Newbie asks-Is this considered piracy??

Out of curiousity, what would have happened if someone had the second dish/receiver in the camp left turned on and went back home and watch TV on the first receiver with the first dish? Busted or what? I do not think they would know would they?
owned 322/522

do not under any circumstances buy a 522/322, least for now. we will not activate any 322/522 receiver is purchased. if you try to add it to a dha account (or one of the few dhp accounts that have dual tuners), it will not be added. no matter where you purchase it we will not add it unless it is a replacement receiver we have ra'd or if it during initial activation of an account.
agi said:
Out of curiousity, what would have happened if someone had the second dish/receiver in the camp left turned on and went back home and watch TV on the first receiver with the first dish? Busted or what? I do not think they would know would they?

no you will not get busted. We have had one receiver at our lake house for 4 years and have had that receiver and other receivers on the account (at different locations) on at the same time with no issues. Dish doesnt know.

The only way they would find out is IF you plug the phone line into the "remote" receiver. and if you do that, well then I dont think we can help you :)

Heck, we had a 301 card swap and that receiver was the one that needed it (the other 2 on the account were OK). I put the card in, called Dish FROM THE CABIN (no that number isnt the number Dish has) and got it working fine. 10 minutes on the phone and we were back in business :)
Is camper on back of pickup truck considered an RV ?

cdru said:
<snip>.....You could consider it a part of an RV which Dish allows (and would also could get you distant networks), but you need to send in your vehical registration to prove that you actually have it. Sending in your registration for your minivan or SUV probably isn't sufficient...although some minivans can get satellite TV nowadays.......<snip>

A camper on the back of a pickup truck makes it an RV but the vehicle registration is still just a standard truck registration. How does "D" deal with that in terms of getting DNS ?

New access cards?

Will Dish have MPEG4 by year end?