Next Charlie Chat


Original poster
Dec 20, 2005
When is the next Charlie Chat? On the Website all it says is that it is December 12th, 2005. So obvious that they haven't updated it yet. I heard it was Monday the 9th. Please tell me the time and date!!!! Need to find out about upgrade.
it was suppose to be all about the new HD channels but now I think that the whole show will be about lifetime with little talk about HD or MPEG4
I doubt that. I am almost positive that they will discuss HD and MPEG 4 as well as the swap out of receivers. If they don't, there are going to be some very unhappy people.
I have a sneak feeling that once the smoke clears, we'll be leaving the Monday Chuck Chat at least as mad as after the press conference.

I can almost guarentee they won't be taking any live calls or emails other than from their own plants.

Remember, it's when someone thinks they have all the cards that their true colors show.
FreddyvsJasonvsAsh said:
why do they have fake calls? To make them look good or something? LOL give me a break

Chuck is so spontaneously good on his feet that I'm sure they don't feel the need to script anything - especially the calls and emails:D
what does that tell people when they have Dish employees calling asking stupid stuff? I just wish someone would stand up to these big wigs and tell them we won't take it anymore. Hell if I knew how to get ahold of the man I'd do it myself. I'm a very outspoken person and tell it like it is

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