I'm just about to order D* HD service (upgrade from standard service) and the OTA networks are as important to me as what I can get from D* at least until football starts. I am most likely going to order the HDTivo box from Robert's site, so getting the $1049 package from D* that includes the box and installation of an OTA antenna isn't an option. What OTA antenna would you recommend that I get, and should I get a professional installer (and what might that cost)? Here is the information that I got from AntennaWeb.com:
Somehow I am unable to post it in as an image, so I apologize that it isn't easy to read.
DTV AntennaType Call Sign Channel Network City State CompassOrientation MilesFrom FrequencyAssignment
* yellow - uhf KRSC-DT 36.1 PBS CLAREMORE OK 68° 13.5 36
* yellow - uhf KJRH-DT 2.1 NBC TULSA OK 153° 24.1 56
* lt green - vhf KTUL-DT 8.1 ABC TULSA OK 149° 28.8 10
* red - uhf KTFO-DT 41.1 UPN TULSA OK 153° 23.7 42
* red - uhf KOED-DT 11.1 PBS TULSA OK 153° 24.1 38
* red - uhf KOTV-DT 6.1 CBS TULSA OK 153° 24.1 55
* red - uhf KDOR-DT 15.1 TBN BARTLESVILLE OK 14° 12.6 15
* red - uhf KOKI-DT 23.1 FOX TULSA OK 153° 23.7 22
* violet - uhf KWHB-DT 47.1 REL TULSA OK 153° 24.1 48
Somehow I am unable to post it in as an image, so I apologize that it isn't easy to read.
DTV AntennaType Call Sign Channel Network City State CompassOrientation MilesFrom FrequencyAssignment
* yellow - uhf KRSC-DT 36.1 PBS CLAREMORE OK 68° 13.5 36
* yellow - uhf KJRH-DT 2.1 NBC TULSA OK 153° 24.1 56
* lt green - vhf KTUL-DT 8.1 ABC TULSA OK 149° 28.8 10
* red - uhf KTFO-DT 41.1 UPN TULSA OK 153° 23.7 42
* red - uhf KOED-DT 11.1 PBS TULSA OK 153° 24.1 38
* red - uhf KOTV-DT 6.1 CBS TULSA OK 153° 24.1 55
* red - uhf KDOR-DT 15.1 TBN BARTLESVILLE OK 14° 12.6 15
* red - uhf KOKI-DT 23.1 FOX TULSA OK 153° 23.7 22
* violet - uhf KWHB-DT 47.1 REL TULSA OK 153° 24.1 48