Ilya- not to sound snippy, I really do appreciate all the help I'm getting here. But both the installer and myself did not realize there are two different types of voltage return for diplexors ant/sat and sat only.
Wasch 24's photo's made it painfully obvious what the problem was. Maybe Installs or Voom should send those two photos to installers. But in the bigger picture... look at this forum, look at all the botched installs. This is money hemoraging out of VOOM's pocketbook. You've got the added cost of re-installs and de-installs, plus the lost revenue of lost subs.
It was the installer himself who said to me that there really should be a "Voom Install Manual" for the installers. This installer remarked that he does installs for E*, D*, V* and TWC... and that only the V* installs take more than one attempt on average. He also noted that most times, it's equiptment (mainly the STB) failure.