For Western Arc, the only difference is the size of the dish and the spacing of the LNBs. (The 1k.4 is larger.)Thanks for that information. So what is the difference in the 1K.2 and the 1K.4 dish.
Thanks for any assistance you can give me to understand what is happening.
Also, the 1k.2 can accept Hybrid LNBs (for Hopper systems) while the 1k.4 only works with DPP LNBs.
For Eastern Arc, the 1k.4 LNB adds a third satellite location (77W) and an input for adding a 4th satellite location.
The 1k.2 LNBs for Eastern Arc only work for 61.5 and 72. The Hybrid version of the EA 1k.2 has an input for a third satellite location. The DPP version does not.