More specifically, four hours. A time increment that's incredibly been slotted into Murray's new deal, mandating that the star quarterback
spend at least four hours per week in "Independent Study" during the regular season and playoffs. During that time, he must review "material provided to him by the Club in order to prepare for the Club's next upcoming game."
This is just a wordy way of saying Kyler Murray is now contractually obligated to do his homework. Which, as franchise quarterback deals go, is so unorthodox that not a single executive or coach reached by Yahoo Sports on Monday could recall ever even
hearing of that kind of language inserted into such a high-profile deal, let alone having mandated something similar in their own negotiations.
The clause goes even further, noting examples of behavior that would invalidate the four hours of study time. In short: No studying while playing video games; no studying while watching television, etc. It all sounds like an oddly specific subset of behavior.