NFL Network Dispute? -- Resolved

The majority of the reason people subscribe to NFL ST is to get their Favorite team which they would not get locally.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active

Just curious, what is your source for this statistic? I always assumed that people subscribe to this service because they like to watch all the games, that they were just total football freaks.
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BTW now is the time for subs who were hesitant about discounts from Dish to use your leverage. I got 6 more months of the 4 premiums at 1/2 off and half off of the Sports pkg. Technically any way. I actually canceled the Sports pkg temporarily because I live in the Philly RSN and get no regional channels (Comcast Sports Philly) so the only thing I'm getting now is BTN which is not in regular programming pkgs in this region.
The majority of the reason people subscribe to NFL ST is to get their Favorite team which they would not get locally.
While Red Zone is a nice Feature, It's certainly a poor substitute for following your favorite team.

It's not wise to even compare ST to Red Zone.
And less than 10% of Directv customers subscribe to NFL ST.
The fact that Directv never offered a version of Red Zone like Dish and Cable ever, Didn't hurt them one bit, since customers aren't leaving Directv to go find the Stand alone Red Zone Channel.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active

Overall I agree. I might quibble and say some have left and settled for the Red Zone over paying for Sunday Ticket to see their team but not hoards of them probably.
But there is another aspect, for those who do already get their favorite/local team the RedZone is a great deal, a great value. And I do hear on sports radio and have seen plenty of posts of people who say the whole cost of the Sports package addons that include the RedZone is worth it just for that.
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Just curious, what is your source for this statistic? I always assumed that people subscribe to this service because they like to watch all the games, that they were just total football freaks.
It's impossible to watch all the games.

It's so a Cowboys fan living in PA can watch all his games.
That's the purpose of the package.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
Overall I agree. I might quibble and say some have left and settled for the Red Zone over paying for Sunday Ticket to see their team but not hoards of them probably.
But there is another aspect, for those who do already get their favorite/local team the RedZone is a great deal, a great value. And I do hear on sports radio and have seen plenty of posts of people who say the whole cost of the Sports package addons that include the RedZone is worth it just for that.
I agree, for a Dish customer that has any interest in Football not having their CBS, FOX,NBC from Tribune and missing NFL Network and Red Zone well that's another kick in the nuts.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
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Though one or the other or both - Tribune for sure - will be back by then.

I just know that is going to come back to haunt to me. :oops:
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I like my in-market team, but Red Zone was a nice addition which would allow me to follow up on Division if they were scoring.
Again , a nice feature. But hardly a good way to follow a game.
Especially since you can watch all the Red zone content and more on NFL network once the games are over.

Red Zone is like reading the summary on the back of a book.
NFL ST is actually reading the book.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
I like my in-market team, but Red Zone was a nice addition which would allow me to follow up on Division if they were scoring.
I'd consider ST if they offered a single team subscription for 1/4 the price, or division for 1/2 the price of the full subscription. Otherwise, no way.
I'd consider ST if they offered a single team subscription for 1/4 the price, or division for 1/2 the price of the full subscription. Otherwise, no way.
I don't know what they offer now, But when I had DirecTV, they offered other options.
Like Single day ST, I think it was $40.
6-10 month payment plan at the Early bird price.
Free Redzone if your account was in good standing.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
The point I was trying to make is that any version of a "Red Zone" channel that could potentially lure subs away from Sunday Ticket would be something that DTV execs would most certainly care about. I realize they are different, but the similar programming could suffice for those who feel NFLST is over-priced. Those same people may still opt pay that price if there were no other alternatives however, like a cheaper red zone channel.
NFLST is overpriced. There are two types of fans, those willing to pay and those not willing to pay. You are better off seeing ST at the bar.

I'm outside of my viewing zone for my football team and would never consider spending so much to watch just 12 or so games, with the others likely to be shown during the year.
For about twice that price, a single team option would be ideal.
The most I've ever paid for ST was $150.
If I had to spend more than that, I just didn't buy it. As I said I like my In-Market team.

Right now, I would be fine if Dish just brought back the NFL network.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
NFLST is overpriced. There are two types of fans, those willing to pay and those not willing to pay. You are better off seeing ST at the bar.

There is also the convenience factor...I can record a game and watch it later.
I end up paying $10 a week for football....My local tavern charges $6.50 for a beer...It is walk-able, so the DUI charge doesn't come into play.

Hopper 3 is the new 52.0 remote vs. the old 40.0?

Audio dropouts on CT locals
