NFL 2008-09 Season

LOL! Why in the world would the Tuna want to come to Detroit? Not that he would come to Cleveland either, but I think certain disenfranchised teams are much less likely to attract real talent unfortunately.

For the same reasons he came to Miami. Remember, he had a done deal WITH Atlanta...who was in a MUCH BETTER situation than Miami...and he chose the project that would best improve the legacy he already has. Look how he has helped turnaround a once very proud franchise.
LOL! Why in the world would the Tuna want to come to Detroit? Not that he would come to Cleveland either, but I think certain disenfranchised teams are much less likely to attract real talent unfortunately.

The same reason anybody would come. MONEY! In Detroit there is added incentive - This team has been screwing the pooch for 51 years! Who wouldn't want to have "turning around the Lions" on their resume? Millen tried to turn it around, but he didn't stop at 180 degrees.:rolleyes:
LOL! Why in the world would the Tuna want to come to Detroit? Not that he would come to Cleveland either, but I think certain disenfranchised teams are much less likely to attract real talent unfortunately.

He goes just about anywhere there is a BAD team and turns them around in 2 years or less !!!

Dallas was a laughing stock before Bill got there.
Dolphins turned around in ONE year.
NE, NY Jets same thing ... when he went to the Jets, they were NO better than the Lions are now ... well wait a minute, at least they were pretty bad.

The same reason anybody would come. MONEY! In Detroit there is added incentive - This team has been screwing the pooch for 51 years! Who wouldn't want to have "turning around the Lions" on their resume? Millen tried to turn it around, but he didn't stop at 180 degrees.:rolleyes:

wait a minute, your giving Millen toooo much credit ...
It never got turned around 180 * before it slide back to 0*
7 wins was the MOST a Millen error team had ... thats hardly turning it around, and that was only ONE year.

Geometry wasn't in your high school courses, Jimbo? To come full circle, which is what Millen accomplished, you have to pass 180. And pass 180 is what the Lions did. They were 6-2 at one point last season (180), and then they proceeded back to where they started, back in the first season of the Millen error. Give the Lions credit, they saw a niche`that wasn't filled (losing 16), and have done their damnest to fufill this opening. Damn hard work. Or is it easy work,see that losing 16 requires not trying hard enough?
BTW, if anyone thinks that Manning should be league MVP, I don't think so.

Just because he had a great game against a terrible Jags team doesn't mean we should bow down and hand him the award.

He lit up A BAD DEFENSE and now we need to bow at the altar of Manning?
I would love to see a Steelers/Titans AFC Title Game.

Much more fun than having to see New England, San Diego, or Indy ALL THE TIME!

Still, I have this feeling that we might be stuck with ANOTHER Patriots/Colts AFC Title game.

INO, that has become the most annoying rivalry in sports!

I guess you feel that Miami loses Sunday, even though you picked the Dolphins in your week 17 selections. If you're right, the Bellicheats don't even make the playoffs.
Geometry wasn't in your high school courses, Jimbo? To come full circle, which is what Millen accomplished, you have to pass 180. And pass 180 is what the Lions did. They were 6-2 at one point last season (180), and then they proceeded back to where they started, back in the first season of the Millen error. Give the Lions credit, they saw a niche`that wasn't filled (losing 16), and have done their damnest to fufill this opening. Damn hard work. Or is it easy work,see that losing 16 requires not trying hard enough?

Your looking at the small picture, not the BIG picture.
Yes the Lions went 6-2 last year, but the rest has to count as well.
BTW, if anyone thinks that Manning should be league MVP, I don't think so.

Just because he had a great game against a terrible Jags team doesn't mean we should bow down and hand him the award.

He lit up A BAD DEFENSE and now we need to bow at the altar of Manning?

Indy has won 8 straight and your not giving Manning any credit for that ?

Dorsey to IR, Rick “The Model” Bartel to QB

In the miserable 2008 Cleveland Browns season, we have now lost 3 quarterbacks to season-ending injuries. We have added another MAC quarterback to the arsenal in Bruce Gradkowski and he picked up right where former third quarterback Ken Dorsey left off - by throwing an interception. And if that doesn’t make you feel good, it’s not looking like this Sunday will be much better.

Dorsey has been placed on the Injured Reserve after sustaining a rib injury in addition to his battered pride. To fill his roster spot, the Browns signed quarterback Richard Bartel from the practice squad.

Yes, our team may be in the hands of a guy named Richard Bartel. :eek::eek::eek:

This season really can't get over soon enough!

Geometry wasn't in your high school courses, Jimbo? To come full circle, which is what Millen accomplished, you have to pass 180. And pass 180 is what the Lions did. They were 6-2 at one point last season (180), and then they proceeded back to where they started, back in the first season of the Millen error. Give the Lions credit, they saw a niche`that wasn't filled (losing 16), and have done their damnest to fufill this opening. Damn hard work. Or is it easy work,see that losing 16 requires not trying hard enough?

Your looking at the small picture, not the BIG picture.
Yes the Lions went 6-2 last year, but the rest has to count as well.

