Newbie step by step instructions for dtv using acutrac III

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Original poster
Feb 28, 2012
apologize for having to post the same question again. I called Dish today to activate my box and it was a nightmare, it was one thing after another because I had my own new box so I decided to scrap that idea and go with DTV, called them and the service is much better and got a killer deal.

Is it possible to get step DTV dish alignment using acutrac III plus? It would be greatly appreciated.

I purchased the meters in a package deal on Ebay, I bought an Accutrac III and acutrac III plus, trying to decide which one to sell and I know one thing for sure I will never go to Dish for theire service so I will only need for DTV. What are the advantages to the plus compared to the regular III if I will only be using it for DTV?

Thanks for all your help.
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