced a five-year $3.5 billion agreement to extend and expand DIRECTV's exclusive rights to carry NFL SUNDAY TICKET, the leading sports subscription television package in the United States. DIRECTV will continue to have exclusive multichannel television rights to air NFL SUNDAY TICKET games through the 2010 season.
Despite speculation that NFL's Sunday Ticket satellite package might be expanded to Dish Network and digital cable, DirecTV signed a huge agreement with the League that grants them exclusive rights to NFL ST through at least the 2010 season.

You see sateck01, I do research before I post most of the time. The NFL leaked out months in advance that the Sunday Ticket may be up for grabs in order to get DirecTV ot pau 3.5 BILLION dollars to continue exclucivity and to force the NFL Network on the line-up. Dish Network N E V E R had the chance to bid. The NFL played their cards right to bilk DirecTV and DirecTV was willing to pay almost anything to keep Dish off the conference table. Unfortunately some uninformed or those who didn't follow the proceding closely may have interpreted this as the NFL offering up the package to anyone. They didn't! The offered up for renewals as usual and most distributors just coughed up what it took to keep their respective packages off the open market.

See ya

I have to agree with your assessment, it was a fool's oversight on Taglibue's part, because in the long run it only hurts the NFL's bottom line. I think revenue won't live up to par this next time around and D* will simply get burned in 2010', but that's pure speculation on my part. I'm just grateful that I kept my grandfathered ala cart ticket so i'm empowered to go back to dish as soon as they get their sh*t together.

lets do it this way

go to sunday ticket bidders......look at what is #6 .....NFL inks $11.5 bil deal with cbs, espn, directv.....

read the article. they were all asked to bid , ergen was a no show, as was adelphia, cox, time warner....etc.

only the big 2 were there
sateck I went to that article and unless I am missing it I dont see anywhere in there were everyone was asked to bid, and where it states charlie ergen was a no show, can you copy and paste that part of the article here, also do you have another source other then the hollywood reporter, if what you are saying is true, it should be backed up by more then one website. again I could be overlooking it, if I am please point it out to me here

about 12 paragraphs down, unless you have blinders on....

the NFL was willing to negotiate ALL contracts now ..and some chose to negotiate and some chose not to....Tony Vinciguerra, fox sports predident.

the thing im getting at is the statment " charlie is the low cost leader" so are flea markets, i dont shop there there either

FACT: all cable and sat casters were invited, he was a no show

fact: ST and NFL channel have nothing to do with one and another, true, BUT you have neither???? he is a cheap ass!
Keep on saying it and it is still wrong. I know that Dish was NEVER able to bid for the NFL ticket. DirecTV renewed the contract before Dish even had the chance to bid. (not that they would). EVEN THE NFL says DirecTV renewed the contract. These are specific words that mean a specific thing. I know you will have a hard time accepting this and will go to obscure misreported stories to prove your point, but them's the facts.

I'm done with this thread.

See ya
your facts are wrong again, I even tried to be nice and let you redeem yourself. it didnt work, and yet you continue to be rude to me with your blinders comment, hope you enjoy the rest of your day. I am out dont have time for you.
A.k.a James
Dish arguably has legimiate reasons for not going after the ST. However, this thread is about their apparent apathy towards the NFL Network, which is a basic channel on DirecTV and many many Cable systems.

Quite frankly, bringing the unfair ST bidding process into the discussion is just a smoke-screen obscuring the real issue of this thread. Face it, Dish dropped the ball on this one. (Pun intended.)
Tom Bombadil said:
Then pay them an additional $219 ($318 for High Def) over your standard bill to watch it.

Last I saw it was $279 for existing customers, and more for new customers. You don't even get all the games! The games will be on ESPN and local channels this season anyway, so you'll probably miss just a few games all season anyway.
Tom Bombadil said:
But we know Charlie won't like paying the fees the NFL is asking for it. Although I've read that it is not a particularly high fee.

It's not Charlie that will have to pay the fees. Do you want your monthly rate to go up $4 for 1 channel? I sure as hell don't.
TNGTony said:
Not that Dish would pay well over 2 BILLION dollars for a package only a small percentage of subscribers are interested in buying after they find out it costs close to $200 for the season,

Close to $300 per season for sunDAY games (no nights, mondays niight games, etc. sun DAY) and about only 6% (six percent) of the US. Not worth it. Charlie is smart! Why would you pay $2 billion for something only 6% of the people will watch? Lets see, math time. 2,000,000,000 divided by $300 per account equals 6.7 million subscriptions. Yeah, don't think so.

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942 unwanted channel change

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