I have lived the BIG PICTURE for 51 years. You want the big picture? As long as William Clay Ford owns this team, you and I will never see the Lions in a Super Bowl! My original point was that Millen drove this franchises in circles, all with Ford's blessing. They brought to the team to the brink of winning last season at their 6-2 start, and then turned the bus around again. Somebody needs to buy these guys a GPS navigator and set it for the Super Bowl (insert your year here). The NFL needs to step in and help Ford. This man is as clueless as can be. I'll give them a head start on which direction to go. Hire a real "football" executive who has a clear and concise on where he's going, and how he wants to build this team. Preferably somebody that understands that the game is won or lost at the line of scrimmage, and with a team that doesn't think "D" is just the fourth letter in the alphabet. Find a coach that shares your "vision" and has actually coached in a few games that mattered. (Read: Super Bowl appearances.) Next - fire the entire scouting staff, and hire some guys that know sh*t from shinola. Draft some kids that can actually play the game, instead of more "projects". Maybe in 2 seasons you will then be in the playoffs, and in a position to win a playoff game.

I feel better now.
Paul, when the Lions got to 6-2 last year, I had them making the playoffs.

Hell, I'm sure you recall my preseason predictions for the Lions- I said they'd go 11-5 and WIN the NFC North!
Don't kick yourself, A lot of people were fooled by the Lions early this season. I guess I was the only one not to drink the Millen Kool-Aid. Now I just hope I will live long enough to see them win again. (My three year old might not live that long.):rolleyes:
I have lived the BIG PICTURE for 51 years. You want the big picture? As long as William Clay Ford owns this team, you and I will never see the Lions in a Super Bowl!

You are correct my friend
My original point was that Millen drove this franchises in circles, all with Ford's blessing. They brought to the team to the brink of winning last season at their 6-2 start, and then turned the bus around again. Somebody needs to buy these guys a GPS navigator and set it for the Super Bowl (insert your year here).
They cannot SPELL GPS

The NFL needs to step in and help Ford. This man is as clueless as can be.

The NFL will NOT step in and help them, there are others just as bad (OK only one, Al DAvis )

I'll give them a head start on which direction to go.
Hire a real "football" executive who has a clear and concise on where he's going, and how he wants to build this team. Preferably somebody that understands that the game is won or lost at the line of scrimmage, and with a team that doesn't think "D" is just the fourth letter in the alphabet.

Great idea, do you think there are any that would like to be in Detroit for 6-12 months a year with the cold weather and the prospects of continued losing ?
Find a coach that shares your "vision" and has actually coached in a few games that mattered. (Read: Super Bowl appearances.)

Next - fire the entire scouting staff, and hire some guys that know sh*t from shinola.
I would fire everyone from Ford down, except they have no idea how to hire replacements
I'm still hoping they hire Parcells, I thought they might actually do that a few coaches back, they could have easily done that when he was working in the studio.

Draft some kids that can actually play the game, instead of more "projects". Maybe in 2 seasons you will then be in the playoffs, and in a position to win a playoff game.

I feel better now.
I'm glad you feel better now ! :D

On to baseball season !!!!

Since Jimbo was more sensible than I was, let me give this a shot. First off, I planned to post earlier this afternoon, but my 3 yr. old son fell in the kitchen, hitting the ceramic floor. Mild concussion for my son, no damage to the floor. This relates to the Lions in that, my boy hit the floor harder than the Lions hit any Falcon. Actually I don't think the Lions defense actually hit anyone!

The amazing thing is that the Falcons were actually a game I thought we could win. Rookie QB, rookie coach, etc... Well the rookie QB's first toss was a 62 yd. TD! Turner runs for 220 yds., and his backup runs for an additional 92 yds. Marinelli talked about "bad tackling", I would call it "no tackling", they barely touched these guys.

Don't let Kitna's numbers fool you either. This guy took only what the Falcons let him have. On one play, he rolled out to his left from the Falcon's 10 yd. line, and could have walked into the end zone backwards, but instead he overthrew a receiver who was double-teamed. When we needed a big play he threw an interception, or threw the ball away. Countless bad decisions. On another drive, he called TO to argue with the receivers coach, and this was a drive we were actually moving the ball on. (We did score, despite the argument.)

The only bright spot I found was Kevin Smith. Again, don't let the numbers fool you, he had 59 yds on 12 carries, 4 additional carries netted him a neg. 11 yds. due to line breakdowns. A star in the making, if he is fortunate enough to ever escape Detroit.

The bottom line is this: the coaching staff did not have this team ready to play, and even if they had, I'm positive we don't have any talent anyhow. It's depressing to see the whole season shot within 10 minutes of the first quarter. If this were my team, I would have left MILLEN and MARINELLI in Atlanta without airfare home.


Dug this nugget up from the first week of the season. Can't believe that i knew the whole season was shot, 10 minutes into it's inception.
One of my great memories as a Bill fan was just uploaded on YouTube.

1990, against the Broncos- Buffalo is down 20-9 to a Denver team that, with three AFC titles in the last four years, was regarded as THE team to beat in the AFC.

77 seconds later, Bills take the lead on 3 touchdowns and go on to a 29-28 win that was an AFC changing of the guard:

While Buffalo began their magnificent stretch of AFC dominance, Denver fell apart- finished 5-11 and Denver, thought they made the AFC Title Game against Buffalo a year later (and lost), Denver was never the same again under Dan Reeves, and truly didn't recover until they hired Mike Shanahan.

Here's the clip:


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